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dangered wolf edited this page Mar 27, 2022 · 2 revisions

settingsData in DataSettings.js

Starting in ModernDeck 7.0, we implement a settings management system that dynamically builds the settings page, which makes it easily easy to quickly add new UI and functionality to the settings menu.


The root objects in settingsData are the tabs, which work like so:

let settingsData = {

	tabOne: {

		tabName: "Tab 1",

		options: {

			// options here



	tabTwo: {

		tabName: "Tab 2",

		enabled: false,

		options: {

			// options here




Object tab

Contains information regarding the tab.

boolean tab.enabled (optional)

true = Tab is displayed to user.

false = Tab is not displayed to user.

Default: true

String tab.tabName

The string is how the tab is displayed to the user, unlike the internal tab Id.

String tab.enum (optional)

This indicates to the preference loader to use custom UI instead of the standard preference builder. In ModernDeck, this is used for the About page and Mutes page.

Object options

Subobject that contains each preference, in order of appearance, within the tab.

If this tab is an enum page, pass along options as an empty object {}

See below for how to implement options.


Preference options are flexible and allow for a variety of configurations to help accommodate any sort of preference type.

Example of a basic, native ModernDeck preference implemented in the system.

dockedmodals: {

	headerBefore: "Behavior",

	title: "Use docked modals",

	type: "checkbox",




	deactivate: {


	settingsKey: "mtd_dockedmodals",
	default: false

Example of an original TweetDeck setting implemented in the system.

sensitive: {

	title: "Display media that may contain sensitive content",

	type: "checkbox",

	activate: {

		func: () => {




	deactivate: {

		func: () => {




	queryFunction: () => {

		return TD.settings.getDisplaySensitiveMedia();


Object option

The name of the option should reflect what the option does. Ensure that you're using a unique name for each option.

action option.activate

This actionParser is called when a preference needs to be activated. This can occur in two main situations. If type is "checkbox",

  1. When the page is first started, and the box is checked
  2. When the user checks the box in the Settings window.

If type is NOT "checkbox",

  1. (Excludes type "button" and type "link") When the page is first started, also passing on the current setting to the activateFunc, if applicable.
  2. The preference was activated in the Settings menu. How this works depends on the type.


After an option in the dropdown menu is selected.

type="textbox" and type="textarea"

After the user has finished writing text and unfocused the textbox/textarea.


After the user has let go of the slider in a new position.

type="button" and type="link"

After the user has pressed the button or link

String option.addClass (optional)

Adds classes to the specified input itself, primarily for styling purposes.

action option.deactivate (type="checkbox" only)

option.deactivate only works when option.type is checkbox

The actionParser is called when the checkbox is deactivated

[mixed type] option.default

This specifies the value it is set to if there is no saved setting value for it before.

boolean option.enabled (optional)

Hides the option from the menu entirely, similar to tab.enabled

true = option is displayed to user.

false = option is not displayed to user.

If not specified, it will default to true.

String option.headerBefore (optional)

This will create a header before this preference with the specified String. This is great for dividing preferences into groups for better clarity.

function option.initFunc (optional)

A function that is called after the preference is initialised, passing along 1 argument into the function, the (jquery) input value that the user is able to interface with, depending on option.type.

String option.label (optional)

A supplemental text label for option.types "button" and "link"

String option.options (option.type == "dropdown" only)

Object that specifies the options for the dropdown items.


	complete: {
		name:"Complete Themes",
		children: {

In the case of a primary, non-group choice, you'll use String value and String text.

For groups, it works like so:

	name:"Complementary Themes",

name becomes the name of the option group.

String option.placeholder (type="textbox" and type="textarea" only) (optional)

String option.title

The title is what the preference is called. It is the button text in the case of option.type being "button", the text next to a "checkbox", "slider", "dropdown", "textbox", or "textarea".

It is unused on option.type = "link", see option.label, but a title is required in all other cases.

String option.type

This string determines the type of option it is listed as.


A button that can be pressed.


A checkbox that can be checked on or off.


A selector option that can select from a list of specified options.


A link that can be pressed.


A slider option that can select from a range of numerical values.


A large field for text.


A smaller field for text.

function option.queryFunction

This function is used to query whether or not a checkbox preference is enabled, especially for querying bridged TweetDeck settings.

String option.settingsKey (optional)

The settings key of the stored value. In ModernDeck, these usually start with "mtd_".

This isn't required, for example, if you are using it to set native TweetDeck preferences.

action Parser

For option.activate and option.deactivate, there is an action parser that can be used to create action sequences, some of which even without any additional code.

It can be validated by testing out a custom setting or by calling the parseAction(actions) function.

String action.enableStylesheet (optional)

Enables a stylesheet extension with the specified name

String action.disableStylesheet (optional)

Disables a stylesheet extension with the specified name

String action.htmlAddClass (optional)

Adds the specified class to the <html> element

String action.htmlRemoveClass (optional)

Removes the specified class from the <html> element

function action.func (optional)

Custom function to enable custom preference enable/disable procedures.

This passes 1 argument to the function, the currently selected option.

Related functions

function parseActions(action actions, [variousTypes] selectedOption)

Tells the action parser to process actions actions, also passing along selectedOption in case it comes across a func action.