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diva edited this page May 6, 2011 · 26 revisions

Instructions for configuring and customizing Wifi
© Crista Lopes. All rights reserved.

Wifi is a web application specifically designed with the diva distro
in mind. It’s installation-free, and requires only a very simple
configuration step. Features include:

  • Account creation, optionally controlled by the administrator
  • Configurable default avatars for new accounts
  • Account updates by both users and administrator
  • Account deletion by administrator
  • Password recovery via email
  • Simple user inventory management

In the diva distro, Wifi comes embeded with the simulator itself. That
is, by running the simulator you also run Wifi. The URL for Wifi is


During the configuration process you will be asked a few simple
questions about your Wifi, namely the name, password and email for the
administrator account, whether you want account creation to be
controlled by you or not, and the credentials for a Gmail account that
will enable Wifi to send mail to you and your users. Note that you MUST
provide at least the first and last names of the Admin account, or
Wifi will be disabled. It doesn’t matter if the account doesn’t exist yet;
Wifi will create it for you on the first run.

There is a separate distribution of Wifi targeted to grids.
Instructions are found elsewhere.


Wifi can create new accounts in two manners: uncontrolled and

If you choose to have controlled account creation, every time someone
creates an account, the Wifi Admin account will receive an email
notifying of such an event (make sure you have the Wifi Admin’s email
address properly set). You should then login to Wifi as administrator,
and choose USER MANAGEMENT. You will be presented with a list of all
pending accounts, which you can then approve or delete.

If you choose to have uncontrolled account creation, then anyone can
create an account in your world without going through your approval.


When users sign up, they can choose between 3 avatars: male, female and
neutral. It’s up to you to decide what these 3 default avatars look
like. Here is how you can configure them.

Once your OpenSim is up & running, create 3 accounts (using Wifi) with
the following names:

Male Avatar
Female Avatar
Neutral Avatar

Then login to the world under each of those accounts, and set their
appearances however you like. You can add prim attachments.

That’s it!

From then on, new accounts that choose either one of the default
avatars will get a copy of their appearances.


By default, Wifi sends mail via Gmail’s SMTP secure server. If you
wish to stick to this simple default, get an account in Gmail
specifically for this purpose before running the configuration tool.

You can easily change this default after the initial configuration by
providing another SMTP server and account in
(the obvious configuration variables starting with Smtp).


(If you’re in Windows, ignore this section; if you’re in *ix, read on)

SSL certificates are needed in order to send mail via Gmail.
Unfortunately, mono has some issues regarding SSL certificates, so
depending on which version of mono you have, your mileage with secure
email may vary.

Before you run OpenSim, you need to import the certificates, like

$ mozroots --import --ask-remove
$ certmgr -ssl smtps://
(answer yes to all the questions)

If you find that Wifi is not sending emails, non-secure email,
i.e. port 25, doesn’t require SSL, so it will work if you can find
such an SMTP server.


You can safely customize the following html files under WifiPages:

- splash.html
- header.html
- footer.html
- welcome.html
- links.html

Add your new images to the images folder.

Do not change any of the other files, or Wifi may stop working.


Wifi can support more than the 3 avatar types Male, Female and Neutral:
you can have any number of pre-existing avatar types. In order to do that,
edit your configuration file (MyWorld.ini if diva distro, or any other if using Wifi
on a grid), and locate the [WifiService] section. Add the avatar types you want
like this:

AvatarAccount_<AvatarType> = "<FirstName> <LastName>"

Your users will see the option <AvatarType> on the registration page. You
then need to create the specified account(s), and dress it/them up as you want.


Information for users:

Wifi is able to present its web pages to you in your preferred language. It will use the language that you have set in your web browser. If you do not see Wifi in your preferred language, then it might help to ask the grid owner or adminsitrator whether the localization option is enabled and whether appropriate translations are available.

Information for translators:

To create a new translation for Wifi, there are two areas to address: the web pages and the texts within the Wifi module. Translating the web pages is done by copying the HTML files from directory WifiPages/de to a new directory, for example WifiPages/fr-BE. The name of the subdirectory must be a language code; this is used by Wifi to find the appropriate translations. Wifi is able to use translations for neutral language codes as a fallback, if it can’t find one for a specific language code. For example, it uses the translation for “de”, if it can not find one for “de-AT”.

In the new subdirectory, edit all files by replacing the parts using German text with your translations. You can also use the English defaults found in directory WifiPages as an aid for your translations. However, be aware that not all HTML files in WifiPages need to be translated. The subset found in WifiPages/de comprises all files that require translation.

To translate the Wifi module texts, use the provided PO template file, Diva.Wifi.pot. Make a copy of this file and rename it such that its name contains the language code and its extension becomes “.po”. Then add the translations for each application string in this PO file. For example, a German translation goes into file The benefit of using a PO file is that there are many tools available for various operating systems (e.g. Poedit, As an alternative, Windows XML resource files with extension .resx can be used as well. Make a copy of Diva.Wifi.en.resx and rename it to contain the corresponding language code. Then edit this copy by replacing the strings enclosed by and with the translations.

New localization sets consisting of a set of translated HTML files and translated PO or .resx files can be submitted to a grid owner for deployment or to the Wifi distributor for inclusion into the distribution.

Information for administrators and grid owners:

Localization is optional and disabled by default. If you want to offer a localized Wifi, then you need to set configuration option “LocalizationCachingPeriod” in section [WifiService] to a value other than 0 (24 hours is a recommended value). Furthermore, for each language you want to support, the appropriate translation data must be provided. This translation data comprises a so-called satellite assemby and a set of translated HTML files for each language.

The satellite assembly is a DLL file named Diva.Wifi.resources.dll that must reside in a subdirectory of OpenSimulator’s bin directory. For example, the German translations are found in directory bin/de. The translated HTML files must reside in a dedicated subdirectory of directory WifiPages. To use the German example again, these localized web pages are found in directory WifiPages/de. Usually, Wifi is distributed with a predefined set of localizations which are already deployed to the right places. But if you want to add translations provided by other sources, then be sure to install them correctly.

To deploy localization sets obtained as translated HTML files and PO or .resx files to an existing installation of Wifi/OpenSimulator, the HTML files must be manually copied/moved into the right subdirectory of WifiPages. To create and deploy the satellite assembly, use the helper scripts (for PO or .resx files) or make_languages.bat (for .resx files). These scripts require an installation of Mono ( or of the Microsoft SDK (make_languages.bat); the tools Resource Generator, resgen, and Assembly Linker, al, must be accessible via the system’s path. Invoke one of these script in the directory where you saved the PO or .resx file(s); the satellite assemblies for each language will be generated and deployed to OpenSimulator’s bin directory. After a restart of OpenSimulator, the new language(s) will be available.

Information for developers:

Each string with English text that is presented to the user (or administrator) must be used with the auxiliary method _(string, IEnvironment) in order to take advantage of the localization. (The environment data holds the language information that is used to determine the proper translation.)

For special cases like the use of properties or fields with extension methods, such elements can be marked with the custom attribute [Translate]. See class Avatar in Services.cs for an example.

Every text string that is added to the source code requires a corresponding entry in the translation data files for all the supported languages. The easiest way to achieve this is by adding the new strings to file Diva.Wifi.pot. There are tools available that can scan the source code for calls to method _() and update the PO template file with the new strings (e.g. Poedit). Special cases like the use of custom attribute [Translate] require manual addition of the affected strings.

Translators are then able to use the PO template file to update the PO files for the various languages. Developers should also update at least Diva.Wifi.en.po and Diva.Wifi.en.resx with the default translations which Wifi uses as a fallback when localization is enabled. (Strictly speaking, this is not necessary because the hard-coded strings will be used as defaults when those two files are not updated. However, with localization enabled, there will be warning messages logged each time when the translations for a text is not found.)

The .resx files can be generated from PO files with the Mono Resource Generator, resgen. The script does this automatically when invoked with parameter “-p”. In addition, this tool deploys all available translation resource data to OpenSimulator’s bin directory. Without parameter “-p”, expects .resx files, just like the Windows variant, make_languages.bat, which can not read PO files because of a limitation in resgen.exe of Microsoft’s SDK. For more information about the usage of these scripts, please see the last paragraph in the section for administrators and grid owners above.


if you got the r13458 release early on, you may run into an issue with
the AdminLast configuration variable that disables Wifi all together.
Please see this for how to fix it.


Marck has made major contributions to the functionality of Wifi.
Ai Austin has contributed many useful suggestions for improving the
graphic design of Wifi.
Thank you all!

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