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Thng Kai Yuan edited this page Mar 31, 2016 · 1 revision

With the implementation of the Command pattern, adding an API is as easy as writing a class file and registering it as a service. Let us go through the steps of adding an API using an example illustrated below:

Important: In all your written code, you are expected to follow the PSR-2 coding standard and the Symfony coding standard.

  1. Choose a name for the new API. In this example, we will create an API named MyNewApi.

  2. Create a class file in the directory Symfony/src/Codebender/LibraryBundle/Handler/ApiCommand/ that implements the AbstractApiCommand class. In this example, we will create a class file named MyNewApiCommand.php with the following contents:

    namespace Codebender\LibraryBundle\Handler\ApiCommand;
    use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
    use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;
    class MyNewApiCommand extends AbstractApiCommand
        public function execute($content)
            // perform input validation here
            if ($content === null) {
                return ['success' => false, 'message' => 'Invalid input'];
            // perform the actual execution of the API here
            return ['success' => true, 'message' => 'Yay!'];
  3. Register the new command as a service in Symfony/src/Codebender/LibraryBundle/Resources/config/services.yml. In this example, we will add the following lines to services.yml:

    <some other registered API classes>
    codebender_api.myNewApi.class: Codebender\LibraryBundle\Handler\ApiCommand\MyNewApiCommand`
    <some other registered API services>
        class:  %codebender_api.myNewApi.class%
            entityManager: "@doctrine.orm.entity_manager"
            containerInterface: "@service_container"
  4. That's pretty much it to get your API working. You may now access your API by sending a POST request to /{authorization_key}/v2 with a request body of {"type":"myNewApi"}. However, here at Eratosthenes, we would like to encourage good software engineering practices and that includes writing tests and documentation for your new API. So let's add a test in the file Symfony/src/Codebender/LibraryBundle/Tests/Controller/ApiControllerTest.php for our new API:

    public function testMyNewApiCommand()
  5. Hurray! We've now added a test that would always pass (note that this is only for illustration - in reality, a test that would pass regardless of anything else is obviously redundant). As a final step, let's add some documentation for our API in the API wiki page. As a general guideline, you are encouraged to write a brief description of your new API, the request body for calling your API and an example that will illustrate how your API is used.

  6. Congratulations! You're now done with adding a new API!

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