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Project EuroMir

Project codename EuroMir (also, song) is a prototype of a conic programming solver that builds on the work done for the older conic program refinement research project, of which it may inherit the name, once it's completed.

Compared to that 2018 Stanford research project, it has a completely new codebase (written from scratch) and it removes various unnecessary dependencies. It also has a modified algorithm, which is guaranteed to preserve convexity (unlike many similar attempts). It uses a simplified version of the 2018 algorithm only for the final polishing.

Algorithm (draft)


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The algorithm is under development. This is the current model, see the scs and conic refinement for the notation. We just remind to the reader the standard homogeneous self-dual embedding of a conic program, which is, in turn, the standard formulation of a convex program:

    \text{find} & \ u, \ \ v \\
    \text{s. t.} & Q u = v \\
        & u \in \mathcal{K} \\
        & v \in \mathcal{K}^*

Where Q is a skew-symmetric matrix that includes all problem data, \mathcal{K} and \mathcal{K}^* are dual cones encoding the constraints of the program. Most elementary cones of practical interest (linear, second-order, semi-definite) are self-dual; notable exceptions are the zero and real cone, which are the duals of each other.

We propose to solve the following quadratic relaxation of the above, which to our knowledge is a novel formulation (as of early 2024). We use the projection operators on the primal and dual cones. These are differentiable operators on the whole space minus a set of measure 0, of little practical interest, as we showed in the 2018 conic refinement paper.

    \text{minimize} & \|Q u - v \|_2^2 + \| u - \Pi_\mathcal{K} u \|_2^2  + \| v - \Pi_{\mathcal{K}^\star} v \|_2^2

This program always has a non-zero solution for which the objective is zero, thanks to the guarantees from the convex duality theory of the homogeneous self-dual embedding. The system matrix Q is skew symmetric, so at convergence it is guaranteed that u and v are orthogonal, and hence no other requirements are needed on the formulation above to recover an optimal solution (or certificate) for the original program.

The objective function is clearly convex and has continuous derivative. It has continuous second derivative almost everywhere. The conditioning depends on the conditioning of Q, we apply by default standard Ruiz diagonal pre-conditioning.

In fact, an even simpler formulation can be obtained:

    \text{minimize} & \| u - \Pi_\mathcal{K} u \|_2^2  + \| Q u - \Pi_{\mathcal{K}^\star} Q u\|_2^2,

here we simply made the linear system implicit in the conic penalizations. We can further simplify, with another minimal usage of convex analysis

    \text{minimize} & \| \Pi_\mathcal{K^\star} (-u) \|_2^2  + \| \Pi_{\mathcal{K}} (-Q u) \|_2^2,

where we used the properties of dual cones, as summarized in the conic refinement paper.

This is what we feed to a generic unconstrained minimization algorithm; We propose to use a combination of approximate Newton (via truncated conjugate gradient method) and limited-memory BFGS; it is well known that in the double-loop formulation of the L-BFGS iteration, any arbitrary Hessian approximator can be used as basis, and it's easy to obtain an approximate Hessian of our objective function by dropping the second derivatives of the conic projection operators. The approximation is exact on linear programs.

We then use the 2018 conic refinement algorithm (simplified, without the normalization step), using LSQR on the HDSE residual operator, for the final refinement of the approximate solution obtained from the BFGS loop.

The approach is clearly globally convergent, and it can probably be showed to converge super-linearly. However, theoretical bounds on convergence have very limited applicability in real mathematical engineering; smart implementation choices and good code quality are by far more important. Only experimentation can tell how this approach compares to mature alternative ones, such as the various flavors of interior point and operator splitting algorithms.


We mirror development in Python and C (and, in the future, C with OpenMP). We set up the build with CMake, patching setuptools to use it. All testing and profiling is done in Python. Binding of C to Python is done using ctypes: we link at runtime. This guarantees that pre-built wheels are agnostic to the Python version, the Numpy ABI, .... Memory communication between Python (mostly Numpy arrays) and C is still zero-copy and the GIL is released by ctypes; there are no appreciable overheads compared to building with Python.h, since the user only calls a ctypes-linked function once when solving a conic program.


All memory is pre-allocated by the caller, which in typical usage is the CVXPY interface. There are no malloc in our C code. We require to allocate space for a copy of the problem data (for rescaling, that may be prevented if we change the internal logic, adding some computational overhead), and the size of the primal and dual variables times the L-BFGS memory, which is a small number like 5 or 10.

In layman terms, this is the least memory any conic solver needs, and dramatically less than interior-point solvers.


Pre-built wheels will be available on PyPi soon. You can already install the development version, which is at a very early stage, but can already solve simple linear programs to higher numerical accuracy than state-of-the-art interior point solvers. You need cmake and a C compiler. This is easy on Linux, on Debian and derivatives it's sudo apt install build-essential cmake; on Mac brew install llvm cmake should do it, on Windows you need the MinGW Linux subsystem. We already successfully test in Github CI on all three platforms. Then:

pip install --update --force-reinstall git+


We will provide a CVXPY and raw Python interface as part of our packages. The single C function the user interacts with will be also documented, for usage from other runtime environments. In fact, our preview interface already works, and that's what we're using in our testsuite. If you installed as described above you can already test the solver on linear programs of moderate size, we're testing so far up to a few hundreds variables. From our tests you should already observe higher numerical accuracy on the constraints, which are smaller or close to the machine precision of double arithmetics (2.2e-16), and/or lower objective value on the solution, than with any other numerical solver.

For example, on this \ell_1 regression linear program you can see better constraints satisfaction than with a state-of-the-art interior point solver. If you run with a solver with exact theoretical satisfaction of the optimality conditions, like GLPK for linear programs, you will see about the same numerical error on the constraints, but better objective value at optimality, with our prototype. Keep in mind that our solver is factorization free; it uses only iterative linear algebra methods, with linear algorithmic complexity and linear memory usage. As such, it is fully parallelizable without loss of accuracy. Most of the logic used is currently implemented in Python, as we finalize the algorithmic details, so it will run slower than fully compiled codes.

import numpy as np
import cvxpy as cp
from project_euromir import Solver

m, n = 200, 100
A = np.random.randn(m, n)
b = np.random.randn(m)
x = cp.Variable(n)
objective = cp.Minimize(cp.norm1(A @ x - b))
constraints = [cp.abs(x) <= .05]

cp.Problem(objective, constraints).solve(solver=Solver())
print('Project EuroMir')
    'constraints violation infinity norm: %.2e' %
print('Objective value: %.16e' % objective.value)

cp.Problem(objective, constraints).solve(
    solver='CLARABEL', max_iter=1000, tol_gap_abs=1e-64, tol_gap_rel=1e-64,
    tol_feas=1e-64, tol_infeas_abs=1e-64, tol_infeas_rel=1e-64,

print('State-of-the-art interior point solver, maxing out accuracy:')
    'constraints violation infinity norm: %.2e' %
print('Objective value: %.16e' % objective.value)