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defcronyke edited this page Jan 12, 2021 · 1 revision

Usage info for the newest release version of the program:


cargo run --release -- -h


    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.03s
     Running `target/release/signal-gen-cjds66 -h`
signal-gen-cjds66 v0.1.9
Copyright © 2020-2021 Jeremy Carter <>

An unofficial program to control the CJDS66 60MHz DDS
Signal Generator/Counter (hardware by Koolertron).



By using this software, you agree to the following
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MIT License

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any
person obtaining a copy of this software and
associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify,
merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom
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The above copyright notice and this permission notice
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signal-gen-cjds66 [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]


        --cc               Clear the count on measurement mode.
        --gp               Get the signal amplitude for channel 1 in volts.
        --gq               Get the signal amplitude for channel 2 in volts.
        --go               Get the output state of on or off for channels 1 and 2. For example, ch1 on, ch 2 off: 1,0
        --gty              Get the duty cycle for channel 1 in percent.
        --gcy              Get the duty cycle for channel 2 in percent.
        --ge               Get the signal frequency for channel 1 in whichever unit the channel is currently set to (one
                           of: uHz, mHz, Hz, kHz, Mhz).
        --gf               Get the signal frequency for channel 2 in whichever unit the channel is currently set to (one
                           of: uHz, mHz, Hz, kHz, Mhz).
        --gez              Get the signal frequency for channel 1 in hertz (Hz).
        --gfz              Get the signal frequency for channel 2 in hertz (Hz).
        --gmc              Get the measurement count.
        --gmdc             Get the measurement duty cycle.
        --gmf              Get the measurement frequency value in frequency mode (hertz).
        --gmfp             Get the measurement frequency value in period mode (hertz).
        --gmp              Get the measurement period.
        --gmpwn            Get the measurement pulse width (negative).
        --gmpw             Get the measurement pulse width (positive).
    -m, --model            Get the device's model number.
        --ms               Get the device's model number and serial number.
        --gr               Get the phase in ° (degrees).
    -s, --serial           Get the device's serial number.
        --gg               Get the voltage offset for channel 1 in volts.
        --gn               Get the voltage offset for channel 2 in volts.
        --gw               Get the waveform preset for channel 1.
        --gx               Get the waveform preset for channel 2.
    -h, --help             Prints help information
        --bin              Send binary output to stdout. Currently only works with the --txt-to-wav flag. You should
                           probably pipe this to another command or redirect it to a file, otherwise it might break your
                           terminal session.
        --bc               Set the burst mode to CH2 burst.
        --ba               Set the burst mode to external burst AC.
        --bd               Set the burst mode to external burst DC.
        --bm               Set the burst mode to manual trigger.
        --cf               Set the measurement mode to count frequency.
        --cp               Set the measurement mode to counting period.
        --ac               Set the measurement mode coupling option to AC.
        --dc               Set the measurement mode coupling option to DC.
        --sdf              Set the sweep direction to fall (reverse).
        --sdr              Set the sweep direction to rise (normal).
        --sdrf             Set the sweep direction to rise and fall (round trip).
        --sml              Set the sweep mode to linear.
        --smg              Set the sweep mode to logarithm.
        --b1               Burst pulse once.
    -O, --start-burst      Set the extended function to start bursting.
    -D, --start-count      Set the extended function to start counting.
    -N, --start-measure    Set the extended function to start measuring, and to stop counting, sweep, pulse, and
    -Q, --start-pulse      Set the extended function to start pulse.
    -S, --start-sweep1     Set the extended function to start sweep on channel 1.
    -U, --start-sweep2     Set the extended function to start sweep on channel 2.
    -R, --burst            Switch the function panel to bursting mode.
    -C, --count            Switch the function panel to counting mode.
    -A, --main1            Switch the function panel to main channel 1 mode.
    -B, --main2            Switch the function panel to main channel 2 mode.
    -M, --measure          Switch the function panel to measurement mode.
    -P, --pulse            Switch the function panel to pulse mode.
        --sweep1           Switch the function panel to sweep channel 1 mode.
        --sweep2           Switch the function panel to sweep channel 2 mode.
    -Y, --sys              Switch the function panel to system settings (SYS) mode.
    -V, --version          Prints version information

    -d, --device <path>...                   The device(s) to communicate with.
        --rw <slot_number>                   Get an arbitrary waveform's data from the device, from one of the 60 save
                                             slots. It displays on stdout an output format which is suitable for saving
                                             to a .txt file, which can later be loaded back onto the device using the
                                             --wws flag.
                                             Ex: --gwd 5 > file.wav.txt
        --lpr <preset_number>                Load all the values for the device from a numbered preset.
        --spr <preset_number>                Save all the current values on the device as a numbered preset.
    -p, --ampli-ch1 <ch1_ampli_v>            Set the signal amplitude for channel 1 in volts. The value must be a number
                                             0.000-20.0, and is further limited by any voltage offset which may be
                                             currently set. For example: -p 0.001
    -q, --ampli-ch2 <ch2_ampli_v>            Set the signal amplitude for channel 2 in volts. The value must be a number
                                             0.000-20.0, and is further limited by any voltage offset which may be
                                             currently set. For example: -q 0.001
        --wws <slot_number>                  Write an arbitrary waveform to the device from stdin, and save it in one of
                                             the 60 slots.
                                             Ex (using file redirection to stdin): --wws 5 < file.wav.txt
        --wwc <slot_number>                  Write an arbitrary waveform to the device from a WaveCAD (.wav) file, and
                                             save it in one of the 60 slots.
                                             Ex: --wwc 5,file.wav
    -a, --wave-arb-ch1 <ch1_arb_preset>      Set the arbitrary waveform preset for channel 1. The value must be a number
                                             1-60. For example: -a 1
    -b, --wave-arb-ch2 <ch2_arb_preset>      Set the arbitrary waveform preset for channel 2. The value must be a number
                                             1-60. For example: -b 1
        --bn <num_pulses>                    Burst pulse number. Set the number of burst pulses.
    -o, --output <ch1_on,ch2_on>             Set the output state to on or off for channels 1 and 2. For example, ch1
                                             on, ch 2 off: -o 1,0
    -t, --duty-ch1 <ch1_duty_cycle>          Set the duty cycle for channel 1 in percent. The value must be a number
                                             0.0-99.9. For example: -t 40.1
    -c, --duty-ch2 <ch2_duty_cycle>          Set the duty cycle for channel 2 in percent. The value must be a number
                                             0.0-99.9. For example: -c 40.1
    -e, --freq-hz-ch1 <ch1_freq_Hz>          Set the waveform frequency for channel 1 in Hz. The value must be a number
                                             0.0-60000000.0. For example: -e 0.01
    -f, --freq-hz-ch2 <ch2_freq_Hz>          Set the waveform frequency for channel 2 in Hz. The value must be a number
                                             0.0-60000000.0. For example: -f 0.01
    -k, --freq-khz-ch1 <ch1_freq_kHz>        Set the waveform frequency for channel 1 in kHz. The value must be a number
                                             0.0-60000.0. For example: -k 0.00001
    -l, --freq-khz-ch2 <ch2_freq_kHz>        Set the waveform frequency for channel 2 in kHz. The value must be a number
                                             0.0-60000.0. For example: -l 0.00001
    -y, --freq-mega-ch1 <ch1_freq_MHz>       Set the waveform frequency for channel 1 in MHz (megahertz). The value must
                                             be a number 0.0-60.0. For example: -y 0.00000001
    -z, --freq-mega-ch2 <ch2_freq_MHz>       Set the waveform frequency for channel 2 in MHz (megahertz). The value must
                                             be a number 0.0-60.0. For example: -z 0.00000001
    -i, --freq-milli-ch1 <ch1_freq_mHz>      Set the waveform frequency for channel 1 in mHz (millihertz). The value
                                             must be a number 0.0-80000000.0. For example: -i 0.01
    -j, --freq-milli-ch2 <ch2_freq_mHz>      Set the waveform frequency for channel 2 in mHz (millihertz). The value
                                             must be a number 0.0-80000000.0. For example: -j 0.01
    -u, --freq-micro-ch1 <ch1_freq_uHz>      Set the waveform frequency for channel 1 in uHz. The value must be a number
                                             0.0-80000000.0. For example: -u 0.01
    -2, --freq-micro-ch2 <ch2_freq_uHz>      Set the waveform frequency for channel 2 in uHz. The value must be a number
                                             0.0-80000000.0. For example: -2 0.01
        --gt <gate_time>                     Set the measurement gate time in seconds. The value must be a number 0.01-
                                             10.0. For example: --gt 0.01
    -r, --phase <phase_deg>                  Set the phase in ° (degrees). The value must be a number 0.0-360.0, and
                                             360.0 wraps around to 0.0. For example: -r 180.7
        --pa <pulse_amplitude_volts>         Set the amplitude for the pulse function in volts.
        --po <pulse_offset_percent>          Set the offset for the pulse function in percent.
        --pdu <pulse_period_microseconds>    Set the period for the pulse function in microseconds.
        --pdn <pulse_period_nanoseconds>     Set the period for the pulse function in nanoseconds.
        --pwu <pulse_width_microseconds>     Set the pulse width for the pulse function in microseconds.
        --pwn <pulse_width_nanoseconds>      Set the pulse width for the pulse function in nanoseconds.
        --se <end_freq_hz>                   Set the sweep end frequency.
        --ss <start_freq_hz>                 Set the sweep starting frequency.
        --st <sweep_time_seconds>            Set the sweep time
    -T, --track <track_features>             Set the tracking mode. The value must be either a set of comma-separated
                                             setting names (see below), or a set of zeros and ones in the range of 0-
                                             11111, each bit corresponding to a feature you want to toggle tracking
                                             on/off for (1 being on and 0 being off). For example: track frequency and
                                             amplitude: -T 101
                                             The bit position meanings are as follows:
                                             0: frequency | freq | fq | fr | f
                                             1: waveform | wave | wav | wv | w
                                             2: amplitude | ampli | amp | am | a
                                             3: dutycycle | duty | dc | du | d
                                             4: offset | off | os | ot | o
                                             turn off tracking: 0 | none | null | non | nil | no | n
                                             You can also use any of the names above separated by commas to turn on
                                             the tracking by feature name.
                                             frequency and amplitude sync: -T freq,amp
                                             Or you can use the single character versions with no commas in between.
                                             frequency and amplitude sync: -T fa
                                             Turn tracking off like this: -T n
                                             Note that a value of zero (or no value) in the bit position will turn off
                                             tracking for the corresponding feature, so to turn tracking off for all
                                             features, you can do: -T 0
                                             You can also separate the values with commas if you prefer: -T 1,0,1
    -g, --offset-ch1 <ch1_volt_offset>       Set the voltage offset for channel 1 in volts. The value must be a number
                                             -9.99-9.99. For example: -g -1.23
    -n, --offset-ch2 <ch2_volt_offset>       Set the voltage offset for channel 2 in volts. The value must be a number
                                             -9.99-9.99. For example: -n -1.23
    -w, --wave-preset-ch1 <ch1_preset>       Set the waveform preset for channel 1. The value must be either the name of
                                             the waveform preset (see below), or a number 0-16, for example,
                                             sine wave: -w 0
                                             Accepted preset names:
                                             0:  sine || sin
                                             1:  square || sq
                                             2:  pulse || pul
                                             3:  triangle || tri
                                             4:  partialsine || partial-sine || parsine || par-sine || parsin || par-sin
                                             || psine || p-sine || psin || p-sin
                                             5:  cmos || cm
                                             6:  dc
                                             7:  halfwave || half-wave || hw || h-w
                                             8:  fullwave || full-wave || fw || f-w
                                             9:  pos-ladder || posladder || pos-lad || poslad || positive-ladder ||
                                             positiveladder || pl
                                             10: neg-ladder || negladder || neg-lad || neglad || negative-ladder ||
                                             negativeladder || nl
                                             11: noise || nois || noi || no || n
                                             12: exp-rise || exprise || e-r || er || e-rise || erise || e-ris || eris
                                             13: exp-decay || expdecay || e-d || ed || e-decay || edecay || e-dec ||
                                             14: multi-tone || multitone || m-t || mt || m-tone || mtone
                                             15: sinc || sc
                                             16: lorenz || loren || lor || lz
    -x, --wave-preset-ch2 <ch2_preset>       Set the waveform preset for channel 2. The value must be either the name of
                                             the waveform preset (see channel1 help item for details), or a number 0-16.
                                             For example, sine wave: -x 0
        --txt-to-wav <txt_file_path>         Convert the device's arbitrary waveform text file format to a WaveCAD file.
                                             It will be output in the same directory as the input file, with the .txt
                                             extension removed, leaving it with just a .wav extension. This file can be
                                             used as input to upload a wave to the device with the --wwc flag.
                                             Ex: --txt-to-wav file.wav.txt
    -v, --verbose <verbosity_level>          Set the verbosity for the output of this command (Ex. 0-1). The verbosity
                                             defaults to 1 if specified with no value. [default: 1]
        --wav-to-txt <wav_file_path>         Convert a WaveCAD file to the device's arbitrary waveform text file format.
                                             It will be output in the same directory as the input file, with a .txt
                                             extension. This file can be used as stdin input to upload a wave to the
                                             device with the --wws flag.
                                             Ex: --wav-to-txt file.wav
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