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Course Lists

Scripts to process course information into sets of departmental CSVs, which are then uploaded into VAULT as openEQUELLA taxonomies.


First, generate a course information CSV using our other project cca/libraries_course_lists2 by downloading the Workday JSON course data and running pipenv run python

Once you have the course data—expected to be named "_informer.csv" and in the "data" directory—run the scripts in this order:

# create ALL the CSVs
./ data/_informer.csv
# delete the last semester's taxonomy terms, only run if not the initial upload
./ data/_informer.csv 'Fall 2023'
# upload everything to VAULT, takes a while
./ data/_informer.csv
# upload only the course list taxonomies to VAULT
./ data/_informer.csv --courses
# files are archived in the /complete/$date directory afterwards


The script should get us most of the way there.

  • mise for python and node programming language version management
  • Node, python 2.7, and python 3, mise install
  • Python's csvkit tools, e.g. uv tool install csvkit or pipx install csvkit (they can be in a Python 3 environment)
  • Fish shell, brew install fish (the Fish scripts could be trivially converted to Bash)
  • jq command-line JSON processor, brew install jq
  • eq, the equella-cli NPM module (npm i -g equella-cli) with administrator credentials in an ".equellarc" file located in your user's home directory (used within scripts in calls to uptaxo)
  • (included in this repo) the uptaxo script which puts a light CLI around the EQUELLA taxonomy update script and its dependencies and from the openEQUELLA docs repo. These may need to be on your PATH, e.g. in a ~/bin directory

Files Generated

CSVs are placed in a "data" directory under the root of the project. They are named ${DEPARTMENT}-${TYPE}.csv e.g. ANIMA-course-titles.csv. Most are just plain text lists but the "course-list-taxo" ones are more complicated and adhere to the upload format that the openEQUELLA taxonomy upload script necessitates.

Logs are made automatically for the most part and placed in a "logs" directory under the root of the project. They're of form YYYY-MM-DD-${TYPE}.txt, where a lack of a type specifier means it's from the main "upload-taxos-to-vault" script while the Syllabus and Architecture Division collections each have their own logs.

Using Python 2.7

The EQUELLA SOAP API scripts mentioned under requirements were written for Python 2 and will probably never be updated to Python 3. TLDR;

brew install openssl@1.1
mise install python 2.7.18
mise local python 2.7.18 3.12

Python 2.7 should install OK from mise. I've found that openssl@1.1 is necessary, 1.0.2 will throw errors.


ECL Version 2.0