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David Van Mosselbeen edited this page Aug 25, 2021 · 12 revisions
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Security Cheat Sheet Wikeypaydia

Making the Internetz and the World Safe... Again!

Actually, I call this the borked Security Cheat Sheet. Go figure out why...

Free Tip Of The Day: Use the sidebar, aka the Table Of Content navigation on the right side. But maybe they have moved it to the left side by now? Shoot! You are part of the Next Billion Users, so it could be the sidebar is just bellow. I have no clue, just look around for the "MENU"! Not the food menu, nor the beer menu!


⚠️ This is live stuff. Work In Progress. So this Wiki will freak out with all the changes I (we, the world) want to apply. It will freak you out too on the same run. I don't care. Bookmark the Homepage instead of a particular topic.


Feel also free to get in touch, especially if you have a Golden Visa card, Dollars or Euros. I'm not into the Bitcoins stuff yet, except if you have a lot to offer me. PS. I also accept PayPal donations or any other money transfer onto my bank account. I'm not so joking on this one :-D

Sharing is Caring...

Share your knowledge... Get also in touch if you want to collaborate on this free Security Cheat Sheet information "database". The internetz and some people rocks, you know, it's like the rockyou file. Okay, forget the stupid people behind that.

Contributors list

Table of Contents

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