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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


PHP based MVC skeleton.


  • PHP >= 7.0.0
  • Composer
  • redbeards/crew

Demo site

Apache config

Ensure your root folder is set to the public folder.

RewriteEngine On

RewriteBase /

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f

RewriteRule ^(.+)$ index.php?url=$1 [QSA,L]

Nginx config

Ensure your root folder is set to the public folder.

location / {
    try_files $uri $uri/ @qr;

location @qr {
    rewrite ^/(.+)$ /index.php?url=$1 last;


Routing is automatically handled via the Router class. The Router will split the URL by slashes and then work in the following order.

  • check if url[0] is a valid controller
  • check if url[1] is a valid and public method
  • if url[0] is a valid controller, call controller
  • if url[1] is a valid method and public, call method
  • finally, any remaining url are interrupted as GET parameters
  • if the above conditions are not met, then all of url is interrupted as GET parameters
  • if there are POST parameters they are appended to the last url
  • now supports sub folders e.g. Controllers/Members/MyController
Example 1

home = controller
index = method
Example 2 equals Example 1 in short form

controller = default
method = default
Example 3

home = controller
index = method
example1 = method variable 1
example1 = method variable 2
Example 4 equals Example 3 in short form

example1 = no controller, defaults to default controller
example2 = no method, defaults to default method
example1 = method variable 1
example2 = method variable 2

Example Controller

The following is an example controller to test the above Routing.

namespace Demo\Controllers;

class Home extends Controller
    public function __construct()
        //Start session
    //Parameters are derived from the URL by exploding at slash
    public function index($param1 = null, $param2 = null)
        //View page
            [                                                       //Page(s) to load from Views
                'page' => 'home',                                   //Page, used in Views/templates/header.php
                'page_title' => $this->config(''),         //Page title, used in Views/templates/header.php
                'page_description' => 'site description',           //Page description, used in Views/templates/header.php
                'page_keywords' => 'redbeard, example',             //Page keywords, used in Views/templates/header.php
                'token' => $_SESSION['token'],                      //XSS token is automatically generated
                'param1' => $param1,                                //Example GET parameter 1
                'param2' => $param2                                 //Example GET parameter 2
            false                                                   //Hide templates (header/footer)


Config files are set in a PHP file returning an array. Sub arrays are accessed with a . for separation as seen below (up to four levels). Config files can be created under the Config directory to be automatically loaded into the Config array.

Get config from controller
Set config from controller
$this->config('app.timezone', 'UTC');
Get config directly
Set config directly
Config::set('app.timezone', 'UTC');