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older AWS instructions, possibly outdated, but better than no manuals, right? Before you do anything below, read the ../scripts/install*.sh executable bash scripts - because they are likely up-to-date. It would actually be a nice task to automate also this creating-of-an-AMI, using awscli - perhaps when you are reading this, that TODO is done already? Anyway, this text tells you how to utilize Amazon AWS, and hopefuly soon also GoogleCloud, and Azure - Contact me if you are an expert in that, and might want to help, thanks.


  • AWS deployment
    • how I created the AMI
  • readymade Amazon AMI
    • start HERE if you have little time:
    • how to clone your own AWS machine from that image

TODO: Update TOC after installation instructions moved into

AWS deployment

This first part here you can safely ignore, it just logs what I have done to create the AMI.

For quickstart, jump forward to chapter "readymade Amazon AMI"

how I created the AMI

  • Launch instance Wizard in eu-west-2 (London)
  • click "Community AMIs", tick boxes "Operating System: Debian" , "Architecture: 64-bit", then search term: "Debian-stretch 2019"
  • newest is debian-stretch-hvm-x86_64-gp2-2019-02-19-26620
    • (ami-0ef10a4062f24d89d)
    • FAI Debian image
    • Root device type: ebs
    • Virtualization type: hvm
    • press select
  • choose type t2.micro
    • because that micro machine is in the "free tier"
    • OR t2.medium if you don't want loose Quorum performance by Swap
  • Next ... Step 3: Configure Instance Details
    • Network: Default
    • Subnet: Default in eu-west-2a
    • auto assign public IP: enable
  • Next ... Step4: Add Storage
    • 11 GiB
      • (the default 8GiB would be enough IF only small swap (700MB not 2000M) and for SINGLE experiments of ONE client at a time (e.g. only parity) - but it cannot hold all docker images of the different Ethereum clients in parallel)
  • Next ... Step 5: Add Tags
    • Name: chainhammer
    • Environment: dev
    • Project: benchmarking
    • Owner: Andreas Krueger
  • Next ... Configure Security Group
    • create new security group
    • name it; allow ssh access
    • source: MyIP (I simply use the same specific VPN server to always get the same IP again)
      • or you must open SSH for "Anywhere" (if you have a dynamic IP each time you connect)
  • Review and Launch ... Launch
  • (make a new one or) choose an existing ssh keypair, example AndreasKeypairAWS.pem
  • Launch Instances
  • Click on
    • "Your instances are now launching ... The following instance launches have been initiated: i-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" to open the Console for this specific Instance
    • Copy the "Public DNS (IPv4)", in our example here to clipboard

Now simplify ssh access, by adding this block to your local machine's

nano ~/.ssh/config
Host chainhammer
  StrictHostKeyChecking no
  User admin
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/AndreasKeypairAWS.pem

now it becomes this simple to connect:

ssh chainhammer

(perhaps after enabling your VPN with the correct IP address)

you should then see something like this:

Warning: Permanently added ',' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Linux ip-172-31-20-65 4.9.0-8-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.130-2 (2018-10-27) x86_64

The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.

then you are logged into your new and shiny cloud machine.

VPS machine

now that you are ssh-logged into that machine:


A swap file is helpful to protect against lack of memory in very small (low RAM) machines

SWAPFILE=/swapfile && free -m && sudo swapoff -a && sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=$SWAPFILE bs=1M count=2000 && sudo chmod 600 $SWAPFILE && sudo mkswap $SWAPFILE && echo $SWAPFILE none swap defaults 0 0 | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab && sudo swapon -a && free -m

The bs=1M count=2000 means 2000 Megabytes of swap (note that this will allocate a big chunk of the harddisk).

sudo apt update && sudo apt -y upgrade && sudo apt install -y git
chainhammer main repo and dependencies install

git clone, softlink for easier access, then changedir ... and INSTALL a lot of things:

git clone drandreaskrueger_chainhammer
ln -s drandreaskrueger_chainhammer CH
cd ~/CH


The script stops before each step. Please report any errors as an issue on github, thanks. Yes, compiling geth takes long - please help us with this idea to avoid that, thanks.

Important: Now LOGOUT and reconnect, so that docker daemon starts working for this user:

ssh chainhammer
cd CH
testing: unittests and integration tests

CH_MACHINE=t2.micro ./    

If the machine has enough RAM, also include the Quorum-crux experiment, with the switch $CH_QUORUM

CH_QUORUM=true CH_MACHINE=t2.medium ./

but keep an eye on RAM with

ssh -t chainhammer "watch -n 5 'free -m'"

In any case, you want to keep another terminal open with

ssh -t chainhammer "tail -n 10 -f CH/logs/network.log"

to notice any Ethereum client problems live.

N.B.: before creating image from instance to make a new AMI

Update chainhammer repo to newest commit, and remove all docker containers & images (to save space), and remove all results-pages and diagrams (to make downloading of new runs easier), and clean out deb packages (to save space):

sudo apt-get clean
cd ~/drandreaskrueger_chainhammer; git pull
rm results/runs/* reader/img/*

And for privacy, important: remove-ssh-host-key-pairs, then power down:

sudo shred -u /etc/ssh/*_key /etc/ssh/*
sudo shutdown now

Once the instance has shutdown, and I created an AMI from it, and made it public.

On AWS console #Instances ... actions ... create image.

On AWS console #Images ... right click ... Modify Image Permissions ... public. And tag it, like above.

--> AMI ID ami-02668247b6555f48a (v57)

By now that AMI probably superseded. Use the "search for public AMIs --> chainhammer" instead, next chapter:

readymade Amazon AMI

This will much accelerate your own benchmarking experiments. In my ready-made Amazon AWS image I have done all of the above (Plus some unlogged updates, of the toolchain & chainhammer).

Use my AMI:

  • In the Public Images, search for "chainhammer" in eu-west-2 (London).
  • Right click ... Launch
  • Step 2: Choose an Instance Type --> at least t2.small ! otherwise you probably run out of memory
  • Step 4: Add Storage --> 12 GB !
  • security group, choose an existing ssh keypair e.g. AndreasKeypairAWS.pem (obviously, your keypair instead)
  • launch, wait

simplify the ssh access, by adding this (with your IP, obviously) to your local machine's

nano ~/.ssh/config
Host chainhammer
  StrictHostKeyChecking no
  User admin
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/AndreasKeypairAWS.pem

now it becomes this simple to connect:

ssh chainhammer

multiple info viewer with terminator

I want to see all of these outputs at a glance:

  • df - whether the harddisk is full
  • htop - to have an eye on RAM and CPU
  • network.log - whether the Ethereum node shows problems
  • - if the smart contract deploy worked
  • - interesting towards the end of an experiment
  • ( - shown by main scripts anyways)

For that purpose "Terminator - Multiple GNOME terminals in one window" is ideal. Start it with:


Added very recently, please improve, or give feedback if it does not work, thanks.

It looks like this:

terminator-screenshot.png terminator-screenshot.png