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Please funnel money into my mouth to support development and server costs

What this mod does

Astral-TERA shares your character (if enabled) and chat (if enabled) across regions and servers, and also discord. In addition to this it allows for:

  • Links to be sent in chat and opened with the in-game browser
  • Players to visit previously inaccessible areas together through "Astral Projection" (see: Astral Projection/Zones)
  • NPCs, campfires and other objects to be spawned in with easy to use chat commands
  • A lot more

How to:

  • Download and install Caali's Proxy
  • Click the "Clone or download" button on this page, then download as zip
  • Extract/paste contents of the .zip into your tera-proxy/bin/node_modules.
  • Start TERA-Proxy however you would normally
  • To talk in the chat, type /7 or join the discord.

note: This module is still very much a WIP, some features may be broken, not work as intended or change drastically in the future.

If this doesn't work or isn't clear, send a message in this discord's help channel.

Safety/"Will this mod get me banned":

No identifiable player data is ever sent to anyone else, including the server. On top of this, no malformed packets (or packets at all) are ever sent to the real server, making this mod a lot safer than most others. (tl;dr, no you wont get banned)


Nearly every feature of this module can be disabled within the config file that is generate on first run. By default no features are disabled.

Option Default Description
Online True Toggles whether or not the mod will connect to the server. No idea why you would want to disable this
discordMessages True Toggles displaying of messages from discord users.
allowAstralProjection True Toggles whether or not you can visit fake-zones.
allowWebLinks True Toggles whether or not you can visit websites.
spawnFires True Toggles whether or not campfires will be spawned in for you.
spawnNpcs True Toggles whether or not NPCs will be spawned in for you.
key 0 Used for verification of users.
showMe False Toggles displaying a copy of your character as it appears to others.
Id A big number. Your unique ID.
serverHost The server IP that Astral-TERA connects to.
serverPort 3454 The port.

Astral Projection/Zones

This mod comes with a feature called "Astral Projection", which allows users to visit an area together, cut off from the rest of the world. When clicking on a chat link to an area, you are frozen on the server, and will appear to be AFK to users not using the mod(until either using .at leave or the server changing your zone). Skills and mounts cannot be used while projecting(I'll add a command for changing movement speed later along with other stuff).

In-game Commands

Typed into /proxy chat or prefixed with !

Command Argument(s) Description
at disconnect Disconnects you from the server.
at connect/reconnect Reconnects you to the server.
at leave Returns you to the real world at the location you were previously.
at speed Sets the players speed to the specified amount while projecting.
at join If for some reason you get kicked from the chat channel in game, you can use this to join it.
at user/username/name Changes your username.

Chat Commands/Features

Typed into /Astral chat.

Command Argument(s) Description
.guide name Sends a (clickable) link to a guide in chat
.list Shows how many people are currently online.
.zone name Sends a chat linking to the specified zone (list here)
.fire red/blue/purple/santa Spawns a bonfire of that type to all players. Currently admin only due to lack of despawning capabilities.
.dfire index# Despawns a fire spawned with that index number.
.npc name Spawns an NPC with that name(NPC names found here. Max 5 for normal users.
.dnpc index# Despawns an NPC with that index number
[any link] Any linked typed into chat starting with www. will be converted to a link and become clickable in chat, eg
dognose If you type dognose in chat, it will be replaced with an image of a random dognose image (ground-breaking feature).
tm When tm is sent in chat surrounded by colons :tm: it will be replaced with ™️.
#999999/:color: Any hexadecimal colour code sent in chat or any common colour name will colour the proceeding message that colour. e.g.: :red: or #ff0000 will turn the rest of the text red.

Discord commands

More coming soon!

Command Argument(s) Description
!ping Checks if the bot is online
!list Prints how many people are connected to the server


Script no work Please make sure you're using an updated version before messaging me, and have read the readme (and I mean actually have read the readme).

Can I kill monster in dunjiioonnnn??? no, never ask me this again thanks

Dependancy errors You will either need to download them manually or downloading This file and extracting to your tera-proxy/ folder. (NOT bin/node_modules).

Skills don't work in zones I currently don't emulate players skills across servers due to the amount of packets that would have to be broadcast, this may change in the future.