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Anahi Costa edited this page Jan 29, 2020 · 25 revisions

Quick links:

Running the latest version of the App

Testing - Local Setup

How to document a test

Reporting Bugs


  1. Create a GitHub account, join our Slack channel #green-up
  2. To access the app, Slack your email address associated with your AppleId to the Tech Lead (@John Need)
  3. If you're using an iPhone, download the TestFlight app. John will enable access to the beta app for you. Find further information at TestFlight
  4. If you have an Android, download the Expo app, and scan This QR Code
  5. When a new app version is made available, our slack channel will display a new commit to the repository - you can do a quick search by using the following parameters: in:#green-up has:link from:@GitHub
  6. Regardless of which area you will test, you will need to create a login in the beta Green Up Vermont App

Running the latest version in Apple devices

  1. Delete your current beta version
  2. Open TestFlight
  3. Download the beta application + open it

Testing - Local Setup

  1. On your computer, open up a tab with the Issues from this Repo. Pin it.
  2. Open another tab with the testing targets you have agreed to cover in this test plan. Pin it. Duplicate the feature you will test and save the new page replacing template with your initials.
  3. In a text editor, enter test device details to report new issues.

How to document a test?

  1. Open the test plan document
  2. Select a test to follow, then right click - duplicate the plan you will be working with
  3. Replace 'template' in the file name you just created and add your initials ie: Login Template will become Login AC
  4. Fill in the information in cell D1 - D5
  5. Use the statuses specified in cells G2 - G5 to signal if a test passed P, needs to be re-tested R, or is failing F. Fill column C with the status.
  6. Send screen shots if possible

Found a Bug?

If you are using TestFlight:

  1. Take a screenshot
  2. Add any relevant highlights using the editor function
  3. Send it to the developers - first option in the share menu
  4. Add a description relevant to the bug

If you prefer using Github:

  1. When you hit a bug, go to Issues > "New Issues" in GitHub. Then click on the Bug report Get Started button.
  2. Title the issue something descriptive (Crash on Message Reload) + operating system.
  3. If you have access to the beta service to find similar issue, use it to see a set of existing issues. Do any of them look like the same one you're reporting? Click on it and confirm that it is indeed the same issue.
  4. Describe the Bug following this Issue Format using Markdown Syntax
  5. Include your testing environment details.