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JunkDrawer imports excel or delimited files into a database. It is open source under Apache 2.


analyst: "Is there something that automatically imports files into a database?"

programmer: "Use the import wizard."

The data analyst sighed as he recalled the wizard...

SQL Server Import Wizard

Wizarding data into SQL Server goes something like this:

  • Install SQL Server Management Studio.
  • Find Tasks and choose Import Data.
  • Select "Flat File Source."
  • Browse for the file.
  • Preview the data.
  • Specify the delimiter.
  • Specify if the first row is column names.
  • Preview the data (again).
  • Go to each column and choose the correct data type or use "Suggest Types."
  • Choose if you want to save the SSIS package for later.
  • Execute it

analyst: "Is there something that imports the data without asking questions?"

programmer: "No. Use the wizard. If you get an error message, fix the problem and try again."

analyst: "I get a lot of different files. Using the wizard is repetitive. This wastes my time."

At this, the programmer shouted assembly language...

programmer: "You come to my cube, without a ticket, saying YOUR time is being wasted?"

Sadly, this scenario happens a lot in IT offices. Recently, while helping a co-worker learn SQL, he said:

staff: "SQL is amazing, but how do I get these files into the database?"

I thought of the import wizard, but it didn't feel right. If he found out he'd have to run the wizard every time, and most likely deal with error messages, it would be a stumbling block for him.

This gave me the idea to create a program that imports an Excel or text file into a database without asking questions.

Getting Started

Junk Drawer refers to files as junk, and the database as a drawer. The file is an input, and the database is an output. Both are connections.

To configure connections, open the default configuration file default.xml.


    <add name="input" 
         file="*.*" />

    <add name="output" 
         database="Junk" />


The configuration (above) defines two connections: an input, and an output. The input is set to a file named *.*, which is changed to your file at run-time. The output is set to a local SQL Server database named Junk.

The File Input

The file must be an Excel (e.g. .xls, .xlsx), or delimited text file (e.g. .csv, .txt).

I Googled filetype:csv colors and found colors.csv for this demo.

Here's a sample of colors.csv:

air_force_blue_raf,"Air Force Blue (Raf)",#5d8aa8,93,138,168
air_force_blue_usaf,"Air Force Blue (Usaf)",#00308f,0,48,143
air_superiority_blue,"Air Superiority Blue",#72a0c1,114,160,193
alabama_crimson,"Alabama Crimson",#a32638,163,38,56
alice_blue,"Alice Blue",#f0f8ff,240,248,255
alizarin_crimson,"Alizarin Crimson",#e32636,227,38,54
alloy_orange,"Alloy Orange",#c46210,196,98,16

Command Line

To import the file, execute Junk Drawer with the -f (file) flag:

jd.exe -f c:\temp\colors.csv

If a file is the only argument, -f is optional. It's only required when combined with other options exposed to the command line interface.

When jd.exe is done, the data is in your local SQL Server and it may be queried:

USE Junk;

SELECT TOP 10 Code, Name, Hex, Red, Green, Blue
FROM colors;
Code                  Name                   Hex     Red Green Blue
--------------------- ---------------------- ------- --- ----- ----
air_force_blue_raf    Air Force Blue (Raf)   #5d8aa8 93  138   168
air_force_blue_usaf   Air Force Blue (Usaf)  #00308f 0   48    143
air_superiority_blue  Air Superiority Blue   #72a0c1 114 160   193
alabama_crimson       Alabama Crimson        #a32638 163 38    56
alice_blue            Alice Blue             #f0f8ff 240 248   255
alizarin_crimson      Alizarin Crimson       #e32636 227 38    54
alloy_orange          Alloy Orange           #c46210 196 98    16
almond                Almond                 #efdecd 239 222   205
amaranth              Amaranth               #e52b50 229 43    80
amber                 Amber                  #ffbf00 255 191   0

The colors object is a view. The data columns are defined like so:

Code NVARCHAR(40),
Name NVARCHAR(42),

How Does it Work?

When we glance at colors.csv above, it's easy for us to see the first row is a header, and subsequent rows are records.

Moreover, we see that a comma delimits the values. We also recognize patterns with the fields. We see that Code, Name, and Hex are text, and Red, Green, and Blue are numeric.

Junk Drawer has to see the same thing as we do:

  1. the delimiter
  2. the column names (if available)
  3. the column data types

Finding the Delimiter

100 lines are examined for delimiters. If delimiters are found, the average number per line and standard deviation is calculated.

Then, the delimiter with the lowest coefficient of variation is declared winner. This provides us with the most consistent delimiter across the first 100 records.

The default delimiters searched for are comma, pipe, tab, and semicolon. If you want control over the delimiters, configure them in the input connection like this:

<add name="input" provider="file" file="*.*">
     <add name="comma" character=","/>
     <add name="pipe" character="|"/>
     <add name="tab" character="&#009;"/>
     <add name="semicolon" character=";"/>

Column Names

The first line is split by the winning delimiter and tested for:

  • duplicates
  • empties
  • white space values
  • numbers
  • dates

If there are any of the above, the first line is not suitable for column names and Excel-like names are generated (i.e. A, B, C). In colors.csv, the first line doesn't have any duplicates, empties, white space values, numbers, or dates, so it is used as column names.

Data Types

Initially, every field is considered a string. Often, when importing a file for ad-hoc queries, strings are fine. However, if you want to type-check the data, add types into the input connection like this:

<add name="input" provider="file" file="*.*">
        <add type="bool"/>
        <add type="byte"/>
        <add type="short"/>
        <add type="int"/>
        <add type="long"/>
        <add type="single"/>
        <add type="double"/>
        <add type="decimal"/>
        <add type="datetime"/>

Types are checked in the order they appear. So, to select the most efficient type, place more restrictive types ahead of less restrictive types. For example, if you test for a short (-32,768 to 32,767), before a byte (0 to 255), any would-be bytes end up as shorts.

Every value in a field is checked against a type's restrictions. The first compatible type is used. If no type allows all the values, a string is used.

A string's length is measured. A field assumes the length of the longest value in the file (+1). If you want control over string length, add min-length and/or max-length to the connection:

<add name="input" 
     max-length="4000" />

Once the values are type and/or length checked, Junk Drawer imports the file

In Code

JunkDrawer may be used in code like this:

JunkResponse response;
var request = new JunkRequest(@"c:\temp\colors.csv");
using (var scope = new AutofacJunkBootstrapper(request)) {
    response = scope.Resolve<JunkImporter>().Import();

The above snippet uses Autofac to wire up the JunkImporter dependencies. A JunkDrawer.Autofac project is included in the solution.


View Name

By default, Junk Drawer creates a view named after your file (without the extension). For example, colors.csv is named colors. If you want to name your view something else, set the View property in the JunkRequest or use the -v flag from the command line.


If you do not provide a configuration, default.xml is used.

The configuration is file based. You may make as many configurations as you want. For example, to import into SQLite instead of SQL Server, create a configuration like this:

    <add name="input" provider="file" file="*.*" />
    <add name="output"
         file="c:\temp\junk.sqlite3" />

Save it as sqlite.xml. Now import colors.csv into a SQLite database:

jd.exe -f c:\temp\colors.csv -a sqlite.xml

The -a flag stands for arrangement. You can control everything from the arrangment (aka configuration). In addition, you over-ride some options from the command line. Here is the complete list:

-f, --file           Required. The file to import.
-a, --arrangement    The configuration file (default.xml).
-t, --types          Override the configuration inspection types, comma
                     separated (e.g. bool, byte, short, int, long, single,
                     double, datetime).
-c, --connection     Override the configuration connection type (e.g.
                     sqlserver, mysql, postgresql, sqlite, sqlce).
-s, --server         Override the configuration output server.
-n, --port           Override the configuration output port.
-d, --database       Override the configuration output database.
-v, --view           Override the configuration output view.
-u, --user           Override the configuration output user.
-p, --password       Override the configuration output password.
--help               Display this help screen.


If you'd rather use a GUI (a graphical user-interface), you may use jdgui.exe. It looks like this:

Junk Drawer GUI

In addition to importing files into databases, you can page through the data a bit. Any connections you define in addition to input are listed in the connections menu. This allows you to conveniently switch between connections you use often (just in case you have junk everywhere).


Junk Overwrite

If you import the same file into Junk Drawer twice, it overwrites the previous table. Don't worry though; it's only junk ;-)

Junk Overflow

I called it Junk Drawer because allowing folks to import files directly into a database can create a mess. You may want to keep an eye on it, or put your Junk database on an isolated test server where it can't hurt anything.


Once in place, Junk Drawer empowers your trusted friends to import their data into a Junk database and run ad-hoc queries until their heart's content.

Of course, there are files out there that are so jacked up that Junk Drawer won't be able handle them. In that case, you'll have to resort to the import wizard.


Junk Drawer is not possible without:


Make import of excel or delimited files into a database easier.







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