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Data Science, Engineering, Machine Learning


  • - A directory of government data downloads
  • /r/datasets - A subreddit that has hundreds of interesting data sets
  • Awesome datasets - A list of data sets hosted on GitHub
  • - A great blog post with hundreds of interesting data sets


Command Line with bash

Bash Basics Syntax Arguments
Current time and date date
Calendar cal
Diff side to side diff -y file1 file2 -q report only if differ, -y side by side
Execute from history history, !num, !!
Clear screen clear
Close terminal exit
Print working directory pwd
List the contents ls | la | ll -A all, -h size -l list, -p add / to dir
Change directory cd ~, .., -
Make directory mkdir
Remove empty directory rmdir
Copy cp -i interactive, -r recursive
Remove rm -i interactive, -r recursive
Move mv -i interactive
Find find [location] -name ['filename'] -iname ['icasename']
Username whoami
User info id -un
Groups groups
Change mode (permissions) chmod [ugoa][+-=][rwx] files | 777
Show file permissions stat
Run as superuser sudo -u username
Change owner chown [new_owner][:new_group] file...

Text Processing Syntax Arguments
Python python -c "print(42)"
Command type type -p path, -t type
List aliases compgen -a
Create alias alias d=date
Delete alias unalias d
Locatae a command which
Manual man
First manual line whatis
Manual built-in help
Text page reader less -S truncate
Print head of files head -n lines
Print tail of files tail -n lines
Word count (lines, words, bytes) wc -с bytes, -m chars, -l lines, -w words
Print as table column -s separator, -t table
Shuffle lines shuf -n head
Determine file type file
Concatenate and print files cat | tac
Sort and print files sort -r reverse, -u unique, -t separator, -k range, -g numeric
Print columns of files cut -d separator, -f range
Regex finder grep -E extended, -h no-filename, -n show-line, -i ignore-case, -v non-matching
Print to screen echo
Print formatted to screen printf
Create a file touch
Translate (replace symbols) tr

Command Line Flow Syntax
Redirect stdout (overwrite, append) >, >>
Redirect stderr (overwrite, append) 2>, 2>>
Redirect out and err > file 2>&1
Redirect stdin <
Pipe left output to right input |
Drop output > /dev/null
Current process descriptors /proc/$$/fd

Command Line Shortcuts (Hotkeys)

Command PowerShell bash
Interrupt CTRL + C CTRL + C
Clear CTRL + L CTRL + L
Clear input ESC CTRL + U
ESC + Backspace
Commander info CTRL + Q CTRL + X, I
Commander extract SHIFT + F2


Docker CLI

Command Syntax
List running containers (-a for all) docker ps
Show running container stats (CPU and Memory) docker stats
Show daemon disk space usage docker system df
Show container processes docker top
Show container logs docker logs [-ft]
Show container modified files docker diff
Show container mapped ports docker ports
Start a stopped container docker start
Stop a running container docker stop
Kill a running container docker kill
Remove specific container (-f for running) docker rm
Remove stopped containers (-a for running) docker сontainer prune
Create an image out of container docker commit
List available images docker images
Download an image docker pull
Remove specific image docker rmi
Remove dangling images (-a for unused) docker image prune
Create an image out of Dockerfile docker build .
List all volumes docker volume ls
SSH into container docker exec -it /bin/sh or bash
Build and Run docker run [--name CONTAINER] [-p HOST:CONTAINER -P] [-v LOCAL:CONTAINER] [-d] [--rm]
Copy files between container and host docker cp <CONTAINER:SOURCE TARGET>
Rename a container docker rename

Docker-Compose CLI

Command Syntax Notes
List running services docker-compose ps Recommended
Build docker-compose build <service(s)> Recommended
Build, re(create), start and attach docker-compose [-f] up -d <service(s)> Recommended
Start existing container docker-compose start <service(s)> Not recreated and env vars are not updated
Stop and remove ALL containters docker-compose down Specific services cannot be specified
Stop runnning containters without removing docker-compose stop <service(s)> Recommended
Stop and start containers docker-compose restart <service(s)> Build context (including env vars) are not updated
Force to stop docker-compose kill <service(s)> SIGKILL: use only if won't stop
Remove stopped containers docker-compose rm -fsv <service(s)> Recommended (force, stop the container first, volumes)
Execute command docker-compose exec <service(s)> Recommended


HTTP Request Status Codes

Status Code Description
200 OK
301 Redirect
400 Bad request
401 Not authenticated
403 Forbidden
404 Not found

API Querying with Python

API Basics Syntax
Import module import requests
GET Request requests.get(url, params={}, headers={})
POST Request, json=payload)
PUT/PATCH Request requests.patch(url, json=payload)
DELETE Request requests.delete(url)
Status response.status_code
Content in String response.content
Request/Response in JSON response.json()
Content-Type response.headers['content-type']

Scrapping Basics Syntax
Import module from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
Initialize the parser parser = BeautifulSoup(response_content, 'html.parser')
Get the body tag parser.body
Get the inside text of a tag parser.head.title.text
Find specific tags parser.body.find_all('p', id='i', class_='c')
Find all tags by selectors'.c')


Character classes
. any character except newline
\w \d \s word, digit, whitespace
\W \D \S not word, digit, whitespace
[abc] any of a, b, or c
[^abc] not a, b, or c
[a-g] character between a & g

^abc$ start / end of the string
\b \B word, not-word boundary

Escaped characters
. * \\ escaped special characters
\t \n \r tab, linefeed, carriage return

Groups & Lookaround
(abc) capture group
(?P<name>abc) named capture group
\1 backreference to group #1
(?:abc) non-capturing group
(?=abc) positive lookahead (is followed by abc)
(?!abc) negative lookahead (is not followed by abc)
(?<=abc) positive lookahead (is preceded by abc)
(?<!abc) negative lookahead (is not preceded by abc)

Quantifiers & Alternation
a* a+ a? 0 or more, 1 or more, 0 or 1
a{5} a{2,} exactly five, two or more
a{1,3} between one & three
a+? a{2,}? match as few as possible
ab|cd match ab or cd

Regex with Python

Description Syntax
Python module import re |, string) | re.findall(patttern, string)
Regex pattern check s.str.contains(r'', na=False, flags=re.IGNORECASE) | IGNORECASE = I
Regex pattern extract s.str.extract(r'', expand=True, flags) | expand returns df
Regex pattern replace s.str.replace(r'', replace, flags)
Regex all patterns extract s.str.extractall(r'')
Raw expression (prevents \) r''
Escape \



Jupyter Shortcuts (Hotkeys)

Command Mode (press Esc to enable) Edit Mode (press Enter to enable)
F: find and replace Tab: code completion or indent
Ctrl-Shift-P: open the command palette Shift-Tab: tooltip
Enter: enter edit mode Ctrl-]: indent
Shift-Enter: run cell, select below Ctrl-[: dedent
Ctrl-Enter: run selected cells Ctrl-A: select all
Alt-Enter: run cell, insert below Ctrl-Z: undo
Y: to code Ctrl-Shift-Z: redo
M: to markdown Ctrl-Y: redo
R: to raw Ctrl-Home: go to cell start
1: to heading 1 Ctrl-Up: go to cell start
2: to heading 2 Ctrl-End: go to cell end
3: to heading 3 Ctrl-Down: go to cell end
4: to heading 4 Ctrl-Left: go one word left
5: to heading 5 Ctrl-Right: go one word right
6: to heading 6 Ctrl-Backspace: delete word before
K: select cell above Ctrl-Delete: delete word after
Up: select cell above Ctrl-M: command mode
Down: select cell below Ctrl-Shift-P: open the command palette
J: select cell below Esc: command mode
Shift-K: extend selected cells above Shift-Enter: run cell, select below
Shift-Up: extend selected cells above Ctrl-Enter: run selected cells
Shift-Down: extend selected cells below Alt-Enter: run cell, insert below
Shift-J: extend selected cells below Ctrl-Shift-Minus: split cell
A: insert cell above Ctrl-S: Save and Checkpoint
B: insert cell below Down: move cursor down
X: cut selected cells Up: move cursor up
C: copy selected cells
Shift-V: paste cells above
V: paste cells below
Z: undo cell deletion
D,D: delete selected cells
Shift-M: merge selected cells, or current cell with cell below if only one cell selected
Ctrl-S: Save and Checkpoint
S: Save and Checkpoint
L: toggle line numbers
O: toggle output of selected cells
Shift-O: toggle output scrolling of selected cells
H: show keyboard shortcuts
I,I: interrupt kernel
0,0: restart the kernel (with dialog)
Esc: close the pager
Q: close the pager
Shift-Space: scroll notebook up
Space: scroll notebook down

Python Basics

Import Modules Syntax
Importing a whole module import csv
Importing a whole module with an alias import csv as c
Importing a single definition from csv import reader
Importing multiple definitions from csv import reader, writer
Importing all definitions from csv import *
Reimport a module pd = importlib.reload(pandas)

String Basics Syntax
Replace substring within a string <string>.replace(substring, string)
Convert to title cases (capitalize every letter after every dot) <string>.title()
Check a string for the existence of a substring if <substring> in <string>
Split a string into a list of strings <string>.split(separator)
Slice characters from a string by position <string>[:5]

  • String functions: capitalize, count, startswith, endswith, find, format, lower, upper, lstrip, rstrip, strip, replace, split, swapcase, title, zfill;

String interpolation Syntax
Insert values into a string in order "{} {}".format(value, value)
Insert values into a string by position "{0} {1}".format(value, value)
Insert values into a string by name "{name}".format(name="value")
Format specification for precision of two decimal places "{:.2f}".format(float)
Order for format specification when using precision and comma separator "{:,.2f}".format(float)
Python 3.6 String Interpolation f"Hello {variable}"

Dates and Times Basics Syntax
Import module import datetime as dt
Instantiating dt.datetime dt.datetime(year, month, day)
Creating dt.datetime from a string dt.datetime.strptime("day/month/year", "%d/%m/%Y")
Converting dt.datetime to a string dt_object.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")
Instantiating a dt.time dt.time(hour=int, minute=int, second=int, microsecond=int)
Retrieving a part of a date
Retrieving a date
Instantiating a dt.timedelta dt.timedelta(weeks=3)

Dates and Times Math Type
datetime - datetime timedelta
datetime - timedelta datetime
datetime + timedelta datetime
timedelta + timedelta timedelta
timedelta - timedelta timedelta

Format Description
%d Day of the month as a zero-padded number
%A Day of the week as a word
%m Month as a zero-padded number
%Y Year as four-digit number
%y Year as two-digit number with zero-padding
%B Month as a word
%H Hour in 24 hour time as zero-padded number
%p a.m. or p.m.
%I Hour in 12 hour time as zero-padded number
%M Minute as a zero-padded number

JSON Basics Syntax
Import module import json
JSON string to Object json.loads('json')
JSON file to Object json.load(open('path'))
Object to JSON string json.dumps(obj, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
Dictionary keys obj.keys()
Delete key del obj[key]

List Comprehansions and Lambdas Syntax
Ranges (integers only) range(min, max, interval)
List comprehension [i * 10 for i in [0,1,2,3,4,5] if i > 0]
Functions on Objects min|max|sorted(obj, key=function, reverse=True) | one argument function extracts scalar value
Lambda function f = lambda x, y: x * y
Ternary operator return <val> if <expression> else None


class MyClass():
	def __init__(self, param_1):
		self.attribute_1 = param_1
	def add_20(self):
		self.attribute_1 += 20

mc = MyClass(10)


asyncio Syntax
Import module import asyncio
Grab an event loop<coroutine>)
Make an async function async def func():
await coroutine await func()
Awaitable sleep asyncio.sleep(n)
Start an awaitable task (future) asyncio.create_task(<coroutine>)
Gather multiple coroutines asyncio.gather([coroutines])
Asynchronous Queue asyncio.Queue()
Asynchronous Iterable async for <iterable>
Get Event Loop asyncio.get_event_loop()
Start Event Loop try: loop.run_until_complete(main())
Close Event Loop finally: loop.close()
Currently pending tasks asyncio.Task.all_tasks()
Create Task Group async with asyncio.TaskGroup() as tg
Add Task to the Group tg.create_task(func())


Description Syntax
Create py -m venv venv
Activate source venv\Scripts\activate
Deactivate deactivate
Dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt


Description Syntax
Init alembic init alembic
Create migration alembic revision --autogenerate [-m "message"]
Migrate upgrade alembic upgrade head
Migrate downgrade alembic downgrade -1
History alembic history


Description Syntax
Import modules from PyQt5.QtWidgets import
Create an instance (one per app) app = QApplication(sys.argv)
Start the event loop app.exec_()
Create window (no parent = window) window = QWidget()
Create main window window = QMainWindow()
Show window (hidden by default)

NumPy Arrays

NumPy Selecting Syntax
Import module import numpy as np
Convert a list of lists into a ndarray np.array(list(csv.reader(open(file, "r"))))
Selecting a row from an ndarray ndarr[1]
Selecting multiple rows from an ndarray ndarr[1:]
Selecting a specific item from an ndarray ndarr[1,1]
Selecting multiple columns ndarr[:,1:3] | ndarr[:, [1,2]]
Selecting a 2D slice ndarr[1:4,:3]

NumPy Boolean Indexing Syntax
Reading in a CSV file np.genfromtxt('.csv', delimiter=',', skip_header=1)
Creating a Boolean array from filtering criteria np.array([2,4,6,8]) < 5
Boolean filtering for 1D ndarray a = np.array([2,4,6,8]) | a[a < 5]
Boolean filtering for 2D ndarray ndarr[ndarr[:,12] > 50]
Assigning values in a 2D ndarray using indices ndarr[1,1] = 1 | ndarr[:,0] = 1 | ndarr[:,7] = ndarr[:,7].mean()
Assigning values using Boolean arrays ndarr[ndarr[:,5] == 2, 15] = 1

NumPy 1D Statistics Syntax
Vectorized math + - * /
Functions ndarray .min() .max() .mean() .sum()

NumPy Utils Syntax
Advanced ranges np.arange(min, max, interval)

Pandas Transform and Clean

  • Tidy data: each variable is a column, each observation is a row, and each type of observational unit is a table
  • Imputation: The technical name for filling in a missing value with a replacement value

Pandas Information Basics Syntax
Import module import pandas as pd
Reading a file into a dataframe pd.read_csv('.csv', index_col=0, parse_dates=['col'], encoding='')
Reading a JSON into a dataframe pd.read_json()
Exporting data df.to_csv('.csv', index=False)
Dataframe object info'deep')
Describing a dataframe/series object df.describe(include='all') | s.describe()
Returning a dataframe/series data types df.dtypes | s.dtype()
Returning or setting column names df.columns
Returning the dimensions of a dataframe dt.shape
Create dataframe/series pd.DataFrame({'col': []}, columns=cols) | pd.Series([])
Series to dataframe/list s.to_frame('col') | s.tolist()

Pandas Select Operations Syntax
Selecting the first n rows df.head(5)
Selecting random n rows df.sample(5, random_state=1)
Selecting a single column df['col']
Selecting multiple columns df[['col', 'col2']]
Shorthand Convention for columns df['col'] | df[['col', 'col2']]
Shorthand Convention for rows df['row':'row3']
Selecting rows by label df.loc[<row_labels>, [column_labels]]
Selecting rows by index df.iloc[<row_index>, [column_index]]

Pandas Missing Values Handling Syntax
Unique value counts for a dataframe/series s.unique() | s.value_counts(dropna=False, bins=3, normalize=True)
Selecting null and non-null values s.isnull() | s.notnull()
Selecting null rows df.isnull().any(axis=1)
Renaming an existing column df.rename(columns={'src_name': 'dest_name'}, inplace=True)
Dropping an existing column df.drop(labels=['row'], columns=['col'], inplace=True)
Dropping missing values df.dropna(axis=0, thresh=number_of_records, inplace=True)
Show duplicated rows df.duplicated(cols)
Drop duplicated rows df.drop_duplicates(cols)
Fill missing values df.fillna(value) | s.fillna(value)
Reset index column df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
Renaming an index df.rename_axis(None, axis=0)

Pandas Boolean Masks Operations Syntax
In operator df['col'].isin(['val1', 'val2'])
Between method df['col'].between(val1, val2)
Updating values using Boolean filtering s.loc[s['col'] == 0, 'col'] = np.nan
Updating values using a Mapping dict{ 'src_name': 'dest_name' })
Updating values using mask method s.mask(bool_mask, new_values)

Pandas Sort and Convert Basics Syntax
Sorting by index column df.sort_index(ascending=False)
Sorting by column values df.sort_values(ascending=False)
Converting column to datetime pd.to_datetime(series, errors="coerce")
Converting column to numeric pd.to_numeric(series, errors="coerce")
Converting column to float/int s.astype(float/int)
Stack multiple columns into one df.stack(dropna=False)

Pandas Vectorized Accessors Syntax
Multi-dimensional numpy array df.values
Access datetime values in series s.dt | s.dt.year
Replace substring s.str.replace('"', '')
Extracting values from strings (first word) s.str.split().str[0]

Pandas Aggregation Methods Syntax
Grouping df.groupby('col')
Group indexing gr['col']
Select group data gr.get_group('value')
Groups and indexes gr.groups
Aggregations gr.size() | mean, sum, count, min, max
Multiple aggregations gr.agg(functions_list)
Aggregate df.pivot_table(index=gr_cols, columns=gr_cols, values=val_cols, aggfunc=functions, margins=True)

Pandas Transforming Data Syntax
Apply function for each row in Series
Apply function - Series: for each row, DataFrame: for each column s.apply(func, args) | df.apply(func, args, axis=0)
Apply function to every cell in the DataFrame df.applymap(func)
Unpivot df.melt(id_vars=cols, value_vars=cols) | pd.melt()
Pivot df.pivot(index=cols, columns=cols, values=cols)
List-like to a row (Pandas 0.25) df.explot(column, ignore_index=True)

-Pandas Combining DataFrames*

  • Union

    • pd.concat(df_list, axis, ignore_index=True)
    • df.append() # shortcut
  • Join

    • pd.merge(left=df1, right=df2, how='inner', on='col', on_left='col1', on_right='col2', left_index = True, right_index = True, suffixes=('_x', '_y'))
    • df.merge() # shortcut
    • df.join() # using indexes

Data Visualization


  • df.plot(x='col', y='col', kind='scatter')
    • c='color', color='color'
    • figsize=(,), ax=ax1, grid=True
    • label='', legend=True, title=''
    • xlim=(,), xticks=[]
    • rot=30, alpha=1
    • autopct='%.1f%%' # -% String Formatting -.1 precision -f fixed point -% perc -% symbol
    • secondary_y=False, marker='o'
  •'col', y='col')
  • df.plot.kde()
  • df.hist(bins=, range=(,), histtype='step')
  •'col', y='col')
  • df.<graph>()

  • from pandas.plotting import scatter_matrix
  • scatter_matrix(cols, figsize(,))


Seaborn Basics Syntax
Import module import seaborn as sns
Set background style sns.set_style('darkgrid' | 'whitegrid' | 'dark' | 'white' | 'ticks')
Remove spines sns.despine(left=True, bottom=True)
Histogram \w KDE sns.distplot(y_values)
Kernel Density Plot sns.kdeplot(y_values, shade=True)
Countplot (Clustered Bar) sns.countplot(x='x_col', hue='y_col', data=df, order=[], hue_order=[])
Strip Plot (Narrow Scatter) sns.stripplot(x='x_col', y='y_col', data=df, jitter=True)
Box Plot (And Whisker) sns.boxplot(x='x_col', y='y_col', data=df, whis=4, orient='vertical', width=.15)
Heatmap sns.heatmap(data, cmap='Blues', cbar=False, annot=False, yticklabels=False)
Small Multiple g = sns.FacetGrid(df, col='col1', row='col2', hue='col3', size=height)
Fill Small Multiple, 'y_col', shade=True)


Matplotlib Basics Syntax
Import module import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Jupyter inline %matplotlib inline
Set plot style'fivethirtyeight')
Plot style list
Show plot
Save plot plt.savefig('file') | fig.savefig('file')
Create figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(width_dpi, height_dpi))
Add plot to the figure ax = fig.add_subplot(nrows, ncols, plot_number)
Create figure and subplots fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, figsize=(width, height))
Disable spines ax.spines['side'].set_visible(False) | right, bottom, top, left

Matplotlib Charts Syntax
Line chart plt.plot(x_values, y_values, c='color', label='', linewidth=3)
Bar plot, bar_heights, [bar_width])
Horizontal bar plot plt.barh(bar_positions, bar_widths, [bar_height])
Scatter plot plt.scatter(x, y)
Histogram plt.hist(y_values, bins=int, range=(min, max))
Box plot plt.boxplot(values)

Matplotlib Plot and Axis plt ax Arguments
Set Title title set_title 'text'
Add Legend legend legend 'text', loc='upper left', fontsize=12
Set Axis Labels xlabel set_xlabel 'text', size=12
Ticks and Their Labels xticks set_xticks, ax.set_xticklabels [ticks], [labels], rotation=90, size=12
Batch Tick Parameters tick_params tick_params bottom='off', top='off', left='off', right='off', labelbottom='off', labelsize=12
Set Axis Limit Range xlim set_xlim min, max
Add H/V Lines axhline axhline y, label='', c='color', alpha=1
Add Text text text x, y, 'text'


  • Data Query Language (DQL)
    • Data Definition Language (DDL): CREATE, ALTER, and DROP
    • Data Control Language (DCL): GRANT, REVOKE
    • Data Manipulation Language (DML): SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE

DML Operations

select <column_name, ...,  *>
from <table_name>
where <condition>
group by <column_name, ...>
having <condition>
order by <column_name | column_number, ...> [desc]
limit 10;

insert into <table_name> [(
	<column_name>, ...
)] values (
	<value_1>, ...
), ...;

update <table_name>
set <column_name> = <new_value>, ...
where <condition>;

delete from <table_name> where <condition>;

Description Syntax
Execution order from -> where -> group by -> having -> select -> order by -> limit
String concatenation (SQLite) ||
Unique distinct
Aggregation functions count, sum, avg, min, max, len
Rounding results round(<column, value>, <n>)
Casting types cast(<column, value> as <type>)
Case conversion lower(), upper()
Conditional logic case when <expression> then <value1> [...] [else <value2>] end as <name>
IN Operator <column, value> in (<values>)
Joining data <inner, left, right, full (outer), cross> join on <condition>
Combining rows union [all], intersect, except
Null operations is [not] null
Like pattern like '[pattern] [%]'
Named subquery with <name> as <query> [...]

DDL Operations

create table <table_name> (
	<column_name> <column_type> [primary key]
	,primary key (<column_name>, ...)
	,foreign key (<column_name>) references <table_name>(<column_name>)

alter table <table_name>
	add column <column_name> <column_type>;

Description Syntax
SQLite column types text, integer, real, numeric, blob
Creating a view create view <name> as <query>
Removing an object drop <view, table> [if exists] <name>


  1. First normal form: the values in each column of a table must be atomic
  2. Second normal form: every non candidate-key attribute must depend on the whole candidate key, not just part of it
  3. Third normal form: eliminating the transitive functional dependencies

SQL with Python

#!conda install -yc conda-forge ipython-sql

%load_ext sql
%sql sqlite:///sqlite_file.db



Description Syntax
Import module import sqlite3
Connect to database conn = connect(path)
Close the connection conn.close()
Create a cusror cursor = conn.cursor()
Run the query cursor.execute(sql_query)
Return one row cursor.fetchone()
Return n rows cursor.fetchmany(n)
Return the full results cursor.fetchall()
No cursor shortcut conn.execute(sql_query).fetchall()

SQLite Shell

Description Syntax
Open database sqlite3 <dbname.db>
Enable column headers .headers on
Enable column output .mode column
Help .help
Tables list .tables
Run in shell .shell <command>
Quit .quit
View the schema for a table .schema <table_name>


from sqlalchemy import create_engine
engine = create_engine(f'mysql://{LOGIN}:{PASS}@{URL}/{DB}?charset=utf8')
with engine.begin() as conn:
    cursor = conn.execute('''
        select value
        from table
df = pd.DataFrame(cursor.all())

SQL Server Snippets

select convert(varchar(8), getdate(), 112) as [DateKey]
select cast([YYYMMDD] as datetime) as [DateTime]



  • Fuzzy language is vague language and it is common in the workspace
  • Sought clarification: What is the reason behind the request? What is the right question to ask?
  • Proxies: is a variable that stands in place of another variable (which is typically hard to get)
  • Price dumping: occurs when manufacturers export a product to another country at a price below the normal price with an injuring effect (could be illegal)
  • Line organization: most requests come directly from your manager
  • Functional organization: requests can come from all over the company
  • Majority rule: a decision rule that selects alternatives with more than half the votes
  • Prototyping has several advantages like easier estimation, profitability decision, changes and goals flexibility
  • Supply Chain Management (SCM): the management of the flow of goods and services


Measurements that help management track of the overall health of the business:

  • Metrics are observed across time
  • Metrics are calcullted separately at specific points in time
  • Metrics are understood in a chronological context

A good metric should have the following characteristics:

  • Accurate: do not create anything wrongly measured
  • Simple and intelligible: easy to read for anyone
  • Easy to drill down into: are we doing good or bad and why
  • Actionable: ability to change things according to the measure
  • Dynamic: metrics need to change over reasonable periods of time
  • Standardized: everyone should see the same thing with no inconsistency
  • Business Oriented: should be relevant for the business


  • Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
  • Inflation
  • Unemployment Rate
  • Revenue
  • Conversion Rate (CR)
  • Average Order Value (AOV): reduce payback period and increase Return on Investment (ROI) in retail
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS): quantifies customer satisfaction
    • % Promoters - % Detractors = (# Promoters - # Detractors) / # Total
  • Churn Rate is when a customer ceases to be a customer (subscription-based)
    • # Churned Customers / # Total Customers
    • The more customers you lose, the smaller the pool of potential customers becomes
    • Current customers are more likely to buy the more expensive products than new customers (subscription based)
    • Churn rate informs how happy customers are with your product
    • Happy customers provide free advertising
    • Rretaining existing customers is more profitable than acquiring new customers

Probability and Statistics

  • Introducing KaTeX: The fastest math typesetting library for the web
  • Granularity: the level of detail at which data is stored
  • Rule of thumb: principe based on practical experience rather than theory


  • Population: the set of all individuals relevant to a particulas statistical question
  • Sample: a smaller group selected from a population
  • Parameter: a population metric
  • Statistic: a sample metric
  • Sampling error: difference between the metrics of a population and the metrics of a sample
    • sampling error = parameter - statistic
  • Representativeness: every individual in the population has an equal chance to be selected, leading to smaller sampling error

Sampling methods:

  • Simple random sampling (SRS): a sampling method using random numbers to select a few sample units # pd.sample()
  • Stratified sampling: organize (stratify) data into different groups (stratums), and then sample randomly each group
    • Maximize the variability between strata (different groups)
    • Minimize the variability within each stratum
    • The stratification criterion should be strongly correlated with the property you're trying to measure
  • Сluster sampling: picking only a few of the individual data souces (clusters)
  • Descriptive statistics: describing a sample or a population by measuring and visualizing stuff
  • Inferential statistics: using a sample (infering) to draw conclusions about a population


Variable is a property with varying value. Can be divided into two categories:

  • Quantitative variable: describes how much there is of something
    • We can tell the size or direction of the difference
    • e.g. height, age (date), points, experience
  • Qualitative variable (Categorical): describes what or how
    • We cannot tell the size and direction of the difference
    • e.g. name, position, place, college

Scales of measurement is the system of rules that define how each variable is measured:

  • The Nominal scale: measuring qualitative variables only
  • An Ordinal scale: measuring quantitative variables only
    • We can tell the direction of the difference
    • We cannot tell the size of the difference (intervals between ranks could differ)
    • We should be aware calculating averages for ordinal variables (different results with shifted encoding systems)
  • An Interval or Ratio scales: measuring quantitative variables only
    • Preserves the order between values and has well-defined intervals using real numbers
    • On a Ratio scale, the zero point means "no quantity", while on an Interval scale it indicates the presence of a quantity
    • Using a Ratio scale we can measure the difference in terms of ratios (division)
    • Discrete variable: there is no possible intermediate value between any two adjacent values
    • Continuous variable: contains an infinity of values between any two values

Frequency Distributions

  • Frequency Distribution Table shows how frequencies are distributed
  • Grouped Frequency Distribution Talbes: each group (interval) is called a class interval
    • s.value_counts(bins=intervals)
    • pd.interval_range(start=0, end=100, freq=10)
    • there should be a good balance between information and comprehensibility

Types of Frequencies:

  • Absolute frequencies: absolute counts # s.value_counts()
  • Relative frequencies: proportions and percentages # s.value_counts(normalize=True)

Percentiles and Quartiles:

  • Percentile rank of a score is the percentage of scores in its distribution that are less than it
  • Percentile and percentile rank are related terms, but percentile is measured in percentages
    • from scipy.stats import percentileofscore
    • percentileofscore(a=series, score=value, kind='weak')
  • Quartiles: the three percentiles, 25th (lower quartile), the 50th (middle quartile), and the 75th (upper quartile), that divide the distribution in four equal parts # s.describe(percentiles=[])

Types of Distributions:

  • Skewed Distributions
    • Left skewed (negatively skewed): the tail points in the direction of negative numbers
    • Right skewed (positively skewed): the tail points in the direction of positive numbers
  • Symmetrical Distributions
    • Normal distribution (Gaussian distribution): the values pile up in the middle and gradually decrease toward both ends
    • Uniform distribution: the values are distributed uniformly

Visualizing Distributions:

  • Nominal and Ordinal variables is common to visualize using bar plot, pie chart (better sense for the relative frequencies)
  • The most commonly used graph for visualizing distributions is the histogram
  • Smoothed histogram that display densities (probabilities) instead of frequencies is called Kernel Density Estimate (KDE) plot
  • When we need to compare multiple (> 4) distributions, it is better to use strip plot or box plot
    • Quartiles
      • Lower quartile index: $Qi_1 = (n+1) * 0.25$
      • Upper quartile index: $Qi_3 = (n+1) * 0.75$
      • Interquartile range: $\text{IQR} = \text{upper quartile} - \text{lower quartile}$
    • Outliers are values in the distribution that are much larger or much lower than the rest of the values
      • Lower bound: $\min = Q_1 - 1.5* \text{IQR}$
      • Upper bound: $\max = Q_3 + 1.5 * \text{IQR}$

Averages and Variability

  • Arithmetic Mean μ (Parameter): total sum divided by total number of values (distances belove and above are the same) $\dfrac{1}{N}(\sum_{i=1}^N x_i)$
  • Sample Mean x̄ (Statistics): there are three possible scenarios: overestimation, underestimation, equal estimation (when x̄>μ and x̄<μ, sampling error occurs)
  • Sampling Error: $μ - x̄$
  • Sample Representativity: the more representative a sample is, the closer x̄ will be to μ
  • Sample Size: the larger the sample, the more chances we have to get a representative sample and less sampling error
  • Unbiased Estimator: statistic that are on average equal to the parameter it estimates
    • This is true for any distribution of real numbers with equal sample size
  • Weighted Mean: takes into account the different weights $\dfrac{\sum_{i=1}^{N} x_i w_i}{\sum_{i=1}^{N} w_i}$
    • np.average(houses_per_year['Mean Price'], weights=houses_per_year['Houses Sold'])
  • Open-Ended Distribution: distribution with open boundary, for example "10 or more / 10+"
  • Median: the middle value in a sorted distribution ($Q_2$), resistant to outliers (robust statistics) # s.median()
  • Mode: the most frequent value in the destribution # s.mode()
    • The best option for discrete values, because it gives you the whole number
    • The distribution could be unimodal, bimodal or even multimodal (in case of more than one mode)
  • Range of Distribution: measure the variability of a distribution (average distance, dispersion) # s.std()
    • $\text{mean absolute deviation} = \dfrac{\sum_{i=1}^{N} |x_i - \mu|}{N}$
    • $\text{mean squared deviation (variance)} = \dfrac{\sum_{i=1}^{N} (x_i - \mu)^2}{N}$
    • $\text{standard deviation} = \sqrt{\text{variance}}$
    • Bessel's correction suggests to divide by n-1, instead of n, to prevent sample underestimation # np.std(list, ddof=1)

Can be used for Can't be used for Ideal for
Mean Interval or Ratio
Continuous Ordinal
Non-numeric Ordinal
For different weights use weighted mean
Summarizing numerical distributions
with each value in the distribution
Median Interval or Ratio
Numeric Ordinal
Non-numeric Ordinal
Summarizing numerical distributions with outliers
Open-ended distributions
Mode Interval or Ratio
Nominal or Ordinal
Uniform distributions
Continuous Ordinal
Nominal or Non-numeric Ordinal
Discrete values

Value Reporting to non-technical audiences
Mean 1.04 The average house has 1.04 kitchens
Median 1 The average house has one kitchen
Mode 1 The typical house has one kitchen

Machine Learning

Computer Vision



Touchpad = Rotate
Shift + Touchpad = Move
Ctrl + Touchpad = Zoom

Drag Corner = Join / New Window
Tab = Object / Edit

Shift + A = New Object
Shift + D = Duplicate
Shift + Tab (Ctrl) = Snap (Fact Project + Individual Elements)

Ctrl + Tab = Mode Wheel
Ctrl + A = Apply Stuff (scale, rotation)

~ = View Wheel
N = Properties
X = Delete
O = Proportional Editing (wheel)
Ctrl + P = Parent Selected
P = Separate
Select -> Select Random
L = Select Linked
Ctrl + L = Link Stuff (Shared Material)
Ctrl + R = Loop Cut
Ctrl + B = Bevel Edge
H = Hide
Alt + H = Unhide All
Alt + G = Reset Location
Alt + Z = X-Ray
Alt + Click = Edge Loop

G = Grab
R = Rotate
S = Scale
Alt + S = Directional Scale
x/y/z = Choose Axis

// Modifiers

Subdivision - create extra faces
Solidify - add a volume
Shrinkwrap - wrap aroud inner mesh
Displace - randomize stuff using textures

// Sculpting

F = Radius
Shift + F = Strength

X = Draw
Ctrl + X = Reverse Draw

G = Grab
I = Inflate
Shift + S = Smooth Details

Brushes -> Stroke -> Airbrush = Click and Hold

// Animation

I = Insert Keyframe


ffplay - play video
ffprobe - get metadata
ffmpeg -i vids.txt -f concat
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 output.mp4
-c:v [mpeg4, libx264, libx265] -c:a [mp3, aac]
-c copy (skip re-encoding)
-b:v 7500k
-r 30
-s 1920x1080
-ss 00:00:00 -to 00:00:00
-ac 2 (downmix to stereo, do not use -c:a copy)
-map_chapters -1 (remove chapters)
-map 0 (keep all audio channels)
-sn (remove subtitiles)


Notes about Data Science, Engineering, Machine Learning etc.






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