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satyamchaurasiapersistent edited this page Oct 3, 2024 · 116 revisions

CxFlow uses Spring Boot and for Server Mode, it requires an application.yml file to drive the execution. The sections below outlines available properties and when/how they can be used in different execution modes. In addition, all the Spring Boot configuration rules apply. For additional information on Spring Boot, refer to

Command-line arguments and environment variables prevail over values specified in application.yml file. To allow for bootstrapping the launch process with various configurations, especially with containers, CxFlow uses overrides on the command line using the format as well as PROPERTY_NAME environment variable overrides.

All the relevant configuration is defined by the application.yml file that resides in the same directory as the JAR file, or if an explicit configuration override is provided on the command line as follows:

$ java -jar cx-flow-<version>.jar \

Please refer to the sample configuration for the entire YAML structure.

  port: ${PORT:8080}

  file: flow.log

  bug-tracker: Json
    - CxXml
    - Csv
    - Json
    - GitLab
    - GitHub
    - Azure
    - Rally
    - develop
    - main
    - release`-\w+ # regular expressions supported. If branch-script is provided, this is ignored. branch-script: D:\\tmp\Branch.groovy #default empty/not used
    - High
    - Stored_XSS
    - SQL_Injection
    - 89
    - 79
    - New
    - Recurrent
    - Confirmed
    - Urgent
  deleteForkedProject: true
  track-application-only: false
  web-hook-queue: 20
  scan-result-queue: 8
  break-build: false
  scan-resubmit: false
  branch-protection-enabled: false
  preserve-project-name: false
  http-connection-timeout: xxx # milliseconds - default 30000
  http-read-timeout: xxx # milliseconds - default 120000
    port: 587
    username: xxx
    password: xxx
    enabled: true
    notification: true # default is false
    cc: # comma-separated list of e-mails
  zip-exclude: \.git/.*, .*\.png
  zip-include: \.git/.*, .*\.png
  comment-script: location/to/commentScript.groovy

  version: 9.0 # Not required for CxSAST version 8.x
  username: xxx
  password: xxx
  client-secret: xxx
  multi-tenant: true
  scan-preset: Checkmarx Default
  configuration: Default Configuration
  team: /CxServer/SP/Machina # \CxServer\SP\Machina for CxSAST 8.x
  scan-timeout: 120 # Webhook and --scan command line only, number of minutes
  scan-polling: 20000
  report-timeout: 300000
  report-polling: 5000
  preserve-xml: true
  enabled-zip-scan: false
  url: ${checkmarx.base-url}/cxrestapi
  # WSDL Config
  portal-url: ${checkmarx.base-url}/cxwebinterface/Portal/CxWebService.asmx
  sdk-url: ${checkmarx.base-url}/cxwebinterface/SDK/CxSDKWebService.asmx
  portal-wsdl: ${checkmarx.base-url}/Portal/CxWebService.asmx?wsdl
  sdk-wsdl: ${checkmarx.base-url}/SDK/CxSDKWebService.asmx?wsdl
  project-script: D:\\tmp\CxProject.groovy # default empty/not used
  team-script: D:\\tmp\CxTeam.groovy # default empty/not used
    "5": "SUSPICIOUS"
    "5": "SUSPICIOUS"
    "[[^a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+]": "_" # Key is having regular expression
    # "[/]": "_"   #Use this expression if you want to replace / by underscore 
  post-action-postback-id: 123456
  settings-override: true #default false if not provide
  cx-branch: false
  scan-queuing: true
  scan-queuing-timeout: 720 # Webhook and --scan command line only, number of minutes
  project-branching-check-count: 5
  project-branching-check-interval: 10
  restrict-results-to-branch: true

  webhook-token: XXXXX
  token: XXXXX
  false-positive-label: false-positive
  block-merge: true
  cx-summary-header: Checkmarx Scan Summary
  cx-summary: true # default false if not provided
  flow-summary-header: Violation Summary
  flow-summary: true # default true if not provided
  detailed-header: Details
  detailed: true # default true if not provided

  webhook-token: XXXXX
  token: XXXXX
  false-positive-label: false-positive
  block-merge: true

  webhook-token: XXXXX
  token: XXXXX
  api-path: /2.0
  false-positive-label: false-positive

  webhook-token: xxxx
  token: xxxx
  issue-type: issue
  api-version: 5.0
  false-positive-label: false-positive

  token: xxxx
  rally-project-id: xxxx
  rally-workspace-id: xxxx

  username: XXXXX
  token: XXXXX
  project: <JIRA PROJECT KEY>
  issue-type: <JIRA ISSUE TYPE>
  label-prefix: <CUSTOM PREFIX NAME >
    Critical: Highest
    High: High
    Medium: Medium
    Low: Low
    Informational: Lowest
  open-transition: In Review
  close-transition: Done
    - To Do
    - In Progress
    - In Review
    - Done
    - Hardcoded_Password_in_Connection_String
    - Password_In_Comment
    - Use_Of_Hardcoded_Password
    - type: result
      name: application
      jira-field-name: Application
      jira-field-type: label
    - type: result
      name: cve
      jira-field-name: CVEs
      jira-field-type: label
    - type: result
      name: cwe
      jira-field-name: CWEs
      jira-field-type: label
    - type: result
      name: category
      jira-field-name: Category
      jira-field-type: label
    - type: result
      name: loc
      jira-field-name: LOC
      jira-field-type: label
      jira-default-value: XXXXX

  file-name-format: "[NAMESPACE]-[REPO]-[BRANCH]-[TIME].json"
  data-folder: "C:\\tmp"

  file-name-format: "[NAMESPACE]-[REPO]-[BRANCH]-[TIME].xml"
  data-folder: "C:\\tmp"

  file-name-format: "[TEAM]-[PROJECT]-[TIME].csv"
  data-folder: "C:\\tmp"
  include-header: true
    - header: Customer field (Application)
      name: application
      default-value: unknown
    - header: Primary URL
      name: static
      default-value: ${tmp.url}
    - header: severity
      name: severity
    - header: Vulnerability ID
      name: summary
      prefix: "[APP]:"
    - header: file
      name: filename
    - header: Vulnerability ID
      name: summary
    - header: Vulnerability Name
      name: category
    - header: Category ID
      name: cwe
    - header: Description
      name: summary
      prefix: "*"
      postfix: "*"
    - header: Severity
      name: severity
    - header: recommendation
      name: recommendation

Examples to convert YAML property to CLI property

    - Stored_XSS
    - SQL_Injection
    high: 10
    medium: 10
    low: 10

Examples to convert YAML property to Environment variables

#Environment variables
    - Stored_XSS
    - SQL_Injection
#Environment variables
    high: 10
    medium: 10
    low: 10
#Environment variables
  port: ${PORT:8080}
Config Default Required WebHook Command Line Notes
port 8080 No Yes No The default value is 8080 unless an environment variable port is defined
  bug-tracker: Json
    - CxXml
    - Csv
    - Json
    - GitLab
    - GitHub
    - Azure
    - Rally
    - develop
    - main
    - release`-\w+ # regular expressions supported. If branch-script is provided, this is ignored. branch-script: D:\\tmp\Branch.groovy #default empty/not used
    - High
    - Stored_XSS
    - SQL_Injection
    - 89
    - 79
    - New
    - Recurrent
    - Confirmed
    - Urgent
  deleteForkedProject: true
  track-application-only: false
  web-hook-queue: 20
  scan-result-queue: 8
  branch-protection-enabled: false
  break-build: false
  scan-resubmit: false
  preserve-project-name: false
  http-connection-timeout: xxx # milliseconds - default 30000
  http-read-timeout: xxx # milliseconds - default 120000
    port: 587
    username: xxx
    password: xxx
    enabled: true
    notification: true # default is false
    cc: # comma-separated list of e-mails
  zip-exclude: \.git/.*, .*\.png
  zip-include: \.git/.*, .*\.png
  comment-script: location/to/commentScript.groovy
  core-poolsize: 54
  max-poolsize: 302
  queue-capacityarg: 600
Config Default Required WebHook Command Line Notes
contact No Contact email for the CxFlow administrator
bug-tracker Yes Yes Yes Must be one of the following:
- None
- Jira
- Email
- Any value specified in the bug-tracker-impl custom bean implementations list (a white list of bug tracker implementations)

Note: JIRA/EMAIL/NONE are built in and not required in the bug-tracker-impl list
bug-tracker-impl No (Only if using one of the applicable bug tracker implementations) Yes Yes List of available bug trackers (feedback channels). Currently support for:
- Csv
- Json
- GitLab
- GitHub
- Azure
- Rally
branches No Yes Yes List of protected branches that drive scanning within the WebHook flow. If a pull or push event is initiated to one of the protected branches listed here, the scan is initiated. For example:
- develop
- main
- security
- release-\w+

If no value is provided, all branches are applicable.

Regular expressions are supported. (i.e. release-\w+ will match any branches starting with "release-" followed by one or more alphanumeric characters. If a regular expression is used, it must match the complete branch name, not just a prefix.)
branch-script No Yes No A groovy script that can be used to decide, if a branch is applicable for scanning. This applies to any client custom lookups and other integrations. The script is passed as a "request" object of the type com.checkmarx.flow.dto.ScanRequest and must return boolean (true/false). If this script is provided, it is used for all decisions associated with determining applicability for a branch event to be scanned. **A sample script is attached to this page.
filter-severity No Yes Yes The severity can be filtered during feedback (High, Medium, Low, Informational). If no value is provided, all severity levels are applicable.
filter-category No Yes Yes The list of vulnerability types to be included with the results (Stored_XSS, SQL_Injection) as defined within Checkmarx. If no value is provided, all categories are applicable.
filter-cwe No Yes Yes The list of CWEs to be included with the results (79, 89). If no value is provided, all categories are applicable.
filter-state No Yes Yes The available options are To Verify, Confirmed, Urgent and Proposed Not Exploitable. This only allows for filtering the results that have been confirmed/validated within Checkmarx.
mitre-url No Yes Yes Provides a link in the issue body for Jira, GitLab Issues and GitHub Issues to help guide developers. The link is not provided, if left empty or omitted.
wiki-url No Yes Yes Provides a link in the issue body for Jira, GitLab Issues and GitHub Issues associated with internal program references (program/assessment methodology, remediation guidance, etc). The link is not provided, if left empty or omitted.
codebash-url No Yes Yes Provides a link in the issue body for Jira, GitLab Issues and GitHub Issues associated with training. The link is titled 'Training' and is not provided, if left empty or omitted.
track-application-only false No* Yes Yes
web-hook-queue 100 No* Yes No The maximum number of active scans initiated via WebHook at a given time. Requests remain queued until a slot is free.
scan-result-queue 4 No* Yes Yes The maximum number of scan results being processed at the same time. Requests remain queued until a slot is free.
As XML files can become large, it is important to limit the number that can be processed at the same time.
break-build false No* No Yes A non-zero return code (10) is provide when any of the filtering criteria is met within scan results. See detail here
branch-protection-enabled false No* No Yes If Value set is true then only protected branches will scanned by cx-flow
http-connection-timeout 30000 No* Yes Yes Http client connection timeout setting. Not applied for the Jira client.
http-read-timeout 120000 No* Yes Yes Http client read timeout setting. Not applied for the Jira client.
mail enabled:false No* Yes Yes SMTP configuration - host, port, username, password, enabled (false by default). When enabled, email is a valid feedback channel, and an html template is used to provide result details. During WebHook execution, the email is sent to the list of committers in the push event.
zip-exclude No No Yes Comma-separated list of regexes. Instructs CxFlow to exclude specific files when it creates a zip archive. See the details here.
zip-include No No Yes Comma-separated list of regexes. Instructs CxFlow to include specific files when it creates a zip archive. See the details here.
auto-profile false No Yes No During WebHook execution, language stats and files are gathered to help determine an appropriate preset to use. By default, the profiling initially occurs only when a project is new/created for the first time. Refer to CxFlow Automated Code Profiling for details.
always-profile false No Yes No This enforces the auto-profile execution for each scan request regardless of whether the project is new or not.
profiling-depth 1 No Yes No The folder depth that is inspected for file names during the profiling process, which means looking for specific file references, i.e. web.xml/Web.config
profile-config CxProfile.json No Yes No The file that contains the profile configuration mapping.
scan-resubmit false No Yes No When True: If a scan is active for the same project, CxFlow cancels the active scan and submits a new scan. When False: If a scan is active for the same project, CxFlow does not submit a new scan.
preserve-project-name false No Yes Yes When False: The project name will be the repository name after normalization (i.e. Front-End-dev). Legal characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, -, _, .. All other characters will be replaced in the normalization process with "-".
When True: The project name will be the exact project name inputted without normalization (i.e. Front End-dev).
For attention:
1. Not all scanners allow project names with invalid characters.
2. The preserve-project-name parameter is also effective for project name coming from config-as-code.
merge-id Merge Id No No Yes Pass Merge Id from CLI mode for Specific Merge Request. Used in by GiLab CI/CD Pipeline.
merge-title Merge Title No No Yes Pass Merge Title from CLI mode for Specific Merge Request. Used in by GiLab CI/CD Pipeline.
comment-script No Yes Yes A groovy script that can be used to determine the scan comment to be sent to the CxSAST server during a scan. see details here
core-poolsize 50 No No Yes The amount of worker which can work on a thread parallel.
max-poolsize 200 No No Yes The amount of threads which can be created parallel.
queue-capacity 10000 No No Yes When the amount of threads present are more than the max poolsize then the threads will wait in the queue. This parameter defines the size of that queue.
comment No No Yes User can store comments field in metadata about the scan.
overrideProjectSetting No No Yes The utilization of this boolean variable empowers the user to restrict the override of project settings. By setting this variable, users can prevent any unauthorized alterations to the project's settings, ensuring stability and adherence to predefined configurations. This functionality serves as a safeguard against inadvertent or malicious changes that could potentially disrupt the project's operations. Thus, the boolean variable offers a valuable mechanism for maintaining the integrity and consistency of project settings, enhancing overall control and security within the system. Its implementation empowers users with the ability to govern and protect vital project parameters from unwarranted modifications.
enabledVulnerabilityScanners false No Yes Yes User can define which checkmarx tool they want to use like SAST, SCA or both.
deleteForkedProject false No Yes No User can delete forked projects created on SAST portal.
delete-branched-project false No Yes No User can delete branched project created on SAST portal.

No* = Default is applied

    port: 587
    username: xxx
    password: xxx
    enabled: true
    notification: true # default is false
    cc: # comma-separated list of e-mails

Filtering, as specified above, is available on the following criteria:

  filter-severity: Medium
  filter-category: Stored_XSS
  filter-cwe: 79
  filter-state: Confirmed
  • Severity → Severity from Checkmarx
  • Category → Vulnerability name within Checkmarx
  • CWE → CWE value from Checkmarx
  • State → Urgent | Confirmed

All values are case-sensitive as per the output from Checkmarx (i.e. High severity, Stored_XSS, Confirmed).

We can exclude vulnerabilities according to category, cwe and state.

 exclude-category: Stored_XSS
 exclude-cwe: 79
 exclude-state: Confirmed
  • Category → Vulnerability name within Checkmarx
  • CWE → CWE value from Checkmarx
  • State → Urgent | Confirmed

All values are case-sensitive as per the output from Checkmarx (Stored_XSS, Confirmed).

The configuration option instructs CxFlow to exclude specific files when it creates a zip archive.


The following option excludes all .png files from the archive, as well as all files inside a root-level .git directory:

  zip-exclude: \.git/.*, .*\.png

The meaning and syntax of the option are different as opposed to the checkmarx.exclude-folders and checkmarx.exclude-files options.

  • If User want to exclude folders or exclude files, settings-override should be true. If user is using CLI they can pass parameter as --checkmarx.settings-override=true
  • If user is using Github Action value of exclude files or folders should not be in double or single quotes. Example : If user want to exclude folder name abc he should pass parameter as --checkmarx.exclude-folders=abc or --checkmarx.exclude-folders=*abc or ``--checkmarx.exclude-folders=*abc* checkmarx.exclude-folders, checkmarx.exclude-files
Uses regexes Use wildcards
Works locally, before the sources are sent for scan Work in CxSAST when it already has the sources is a comma-separated list. Each of the list items is a regex (not a wildcard). Spaces before and after a comma are ignored.

During zipping, CxFlow checks each file in the target directory against each of the regexes in If there is a match, CxFlow excludes the file from the archive. In this case, when log level is debug, CxFlow writes a message to the log having the following format:

match: <regex>|<relative_file_path>

CxFlow uses relative file path to test the regex match. E.g. if the following file exists:


and we specify this CLI option: --f="c:\cxdev\projectsToScan\myproj,

then CxFlow will check the following relative file path against the regexes:


CxFlow normalizes slashes in the relative path into a forward slash (/).

For a file to be excluded, a regex must match the whole relative file path. Thus, the .* regex expression should be used where necessary.

Zip Include

The configuration option instructs CxFlow to include specific files when it creates a zip archive.

  zip-include: \.git/.*, .*\.png

Note: Process of zip-exclude and zip-include are same, the only difference is zip-exclude excludes the files from zip and zip-include includes only mentioned files to zip.

The configuration can be set or overridden at execution time using the command line (--cx-flow.break-build=true) to exit the command line execution flow for a single project result or scan for results that meet the filter criteria.

For more details on break build, please refer to Thresholds and policies chapter.

Note: This does not apply to WebHooks or for batch cli execution (instance and team). It only works, if one project result is processed.

Config Default Required WebHook Command Line Notes
username Yes Yes Yes Service account for Checkmarx
password Yes Yes Yes Service account password Checkmarx
client-secret Yes Yes Yes OIDC client secret for API login to Checkmarx
scope Yes Yes Yes While using scope value in CLI, it must be provided in double quotes "" otherwise an exception will be thrown.
base-url Yes Yes Yes Base FQDN and port for Checkmarx
multi-tenant false No* Yes Yes (Scan only) If yes, the name space is created or reused, if it has been pre-registered or already created for previous scans)
version Yes (if Using CxSAST 9.0 or higher) Yes Yes Required for CxSAST version 9.0 and higher
scan-preset Checkmarx Default No* Yes Yes (Scan only) The default preset used for the triggered scan
configuration Default Configuration No* Yes Yes (Scan only) Checkmarx scan configuration setting
team Yes (not for XML parse mode) Yes Yes (Scan only) Base team in Checkmarx to drive scanning and retrieving of results
scan-timeout 120 No* Yes Yes (scan only) The amount of time (in minutes) that cx-flow will wait for a scan to complete to process the results. The Checkmarx scan remains as is, but no feedback is provided
scan-polling 20000 No Yes Yes The amount of time (in milliseconds) in which cx-flow pings CxSAST server to get the status of the scan (i.e Queued, Finished or Failed).
report-timeout 300000 No Yes Yes The amount of time (in milliseconds) for which cx-flow will wait for CxSAST to generate scan report.If report is not generated within 300000(in miliseconds)it will through Timeout exceeded during report generation as error message.
report-polling 5000 No Yes Yes The amount of time (in milliseconds) in which cx-flow pings CxSAST server to get the status of the report.
preserve-xml false No* Yes Yes This flag is used to preserve the original XML results retrieved by the Checkmarx scan inside the ScanResults object to be later used by a Custom bug tracker implementation, if required. Currently, CxXMLIssueTracker uses this flag
incremental false No* Yes Yes Enables support for incremental scan support when CxFlow is triggering scans. The incremental-num-scans and incremental-threshold values must not be exceeded for the last available full scan criteria.
incremental-num-scans 5 No* Yes Yes (scan only) The maximum number of scans before a full scan is required
project-script No Yes Yes A groovy script that can be used for deciding the name of the project to create/use in Checkmarx. This is to allow for any client custom lookups and other integrations. The script is passed a "request" object, which is of type com.checkmarx.flow.dto.ScanRequest, and must return String representing the team name to be used. If this script is provided, it is used for all decisions associated with the determining project name
team-script No Yes Yes A groovy script that can be used for deciding the team to use in Checkmarx. This is to allow for any client custom lookups and other integrations. The script is passed a "request" object, which is of type com.checkmarx.flow.dto.ScanRequest, and must return String representing the team path to be used. If this script is provided, it is used for all decisions associated with determining project name.
incremental-threshold 7 No* Yes Yes (scan only) The maximum number of days before a full scan is required
offline false No* No Yes (parse only) Use Table this only when parsing Checkmarx XML, this flag removes the dependency from Checkmarx APIs when parsing results. This skips retrieving the issue description from Checkmarx.
exclude-files No Yes Yes Files to be excluded from Scan
exclude-folders No Yes Yes Folders to be excluded from Scan
custom-state-map No No Yes A map of custom result state identifiers to custom result state names
custom-state-false-positive-map No No Yes If user want to consider custom result state identifiers as false positive they can use this map.
modify-branch-name-by-pattern-map No No Yes If a user's project name contains the branch name and the Govy script is modifying both the project name and the branch name because the branch name was detected, we can utilize this parameter to synchronize and adjust the branch name accordingly. E.g- Project name : project name : abc-feature/1.0 and Branch Name : feature/1.0 and grrovy script changed projectname to : abc-feature_1.0 Branch then we have to replace / by _ which cann be done using this parameter map.
post-action-postback-id No Yes Yes Sets the SAST project's post-scan action to use the post-scan action with the provided Id defined in SAST.If not provided, the project does not get configured to use a post-scan action.
settings-override No Yes Yes Defaults value false, if set to true the projects settings are re-written/overridden when each SAST scan is invoked from CxFlow
cx-branch false No Yes Yes A flag to enable branching of projects in CxSAST.
scan-queuing false No Yes Yes A flag to enable queuing of scan events.
scan-queuing-timeout 720 No Yes Yes The amount of time (in minutes) for which cx-flow will keep a scan event data in its queue before sending to CxSAST, when all the available concurrent scans in CxSAST are in use.
disable-clubbing false No Yes Yes If set to true, results are not grouped at all.By default, results are grouped only by vulnerability and filename.
email-notifications No Yes (Scan only) A map containing any or all of the following keys: after-scan, before-scan, failed-scan. The vaue of each key is a list of email addresses to which a notification should be sent in the case of the relevant event.
project-branching-check-count 3 No Yes Yes (Scan only) The number of times to check the project branching status after a project has been branched. Only relevant for versions of CxSAST that support the querying of the branching status (API version 4 and higher).
project-branching-check-interval 5 No Yes Yes (Scan only) The interval between checks of the project branching status. For versions of CxSAST that do not support querying the project branching status, execution will pause once for the specified duration.
restrict-results-to-branch false No Yes Yes (Scan only) If set to true, when scanning a branched project, only results detected on the branch are reported. As the OData API is needed for this functionality, the CxSAST user used must be a assigned a role with the “API” permission. Also, the client-id property should be set to “resource_owner_sast_client” and the scope property should be set to “access_control_api sast_api”.
forcescan false No Yes Yes (--forcescan) Specifies whether the code should be scanned regardless of unchanged code
delete-running-scans false No Yes Yes used while deleting running scan when project needs to be deleted
GITLAB_ERROR_MERGE (YML Parameter) false No No No To enable pull request status checks in GITLAB, set value to true.
GITLAB_BLOCK_MERGE (YML Parameter) false No No No To enable pull request status checks in GITLAB, set value to true.
cxflow.enabledVulnerabilityScanners false No Yes Yes User can define which checkmarx tool they want to use like SAST, SCA or both.
checkmarx.considerScanningStatus false No Yes Yes By default, Checkmarx only includes completed scans (finished status) in incremental scans. This means it ignores scans that are currently running (scanning) or waiting to be processed (new queue). Enabling a feature this variable "cxflow" expands what incremental scans consider. With cxflow, scans in progress and those queued up are also taken into account, providing a more comprehensive view of your code's security posture.
enabled-zip-scan false No Yes Yes When enabled-zip-scan is set to true then cx-flow will first clone the repository locally, and then it will zip the repository and send it for scanning.
truststorepath false No Yes Yes User need to provide path of custom keystore along with file name.
truststorepassword false No Yes Yes User need to provide custom keystore password.
customkeystore false No Yes Yes When customkeystore is set to true then cx-flow will consider custom keystore.
trustcerts false No Yes Yes If this option is true Cx-flow will bypass SSL. Default value is false so it will not bypass SSL.
isBranchedIncremental false No Yes Yes If this option is true Cx-flow will do incremental scan for first time created branched project.
cancelInpregressScan false No Yes Yes If a scan timeout occurs and the user requests to cancel the in-progress scan, set this boolean variable to true.
No* = Default is applied

Custom Checkmarx Fields

Custom Checkmarx Field Name Required WebHook Command Line Notes
jira-project No Yes Yes Custom Checkmarx field name to override Jira Project setting for a given Checkmarx scan result / project
jira-issuetype No Yes Yes Custom Checkmarx field name to override Jira Issue Type settings for a given Checkmarx scan result / project
jira-fields No Yes Yes Custom Checkmarx field name to override Jira custom field mappings for a given Checkmarx scan result / project
jira-assignee No Yes Yes Custom Checkmarx field name to override Jira assignees for a given Checkmarx scan result / project
  version: 9.0 # Required for version 9.x
  username: xxxxx
  password: xxxxx
  client-id: resource_owner_client
  client-secret: 014DF517-39D1-4453-B7B3-9930C563627C
  scope: access_control_api sast_rest_api # Required for version 9.x
  base-url: http://cx.local
  multi-tenant: true
  configuration: Default Configuration
  scan-preset: Checkmarx Default
  team: /CxServer/Checkmarx/CxFlow
  url: ${checkmarx.base-url}/cxrestapi
  preserve-xml: true
  incremental: true
  trustcerts: true
  portal-url: ${checkmarx.base-url}/cxwebinterface/Portal/CxWebService.asmx
  exclude-files: "*.tst,*.json"
  exclude-folders: ".git,test"
  cx-branch: false
  scan-queuing: true
  scan-timeout: 120
  scan-polling: 20000
  report-timeout: 300000
  report-polling: 5000
  scan-queuing-timeout: 720 # Webhook and --scan command line only, number of minutes  


  • Make sure to include version: 9.0 (or higher) and scope: access_control_api sast_rest_api
  • The Team path must include the unix path separator /, the path is for example defined as follows: /CxServer/Checkmarx/CxFlow

On using post back mode, Checkmarx post back action will be added to the Checkmarx project and that action will trigger the /postbackAction endpoint on CxFlow.

post-action-postback-id: 123456

For more details on postback mode, Please refer to CxSAST Version 9.0 chapter

The configuration can be set to override project settings with Cxflow configuration when triggering new scan for SAST project, or to avoid project setting update if property set to 'false'.

Defaults value is false, if set to true the projects settings like "scan-preset","post-action-postback-id" are re-written/overridden when each SAST scan is invoked from CxFlow.

settings-override: true #default false if not provide

A branched project is a child of a base project in CxSAST. Upon initiating a scan from the default branch of a repository, CxSAST creates a base project in the server with name RepoName-defaultBranchName and any subsequent scans from the branches of that repository will create child projects off of it with name RepoName-currentBranchName. The project count in CxSAST does not increase when a branched project is added. Branching of projects can be enabled by setting the cx-branch property to true.

Base Project Creation:

  • When you initiate a scan from the default branch of a repository, CxSAST automatically creates a base project on the server.
  • The naming convention used is RepoName-defaultBranchName (e.g., MyRepo-main if main is your default branch).

Child Projects (Branched Projects):

  • For scans initiated from other branches (not the default), CxSAST creates branched projects or child projects.
  • These child projects are named using the convention RepoName-currentBranchName (e.g., MyRepo-feature1).
  • Importantly, the total project count in CxSAST does not increase when these branched projects are added. They are treated as extensions of the base project.

Enabling Project Branching:

  • To enable project branching, you need to set the cx-branch property to true.
  • Additionally, you must provide both the default branch name and the current branch name.

Project Count

  • The overall project count in CxSAST does not increase when branched projects are added. Branched projects are managed under the umbrella of the base project, which keeps the total project count static.

Enabling Project Branching

Implementation Example:

  • When configuring the scan (e.g., via a CxSAST API or build pipeline), you might set these properties like this:
  cx-branch: true #default false if not provided
  • CLI parameter to provide default branch name is default-branch = main and current branch can be passed branch = feature1.
  • In case of webhook it will be passed automatically in payloads.

If the number of concurrent scans which can run on CxSAST server is all utilized, then enabling scan-queuing will allow CxFlow to keep the event of the scan within itself and let the existing scans finish before sending the new scan event to CxSAST. Cx-flow keeps events with itself for a number of minutes, specified by the scan-queuing-timeout parameter, with a default value of 120 minutes.

  scan-queuing: true
  scan-queuing-timeout: 720 #Amount of time in minutes

The amount of time (in minutes) for which cx-flow will wait for CxSAST scan to finish.If scan is not completed within 120(in minutes) then it will gives Timeout exceeded during scan as error messase.The default value of scanTimeout 120 minutes. The amount of time (in milliseconds) in which cx-flow pings CxSAST server to get the status of the scan (i.e Queued, Finished or Failed).The default value of scanPolling 20000 miliseconds.

  scan-timeout: 120 #Amount of time in minutes
  scan-polling: 20000 #Amount of time in miliseconds

The amount of time (in milliseconds) for which cx-flow will wait for CxSAST to generate scan report.If report is not generated within 300000(in miliseconds)it will through Timeout exceeded during report generation as error message.The default value of reportTimeout 30000 miliseconds. The amount of time (in milliseconds) in which cx-flow pings CxSAST server to get the status of the report.The default value of reportPolling 5000 miliseconds.

  report-timeout: 300000 #Amount of time in miliseconds
  report-polling: 5000 #Amount of time in miliseconds

If present, this property specifies the email notifications to be sent when a SAST scan is run. Notifications can be sent before a scan starts, after a scan finishes, and when a scan fails. The content of the email-notifications property is a map from the following keys to lists of email receipients: after-scan, before-scan, failed-scan.


Email notifications can also be configured via conf-as-code.

Each repository type requires its own specific configuration block as defined below. Each of these have available overrides that can be provided in the form of URL parameters or as a JSON configuration blob that is base64 encoded and provided as an url parameter (override=).

WebHook scans are triggered based on the protected branches list. This configuration is under the config block.

The protected branches list can be provided in the application.yml file under the cx-flow section, or it can be provided in the config-as-code file. If branches are provided in application.yml as well as config-as-code file then the branches in config-as-code file will override the branches in application.yml. If protected branches is not provided in either of the files then CxFlow triggers a scan for Push/Pull/Merge event for all the branches.

For Pull/Merge, if a request is made to pull/merge code into one of the listed protected branches, CxFlow triggers the scan. The pull/merge is commented with the filtered findings from Checkmarx.

For Push, the findings are published according to the specified bug-tracker in the main or overridden configuration - i.e. JSON/CSV/XML output or Jira defect.

For additional information, refer to the workflow for WebHooks.

@RequestParam(value = "application", required = false) String application,
@RequestParam(value = "branch", required = false) List<String> branch,
@RequestParam(value = "severity", required = false) List<String> severity,
@RequestParam(value = "cwe", required = false) List<String> cwe,
@RequestParam(value = "category", required = false) List<String> category,
@RequestParam(value = "project", required = false) String project,
@RequestParam(value = "team", required = false) String team,
@RequestParam(value = "status", required = false) List<String> status,
@RequestParam(value = "assignee", required = false) String assignee,
@RequestParam(value = "preset", required = false) String preset,
@RequestParam(value = "incremental", required = false) Boolean incremental,
@RequestParam(value = "exclude-files", required = false) List<String> excludeFiles,
@RequestParam(value = "exclude-folders", required = false) List<String> excludeFolders,
@RequestParam(value = "override", required = false) String override,
@RequestParam(value = "bug", required = false) String bug,
@RequestParam(value = "app-only", required = false) Boolean appOnlyTracking,
@RequestParam(value = "state", required = false) List<String> state,
@RequestParam(value = "threshold-high", required =false) Integer thresholdHigh,
@RequestParam(value = "threshold-medium", required =false) Integer thresholdMedium,
@RequestParam(value = "threshold-low", required = false) Integer thresholdLow,
@RequestParam(value = "threshold-info", required = false) Integer thresholdInfo

These parameters are related to the WebHook URL parameters above.

Configuration Description
application Override the application name, which is directly linked to Jira and other defect management implementations for tracking purposes.
branch Override the protected branches that drive the scan. For multiple branches, simply list the branch multiple times. i.e. branch=XXX&branch=YYYY
severity Override the severity filters. For multiple severity simply list multiple times, i.e. severity=High&severity=Medium
cwe Override the cwe filters. For multiple cwe, simply list the cwe multiple times, i.e. cwe=89&cwe=79
category Override the category filters. For multiple category, simply list category multiple times, i.e. category=Stored_XSS&category=SQL_Injection
project Override the project name that will be created/used in Checkmarx. This allows for greater flexibility for incremental scan relating to pull requests, i.e. use a standardized pull project name that is always used regardless of the branch - ?project=repo-pull
team Override the team within Checkmarx to use/create project under.
state Override the state filters (Confirmed/Urgent). For multiple state, simply list the state multiple times, i.e. status=Confirmed&status=Urgent
status Override the status filter. For multiple status, simply list the status multiple times, i.e. status=New&status=Recurrent
assignee Override the assignee
preset Override the Checkmarx preset rules for scanning
incremental Override incremental property to enable/disable incremental scan support
exclude-files Override file exclusions
exclude-folders Override folder exclusions
override Override a complete JSON blob as defined below
bug Override the default configured bug
app-only This forces Jira issues to be tracked according to the defined application / repo name, as opposed to defining uniqueness per namespace/repo/branch
threshold-high Override High severity count threshold
threshold-medium Override Medium severity count threshold
threshold-low Override Low severity count threshold
threshold-info Override Info severity count threshold
Note: Overrides are not required. You only need it if you want to override the global configuration specified from the main application.yml

Notes: All the repository configurations have common elements such as:

  • token → api token for the repo, to gain access (typically personal access token for a service account)
  • web-token → CxFlow shared secret to be used when registering the webhook on the repo
  • url → base url for the repo
  • api-url → base url for the api endpoints for the repo
  • block-merge → boolean, determine if merge should be blocked while scan is completing in Checkmarx
  • cx-summary-header → Pull/Merge Markdown comment header for the Checkmarx Summary, if used
  • cx-summary → boolean, determine if the base Checkmarx Summary is displayed (unfiltered)
  • flow-summary-header → Pull/Merge Markdown comment header for the CxFlow Violation Summary, if used
  • flow-summary → boolean, determine if the base CxFlow Violation Summary is displayed (filtered)
  • detailed-header → Pull/Merge Markdown comment header for the CxFlow details, if used
  • detailed → boolean, determine if the detailed CxFlow results (vulnerability lines/files are displayed
  webhook-token: xxxx
  token: xxxx
  false-positive-label: false-positive
  block-merge: true
  detailed: false
  scan-submitted-comment: false
  max-description-length : <should be greater than 4 and less than 50000>
  max-delay : <minimum value should be 3>
  comment-update: false
  zero-vulnerability-summary: true
    - type: result
      name: application
    - type: result
      name: project
Configuration Default Description
webhook-token Token used as a shared secret when calling the CxFlow WebHook WebService. It authenticates users for the request. GitHub signs the request with this value, and the signature is validated on the receiving end.
token The API token with access to the repository, with at least Read only access to the code, the ability to add comments to pull requests, and the ability to create GitHub Issues.
url Main repo url for GitHub
api-url The API endpoint for GitHub, which is a different context or potentially FQDN than the main repo url.
false-positive-label false-positive A label that can be defined within the GitHub Issue feedback that is used to ignore issues
block-merge false When triggering scans based on PullRequest, this will create a new status of pending, which will block the merge ability until the scan is complete in Checkmarx.
scan-submitted-comment true Comment on PullRequest with "Scan submitted (or not submitted) to Checkmarx ...".
max-description-length 50000 Manages number of characters to view in issue description.(value should be greater than 4 and less than 50000)
max-delay When Secondary rate limit is hit, it will delay each API call for issue creation(Mininum value should be 3)
comment-update true if false, will create a new comment for every scan
zero-vulnerability-summary false if true, will not comment in PR decoration any details for scans as vulnerabilities are zero.
fields Refer page: Bug-Trackers-and-Feedback-Channels Chapter Github Fields
Note: A service account is required with access to the repositories that will be scanned, pull requests that will be commented on, and GitHub issues that will be created/updated.
  webhook-token: xxxx
  token: xxxx
  false-positive-label: false-positive
  block-merge: true
  comment-update: false
  zero-vulnerability-summary: true
    - type: result
      name: application
    - type: result
      name: project
Configuration Default Description
webhook-token Token used as a shared secret when calling the CxFlow WebHook WebService. It authenticates users for the request.
token This is the API token with access to the repository, with at least Read only access to code, the ability to add comments to pull requests, and the ability to create GitLab issues.
url Main repo url for GitLab.
api-url The API endpoint for GitLab, which serves a different context or potential FQDN than the main repo url.
false-positive-label false-positive A label that can be defined within the GitLab Issue feedback to ignore issues
block-merge false When triggering scans based on Merge Request, the Merge request is marked as WIP in GitLab, which blocks the merge ability until the scan is complete in Checkmarx.
scan-submitted-comment true Comment on Merge Request with "Scan submitted (or not submitted) to Checkmarx ...".
comment-update true if false, will create a new comment for every scan
zero-vulnerability-summary false if true, will not comment in PR decoration any details for scans as vulnerabilities are zero.
fields Refer page: Bug-Trackers-and-Feedback-Channels Chapter Gitlab Fields

Note: A service account is required with access to the repositories that are going to be scanned, pull requests that are commented on, and GitLab issues that are created/updated.

  webhook-token: cxflow:1234
  token: xxxx
  issue-type: issue
  api-version: 5.0
  false-positive-label: false-positive
  block-merge: true
  closed-status: Closed
  open-status: Active
  zero-vulnerability-summary: true
Configuration Default Description
webhook-token : as defined when registering the event in ADO. Used as a shared secret when calling the CxFlow WebHook WebService. It authenticates users for the request.
token This is the API token with access to the repository. It has at least Read only access to code, the ability to add comments to pull requests, and the ability to create Azure WorkItems.
url Main repo url for Azure DevOps, including high level namespace. Note: this is only required when running from the command line and not for WebHooks.
issue-type issue The WorkItem type within Azure, i.e. issue / impediment.
issue-body description The body to enter free text regarding the issue. The default across various workItem types are Description or System.Description.
app-tag-prefix app Used for tracking existing issues. Issues are tagged with this value, if app is provided (without namespace/repo/branch)
owner-tag-prefix owner Used for tracking existing issues. Issues are tagged with this value
repo-tag-prefix repo Used for tracking existing issues. Issues are tagged with this value
branch-label-prefix branch Used for tracking existing issues. Issues are tagged with this value
api-version 5.0 Azure DevOps API version to use
open-status Status when re-opening a a workItem
closed-status Status when closing a workItem
false-positive-label false-positive A label/tag that can be defined within the Azure Issue feedback being used to ignore issues.
block-merge false When triggering scans is based on pull request, this marks the Pull in blocked state until the scan is complete at Checkmarx.
zero-vulnerability-summary false if true, will not comment in PR decoration any details for scans as vulnerabilities are zero.
Note: A service account is required with access to the repositories that are scanned, pull requests that are commented on, and Azure WorkItems that are created/updated.
 hassnippet: true
Configuration Default Description
hassnippet false In Checkmarx CX-Flow, when the hasSnippet flag is set to true, the tool displays relevant code snippets under the "Region" section of the UI. These snippets provide a portion of the code where potential vulnerabilities are detected, giving developers context to better understand the issue. This feature helps in identifying the exact location of security concerns, streamlining the remediation process by offering precise, actionable insights directly within the code.

Note: Command line parameter for snippet is --sarif.hassnippet=true

  webhook-token: xxx
  token: <user>:xxx
  api-path: /2.0
  zero-vulnerability-summary: true
Configuration Default Description
webhook-token Token used as a shared secret when calling the CxFlow WebHook WebService. It authenticates users for the request. The Bitbucket cloud does not allow for a shared secret, therefore a URL parameter called token, must be provided in this case.
token This is the API token with access to the repository with at least Read only access to code and the ability to add comments to pull requests. BitBucket requires the : format in the configuration.
userid:app password(Format while using BitBucket Cloud)
userid:password(Format while using BitBucket Server)
api-url - (URL for the Cloud BitBucket)
- https://api.companyxyzbitbucket (URL for the BitBucket server is just the server hostname with api. prefixed)
url - (URL for the Cloud BitBucket)
- https://companyxyzbitbucket(URL for the BitBucket server is just the server hostname)
api-path The API URL path (appended to the URL) for BitBucket
'scan-submitted-comment` true Comment on Merge Request with "Scan submitted (or not submitted) to Checkmarx ...".
zero-vulnerability-summary false if true, will not comment in PR decoration any details for scans as vulnerabilities are zero.
Note: As mentioned in the prerequisites, a service account is required that has appropriate access to the repositories that will be scanned, pull requests that will be commented on, GitHub issues that will be created/updated.

The sample below illustrates an override configuration in JSON format. It has similarities with the YAML config blocks. Its main use is to override cx-flow and Jira Yaml configuration.

for more details, please refer to Config as Code

  "version": 1.0,
  "project": "XYZ-${repo}-${branch}",
  "team": "/a/b/c",
  "sast": {
    "preset": "",
    "engineConfiguration": "",
    "incremental": "false", // values: "true" or "false"
    "forceScan": "true", // values: "true" or "false"
    "fileExcludes": "*.pyc, *.test, *.class",
    "folderExcludes": "*test, out/, *bin"
  "additionalProperties": {
    "cxFlow": {
      "application": "test app",
      "branches": ["develop", "main", "master"],
      "emails": [""],
      "bugTracker": "JIRA", // other possible values: "GitLab", "GitHub", "Azure"
      "scanResubmit": "true", // values: "true" or "false"
      "sshKeyIdentifier": "Key of the ssh-key-list parameter present in application.yml file."
      "jira": {
        "project": "APPSEC",
        "issue_type": "Bug",
        "assignee": "admin",
        "opened_status": ["Open","Reopen"],
        "closed_status": ["Closed","Done"],
        "open_transition": "Reopen Issue",
        "close_transition": "Close Issue",
        "close_transition_field": "resolution",
        "close_transition_value": "Done",
        "priorities": {
          "High": "High",
          "Medium": "High",
          "Low": "High"
        "fields": [
            "type": "cx", // cx, static, result
            "name": "xxx",
            "jira_field_name": "xxxx",
            "jira_field_type": "text", // security text | label | single-select | multi-select
            "jira_default_value": "xxx"
            "type": "result",
            "name": "xxx",
            "jira_field_name": "xxxx",
            "jira_field_type": "label"
            "type": "static",
            "name": "xxx",
            "jira_field_name": "xxxx",
            "jira_field_type": "label",
            "jira_default_value": "xxx"
      "filters": {
        "severity": ["High", "Medium"],
        "cwe": ["79", "89"],
        "category": ["XSS_Reflected", "SQL_Injection"],
        "status": ["New", "Recurring"],
        "state": ["Confirmed", "To Verify"]
  "customFields": {
    "field1": "value1",
    "field2": "value2"
  "scanCustomFields": {
    "field3": "value3",
    "field4": "value4"

Refer to the Bug Tracker documentation for a list of all our Bug Trackers and Feedback Channels.

CxFlow is bundled with support for Jasypt for encrypting property files:


To avoid storing the decryption password in the YAML configuration, invoke CxFlow with the password and the encryption algorithm specified on the command line:

$ java -jar cx-flow-<version>.jar \
    --jasypt.encryptor.password=passphrase \

If desired, the password can also be specified in the YAML configuration file:

    password: passphrase
    algorithm: PBEWITHHMACSHA512ANDAES_256

NOTE: Choose the appropriate algorithm for your deployment. This is a sample.

Environment variables can be leveraged for injecting the required jasypt cli values specified above:


To create encrypted text, use the following command line to produce a base-64 encoded string:

$ java -cp cx-flow-<version>.jar \
    -Dloader.main=org.jasypt.intf.cli.JasyptPBEStringEncryptionCLI \
    org.springframework.boot.loader.PropertiesLauncher \
    ivGeneratorClassName=org.jasypt.iv.RandomIvGenerator \
    input="stuff to encrypt goes here" \
    password=passphrase \

Encrypted values can be assigned to fields in the YAML configuration file using the format ENC(<base-64 encoded ciphertext>). Example:

   token: ENC(r2Q0H31voNvp4NWHQ3bSkNzxmguHnHe/fuA+JiJ6DeOt8Fbzcslm6Hlly78dm6RONSaL8lGywG5atPC0xzyCsA==)

There are places where a custom groovy script can be used while executing CxFlow. These include:

  • Deciding which branch is applicable for scanning.
  • The project name to be used.
  • The team to be used.

For additional information, refer to the External Scripting chapter.

If user want to use SAST Scan ID for further usage cx-flow stores SCAN ID in githuab output variable name : cxflowscanid

- name: Checkmarx CxFlow Action
      id: step1
      uses: cx-flow/checkmarx-cxflow-github-action@v1.6
        project: ${{ }}
        team: ${{ secrets.CHECKMARX_TEAMS }}
        checkmarx_url: ${{ secrets.CHECKMARX_URL }}
        checkmarx_username: ${{ secrets.CHECKMARX_USERNAME }}
        checkmarx_password: ${{ secrets.CHECKMARX_PASSWORD }}
        checkmarx_client_secret: ${{ secrets.CHECKMARX_CLIENT_SECRET }}
        scanners: sast
        params: --github --checkmarx.incremental=false --checkmarx.settings-override=true --namespace=${{ github.repository_owner }} --repo-name=${{ }} --branch=${{ github.ref_name }} --cx-flow.filter-severity --cx-flow.filter-category --checkmarx.disable-clubbing=true --repo-url=${{ github.event.repository.url }}

Steps to retrieve SCAN ID**** in output variable -

  • Since Scan ID we are getting only after run of cx-flow, So we will use ID of Checkmarx CxFlow Action steps in output variable to fetch SCAN ID
      output1: ${{ steps.step1.outputs.cxflowscanid }}
  • Now SCAN ID is stored in output1 variable which can be used in any jobs as per user convince.

NOTE: If SAST scan is taking time to scan files and other jobs are stuck due to this so user can run cx-flow in Async mode and with the help of SCAN ID from output variable, User can fetch results. In This way there is no jobs will be blocked due to processing of cx-flow.

Step 1: Create a Logback logging configuration file

Create an XML file named logback-spring.xml with a Logback configuration similar to the XML below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

  <appender name="CONSOLE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
    <layout class="ch.qos.logback.classic.PatternLayout">
      <pattern>%d{dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS} %magenta([%thread]) %highlight(%-5level) %logger{36}.%M - %msg%n</pattern>

  <appender name="FILE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
      <pattern>%d{dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36}.%M - %msg%n</pattern>

    <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeAndTimeBasedRollingPolicy">

  <logger name="com.checkmarx" level="INFO" />
  <logger name="org.apache.http.wire" level="ERROR" />
  <logger name="" level="ERROR" />

  <root level="INFO">
    <appender-ref ref="FILE" />
    <appender-ref ref="CONSOLE" />

Place this file in a location where CxFlow can access it during execution.

Step 2: CxFlow logging configuration

Remove all logging configuration from the CxFlow configuration YAML file and replace it with this line:

logging.config: logback-spring.xml

Provide the full path of the logback-spring.xml file.

Step 3: Configure a Logstash pipeline to tail the CxFlow logs

This example is showing the pipeline configured for the AWS OpenSearch version of Logstash. The ElasticSearch version of Logstash is configured similarly. Please consult the appropriate Logstash documentation for a configuration that best fits your needs.

The pipeline configuration should look similar to the following example:

input {

    file {
        check_archive_validity => true
        path => "/cxflow-logs/*.log"

output {

    opensearch {
        hosts => ["https://<your host url here>:443/"] 
        index => "cxflow-logs"
        user => "<username>"
        password => "<password>"
        ecs_compatibility => "disabled"
        ssl_certificate_verification => false

Adjust the path configuration element as appropriate to tail logs where you set the CxFlow logs to be stored in the XML file created in Step 1. The OpenSearch configuration elements will need to be adjusted to fit your appropriate storage requirements for OpenSearch/ElasticSearch.

Step 4: Start CxFlow and Logstash

If Logstash has been configured correctly, the CxFlow logs will now be tailed and sent to OpenSearch/ElasticSearch.

  • We can label SAST issue in GITHUB and GITLAB.If user want to create issue he can pass labels in following way-
  webhook-token: 12345
  false-positive-label: false-positive
  block-merge: true
  error-merge: true
  max-description-length : 400
  cx-summary: true
    high: high,must fix
    medium: Medium,Not critical
    low: ignore
  #max-delay : 3

  webhook-token: 12345
  false-positive-label: false-positive
  block-merge: true
    high: high,must fix
    medium: Medium,Not critical
    low: ignore
  • User can also pass this as command line parameter.
--gitlab.issueslabel.medium="Medium,Not critical" --gitlab.issueslabel.low="ignore" --gitlab.issueslabel.high="high,must fix" #assigns 2 labels, high and must fix""very low"
--github.issueslabel.medium="Medium,Not critical" --github.issueslabel.low="ignore" --github.issueslabel.high="high,must fix" #assigns 2 labels, high and must fix""very low"
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