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This C# project demonstrates use simple codes to present most Azure Service Fabric key functions, such as how to use Stateless WebAPI, Stateless Service, Stateful Service, Stateful Actor and communication between them.


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Azure Service Fabric Key Functions Simple Project


Azure Service Fabric is an amazing framework. However, there remains a lot of concepts for you to understand.

This C# solution project will help you to understand all the key functions in Azure Service Fabric. They will be presented with the simplest and shortest codes.


Install Azure Service Fabric SDK

This example uses Service Fabric SDK

The following document will enable you to initialize your Service Fabric development environment.

Create test Service Fabric

The following document will help you to create an Azure Service Fabric.

Project Structure

You can get more detailed explanation for Service Fabric terminology in this website.


It is the Service Fabric Application project. We need to use this project to publish and set all the micro-services deployment configurations, such as instance count and partition count.


Example Stateless Web API service.

It listens 8972 port (you can change it from ServiceManifest.xml in this project) and acts as OWIN Web API service. You can also add MVC functions in this project.

We use this project as Service Fabric public HTTP access entry point.

This project includes the following public HTTP endpoints.

http(s)://[service fabric domain]:[8972 or 8973]/api/values/getfromstatelessservice/1

http(s)://[service fabric domain]:[8972 or 8973]/api/values/getfromstatefulservice/[partition key]

http(s)://[service fabric domain]:[8972 or 8973]/api/values/settostatefulservice/[partition key]?value=[test value]

http(s)://[service fabric domain]:[8972 or 8973]/api/values/getfromactor/[actor id]

http(s)://[service fabric domain]:[8972 or 8973]/api/values/settoactor/[actor id]?value=[test value]


Example Stateless service.

Web API service has communication with this service.


Example Stateful service.

Web API service has communication with this service.

Actor1 and Actor1.Interfaces

Example Stateful Actor and interface definition project.

Web API service has communication with this actor.

Key Functions

Here are some very common scenarios and the way to achieve them with codes.

Add Startup Task

Please check WebApi1 project to find the solution source code.

Sometimes we need to install some dependency exe or run some bat file to preset VM environment before Service Fabric starts to run. Just as the cloud service startup task. You can use following steps to achieve this target.

1. Add startup.bat to the project. Exe file is also acceptable.

2. Set this bat file as "Copy to Output Directory".

3. Add the following XML configuration in ServiceManifest.xml


4. Notice that <Program>startup.bat</Program> should be used in one line.


Please check WebApi1 project to find the solution source code.

CORS means to return additional HTTP header in response. Actually, it is not a Service Fabric topic issue. Service Fabric CORS means how to add CORS into OWIN Web API2 service.

1. Install "Microsoft.Owin.Cors" assembly from nuget, while it has been assembly installed in this example.

2. Add appBuilder.UseCors(CorsOptions.AllowAll); in Startup.cs

3. Add the following XML in app.config

        <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="*" />
        <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Methods" value="GET, POST, OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE" />

4. After publishing, use this to test CORS.

Enable HTTPS Web API Service

Please check WebApi1 and Application1 projects to find the solution source code.

1. Prepare a .pfx file. You can use makecert.exe to generate a test certificate. In this project, it names as vantest.pfx .

2. Prepare installcert.cmd and installcert.ps1 file. You will use these files to install van.pfx certificate into VM localMachine\MY store.

3. RDP to every VM, copy above 3 files to VM. Run installcert.cmd in command window. If you want to install certificate automatically when VMSS scale up or down, you need to use Azure Key-Vault and set certificate in deployment template.

4. Open WebApi1/ServiceManifest.xml and add below configuration.

<Endpoint Protocol="https" Name="ServiceHttpsEndpoint" Type="Input" Port="8973" />

5.\ Open Application1/ApplicationManifest.xml and add below configuration. Please notice X509FindValue is the thumbprint of vantest.pfx

      <EndpointBindingPolicy EndpointRef="ServiceHttpsEndpoint" CertificateRef="TestCert1" />
    <EndpointCertificate X509FindValue="C82CD573B5CDE976B4799134F1618A80EBE57E9C" Name="TestCert1" />

6. Open WebApi1/OwinCommunicationListener.cs and modify it to listen https protocol. By default it only listens http.

7. Open WebApi1/WebApi1.cs and modify it to listen all endpoints in configuration. By default it only listen endpoint "ServiceEndpoint".

8.\ Open Azure Service Fabric Portal, add 8973 port load balancer.

9.\ Publish Service Fabric, and test by https://[service fabric domain]:8973/api/values/getfromstatelessservice/1

Communication between Web API service and Stateless Service

Web API service is the public entry service which needs to invoke other backend services to finish business requests. We have 2 choices to achieve this target: creating backend service public endpoint or using Service Fabric internal communication technology.

Please check Stateless1 and WebApi1 projects to find the solution source code.

1. Open Stateless1/Stateless1.cs. There are interface ITestStatelessService, class TestCount and method public Task<TestCount> GetCount(). They defined Stateless1 service open API.

2. Open WebApi1/Controllers/ValuesController.cs. The codes in the below will indicate how to build communication with Stateless1 service.

public async Task<string> GetFromStatelessService(int id)
    ServiceEventSource.Current.Message("Get invoked: {0}", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
    var helloWorldClient = ServiceProxy.Create<ITestStatelessService>(new Uri("fabric:/Application1/Stateless1"));
    var message = await helloWorldClient.GetCount();
    return string.Format("[{0}] {1}: {2}", message.Time.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), message.Id, message.Count);

In this example, Stateless1 service returned an object so that WebApi1 service can receive the result object.

Communication between Web API service and Stateful Service

Please check Stateless1 and WebApi1 projects to find the solution source code.

1. Open Stateful1/Stateful1.cs. There are interface ITestService, method public async Task<string> GetCount() and public async Task SetCount(long count). They defined Stateful1 service open API.

Please notice that Stateful1 service uses ReliableDictionary to store value. This dictionary data will be synced among all the Stateful1 services in the same partition.

2. Open WebApi1/Controllers/ValuesController.cs. The following codes indicate how to build communication with Stateful1 service.

// GET api/values/getfromstatefulservice/[0-5]
public async Task<string> GetFromStatefulService(int id)
    var helloWorldClient = ServiceProxy.Create<ITestService>(new Uri("fabric:/Application1/Stateful1"), new Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Services.Client.ServicePartitionKey(id));
    var message = await helloWorldClient.GetCount();
    return message;

// GET api/values/settostatefulservice/[0-5]?value=123
public async Task<string> SetToStatefulService(int id, long value)
    /* Explnation of partition key
     * if there are 2 partitions with key from 0-5.
     * 0-2 partition key will map to partition #1
     * 3-5 partition key will map to partition #2.
     * different partitions have different state.
     * which means if you set value 10 to any one of partition key 0-2,
     * then partition #1 will have value 10 but partition #2 still have value 0
    var helloWorldClient = ServiceProxy.Create<ITestService>(new Uri("fabric:/Application1/Stateful1"), new Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Services.Client.ServicePartitionKey(id));
    await helloWorldClient.SetCount(value);
    return String.Format("id: {0} has been set to {1}", id, value);

Please notice that these API have a parameter called "partition id" and it only accepts 0-5.

This is because in Application1/ApplicationPackageRoot/ApplicationManifest.xml, there is XML configuration which limited Stateful1 partition key from 0-5. You can also use this configuration item to control Stateful Service partition key range.

    <Service Name="Stateful1">
      <StatefulService ServiceTypeName="Stateful1Type" TargetReplicaSetSize="[Stateful1_TargetReplicaSetSize]" MinReplicaSetSize="[Stateful1_MinReplicaSetSize]">
        <UniformInt64Partition PartitionCount="[Stateful1_PartitionCount]" LowKey="0" HighKey="5" />

Communication between Web API service and Stateful Actor

Please check Actor1 and WebApi1 projects to find the solution source code.

1. Open Actor1/Actor1.cs. There are methods Task IActor1.SetCountAsync(int count) and Task<int> IActor1.GetCountAsync(). They defined Stateful1 service open API.

Please notice that Actor1 uses StateManager to get and set value. StateManager cannot sync data among different actor objects.

Besides, we need to notice that actor is a single module. In other word, if there were any threads operating the same actor by the same actor id, these requests would be executed in one single thread.

2. Open WebApi1/Controllers/ValuesController.cs. The following codes indicate how to build communication with Actor1.

// GET api/values/settoactor/1?value=123
public async Task<string> SetToActor(long actorid, int value)
    var start = DateTime.Now;
    var actor = ActorProxy.Create<IActor1>(new ActorId(actorid), new Uri("fabric:/Application1/Actor1ActorService "));
    await actor.SetCountAsync(value);
    return String.Format(
        "{0}\n\nActor id: {1} has been set to {2}\n\n{3}",
        start.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), actorid, value, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));

// GET api/values/getfromactor/1
public async Task<string> GetFromActor(long actorid)
    var actor = ActorProxy.Create<IActor1>(new ActorId(actorid), new Uri("fabric:/Application1/Actor1ActorService "));
    var value = await actor.GetCountAsync();
    return value.ToString();

These codes indicate how to invoke actor objects by different actor id.


This C# project demonstrates use simple codes to present most Azure Service Fabric key functions, such as how to use Stateless WebAPI, Stateless Service, Stateful Service, Stateful Actor and communication between them.







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