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dbt_ad_reporting v1.9.0

Under the Hood

  • Addition of an blank line between the quoted line and the comment.

Under the Hood

  • Addition of a section tag within the README so the model descriptions may be accessible within the Fivetran UI for Quickstart. (PR #113)
  • Upticked the google_ads and linkedin_ads dependencies following major releases in both packages in which conversion metrics have been added. Refer to the individual package release notes for more details (Google Ads, Linkedin Ads). (PR #115)
    • Note: Default conversions have not been added to ad_reporting models yet, as we are rolling out conversion support to all upstream Ad packages first.


dbt_ad_reporting v1.8.0

PR #112 includes the following update:

Dependency Updates

  • Tiny update which upticks the microsoft_ads dependency following a recent major release. Refer to the Microsoft Ads v0.8.0 release notes for what exact updates have been included.

dbt_ad_reporting v1.7.1

Bug Fixes

  • Adjust the severity of the account_id test in ad_reporting__account_report to warn. This is required since Snapchat can hard-delete records from the history tables, but not from the reporting tables. This ensures that accurate statistics are being reported and production pipelines aren't failing. (PR #20)

Under the Hood

  • Updated the pull request templates (PR #110).
  • Included auto-releaser GitHub Actions workflow to automate future releases (PR #110).


dbt_ad_reporting v1.7.0

PR #103 includes the following update.

Breaking changes

  • Identifiers for the following packages have been updated for consistency with the source name and compatibility with the union schema feature. See the package's changelog for a full list of changes.

  • Linkedin ads updates:

    • Updated materializations of dbt_linkedin non-tmp staging models from views to tables. This is to bring the materializations into alignment with other ad reporting packages and eliminate errors in Redshift.
    • Updated the name of the source created by dbt_linkedin_source from linkedin to linkedin_ads. This was to bring the naming used in this package in alignment with our other ad packages and for compatibility with the union schema feature. If you are using this source, you will need to update the name.

Feature update 🎉

dbt_ad_reporting v1.6.1


  • Renames the semantic model from ad_reporting__ad_report --> ad_report in order to avoid the dunder(__) keyword. (PR #105)


dbt_ad_reporting v1.6.0

PR #100 includes the following updates.

🚨 New dbt-core version requirement 🚨

  • Updated the metrics spec to reflect the new spec in dbt-core 1.6.0. As a result, the new required dbt version is [">=1.6.0", "<2.0.0"]. Be sure to upgrade your dbt-core version when upgrading this package to avoid dbt version compatibility errors.

Feature Updates

  • Added ad_reporting__ad_report.yml semantic model which is required to define metrics.
  • Included metricflow_time_spine.sql which is required by Metricflow. This will be deprecated in future releases. If you have already created a metricflow_time_spine.sql model in your project, you will need to disable it for this package by setting the variable ad_reporting__metricflow_time_spine_enabled to false in your project.
## root dbt_project.yml
  ad_reporting__metricflow_time_spine_enabled: false ## true by default

Under the Hood

  • Added a new variable dbt_date:time_zone which is used by the dbt_date.get_base_dates macro within the metricflow_time_spine model. This variable is nested under the ad_reporting hierarchy in the variables config and should not affect any global declarations if you leverage the dbt_date package in your own environment.
    • The default value of this variable is America/Los_Angeles, but you may be able override this in your own root project. For more information on why this variable is needed and the different value options, refer to the dbt-date package documentation.
## root dbt_project.yml
  "dbt_date:time_zone": "America/Chicago" # Default is "America/Los_Angeles"


  • Please be aware that due to a bug in dbt-core v1.6.0 the docs were not regenerated as part of this release. You can expect a new release in the future with the regenerated docs that contain these updates.


dbt_ad_reporting v1.5.0

🚨 Breaking Changes 🚨

PR #98 includes the following changes based on the underlying individual package upgrades:

Bug Fixes

  • Adding the correct variable name in ad_reporting__url_report for passthrough metrics. (PR #96)


dbt_ad_reporting v1.4.0

🎉 Feature Enhancement 🎉

  • Added ad_reporting__<report>_passthrough_metrics variables to easily add common metrics across all platforms into the ad_reporting models! This allows metrics other than the standard clicks, impressions, and cost to be included in the final ad reporting models. See below for a full list of new variables and example metrics to passthrough. (PR #85)
    • It is important to call out that this is only possible if the relevant upstream Ad platform variables have the same metric to be unioned in the roll up model. Please see the README section for details around how to configure the passthrough metrics.
    • Please ensure you exercised due diligence when adding metrics to these models. The metrics added by default (clicks, impressions, and cost) have been vetted by the Fivetran team maintaining this package for accuracy. There are metrics included within the source reports, for example metric averages, which may be inaccurately represented at the grain for reports created in this package. You will want to ensure whichever metrics you pass through are indeed appropriate to aggregate at the respective reporting levels provided in this package.
    - name: conversions
    - name: view_through_conversions
    - name: total_shares
    - name: conversions
    - name: conversions
    - name: interactions
  ad_reporting__ad_passthrough_metrics: ## For both Ad and URL reports
    - name: conversions
    - name: video_views_captured
    - name: interactions
    - name: conversions
    - name: local_spend_amount
  • Addition of the pinterest__using_keywords (default=true) variable that allows users to disable the relevant keyword reports in the downstream Pinterest models if they are not used. (PR #89)

Under the Hood:

  • Incorporated the new fivetran_utils.drop_schemas_automation macro into the end of each Buildkite integration test job. (PR #86)
  • Updated the pull request templates. (PR #86)


dbt_ad_reporting v1.3.1


PR #79 includes the following updates:

  • Updated package dependencies for Linkedin Ads v0.7.0, for more information please refer to Linkedin Ads PR #28
  • Updated README package dependencies to reflect current package versions

dbt_ad_reporting v1.3.0

🎉 Introducing Reddit Ads Compatibility 🎉

(PR #83) includes the following feature additions:

  • We have added Reddit Ads as another platform to our Ad Reporting package.
  • Your Reddit Ads data can now be rolled into the below models:
    • ad_reporting__account_report
    • ad_reporting__campaign_report
    • ad_reporting__ad_group_report
    • ad_reporting__ad_report
    • ad_reporting__url_report

Note: If you are NOT using Reddit Ads, add the below variable to your dbt_project.yml to disable the Reddit Ads models.

  ad_reporting__reddit_ads_enabled: False ## True by default

dbt_ad_reporting v1.2.1


Bug Fixes

  • Enabling additional Snapchat Ads columns in ad_reporting__url_report that were previously mapped to null values. (#81)
    • These columns are: ad_group_id (ad_squad_id), ad_group_name (ad_squad_name), campaign_id and campaign_name.

Under the Hood

  • Swapped out calculation_method: expression for calculation_method: derived for derived metrics


dbt_ad_reporting v1.2.0

🚨 Breaking Changes 🚨 and 🎉 Feature Enhancements 🎉

PR #75 includes the following new features:

  • Amazon Ads has officially been released and added to the Ad Reporting package.
  • Your Amazon Ad data can now be rolled into the below models:
    • ad_reporting__account_report
    • ad_reporting__campaign_report
    • ad_reporting__ad_group_report
    • ad_reporting__ad_report
    • ad_reporting__search_report
    • ad_reporting__keyword_report
  • Documentation has been updated to include Amazon Ads information.

Note: If you are NOT using Amazon Ads, add the below variable to your dbt_project.yml to disable the Amazon Ads models.

  ad_reporting__amazon_ads_enabled: False ## True by default

dbt_ad_reporting v1.1.0

🚨 Breaking Changes 🚨:

PR #66 includes the following breaking changes:

  • Dispatch update for dbt-utils to dbt-core cross-db macros migration. Specifically {{ dbt_utils.<macro> }} have been updated to {{ dbt.<macro> }} for the below macros:
    • any_value
    • bool_or
    • cast_bool_to_text
    • concat
    • date_trunc
    • dateadd
    • datediff
    • escape_single_quotes
    • except
    • hash
    • intersect
    • last_day
    • length
    • listagg
    • position
    • replace
    • right
    • safe_cast
    • split_part
    • string_literal
    • type_bigint
    • type_float
    • type_int
    • type_numeric
    • type_string
    • type_timestamp
    • array_append
    • array_concat
    • array_construct
  • For current_timestamp and current_timestamp_in_utc macros, the dispatch AND the macro names have been updated to the below, respectively:
    • dbt.current_timestamp_backcompat
    • dbt.current_timestamp_in_utc_backcompat
  • dbt_utils.surrogate_key has also been updated to dbt_utils.generate_surrogate_key. Since the method for creating surrogate keys differ, we suggest all users do a full-refresh for the most accurate data. For more information, please refer to dbt-utils release notes for this update.
  • Dependencies on fivetran/fivetran_utils have been upgraded, previously [">=0.3.0", "<0.4.0"] now [">=0.4.0", "<0.5.0"].
  • Metric attirbutes have been renamed to be consistent with the latest version of dbt-metrics: sql -> expression and type -> calculation_method

🎉 Features 🎉

  • Added ability for a user to allow records having nulls in url fields to be included in the ad_reporting__url_report and the underlying *url_report models. This is done by setting the below variable to False in your dbt_project.yml file. (#72)
  ad_reporting__url_report__using_null_filter: False # Use this variable to include null urls for ALL upstream ad platform packages enabled in your project. Default is True. 
  • Updated README with this information. (#72)

🚘 Under the Hood 🚘

  • Disabled the not_null test for ad_reporting__url_report when null urls are allowed. (#72)
  • Updated this package's integration_tests/seeds/microsoft_ads_campaign_performance_daily_report_data in light of PR #23 on dbt_microsoft_ads_source.(#68)

dbt_ad_reporting v1.0.4

Feature Enhancement

  • The keyword_id field (which is a surrogate key generated from the combination of 'account_id', 'line_item_id', 'segment', and 'placement' fields within the Twitter Ads source) has been added to the ad_reporting__keyword_report model for the Twitter Ads platform. (#71)


  • The not_null test on the ad_reporting__keyword_report has been adjusted to be tested on the keyword_id as opposed to the keyword_text. This is needed as there may be times where keyword historical records may be removed and lose reference in an upstream join. As such, the text may be lost and the null test should be applied to the ID instead. (#71)


  • @clay-walker for being instrumental in understanding and addressing this issue. (#63)

dbt_ad_reporting v1.0.2-v1.0.3

🕷️ Bugfixes 🕷️

  • Updated twitter_ads__using_keywords to have consistent defaults. (#70)

dbt_ad_reporting v1.0.1

🎉 Feature Enhancements 🎉

PR #57 incorporates the following change:

  • The package now includes a set of pre-defined metrics related to clicks, impressions, and spend (definitions here).
    • Refer to the README for the included metrics and instructions on how to use them.
    • Note: This requires you to manually add a dependency on the dbt metrics package to use.


PR #60 incorporates the following change:

  • The LinkedIn Ads schema and database variables were incorrectly documented within the README. The README has been updated to reflect the correct variable names.
    • linkedin_schema has been properly updated to reflect linkedin_ads_schema
    • linkedin_database has been updated to reflect linkedin_ads_database.


dbt_ad_reporting v1.0.0

🚨 Breaking Changes 🚨

PR #54 incorporates these breaking changes:

  • The previous ad_reporting model has been renamed to ad_reporting__url_report and will only include records that have non-null url values for more information on specific filters please refer to each platform package's url_report model.

🎉 Feature Enhancements 🎉

PR #54 includes the following new features:

  • Apple Search Ads has officially been released and added to Ad Reporting.
  • In addition to the ad_reporting__url_report model update, we have added five new models:
    • ad_reporting__account_report
    • ad_reporting__campaign_report
    • ad_reporting__ad_group_report
    • ad_reporting__ad_report
    • ad_reporting__keyword_search_report
  • This package now leverages ad_reporting__<platform>_enabled variables to enable/disable all upstream packages and respective models all in one place.
  • New corresponding documentation and updated docs for new models.
  • This package leverages several different macros in order to successfully build each model and features a macros_docs.yml within the macros directory that provides details for each macro.

dbt_ad_reporting v0.8.0

🚨 Breaking Changes 🚨

  • The api_source variable for the Google Ads package is now defaulted to google_ads as opposed to adwords. The Adwords API has since been deprecated by Google and is now no longer the standard API for the Google Ads connector. Please ensure you are using a Google Ads API version of the Fivetran connector before upgrading this package. (#53)
    • Please note, the adwords version of this package will be fully removed from the package in August of 2022. This means, models under models/adwords_connector will be removed in favor of models/google_ads_connector models.


  • The ad_reporting final model is now materialized in a schema <target_schema>_ad_reporting by default. This may be overwritten if desired. (#53)

dbt_ad_reporting v0.7.0

🚨 Breaking Changes 🚨

  • The Google Ads dependency has been updated to now reference the latest version of the dbt_google_ads package (v0.6.0). This version of the package incorporates new and modified tables within the Google Ads API version of the connector. For more information, refer to the relevant dbt_google_ads and dbt_google_ads_source v0.6.0 release notes.

dbt_ad_reporting v0.6.0

TikTok Ads has been added as a dependency and is enabled by default. Be sure to disable the models via the README if you do not have a TikTok Ads connector.

Feature Additions

  • Added the TikTok Ads package to be included in the final ad_reporting model. (#36)

dbt_ad_reporting v0.6.0-b1

🎉 dbt v1.0.0 Compatibility Pre Release 🎉 An official dbt v1.0.0 compatible version of the package will be released once existing feature/bug PRs are merged.

🚨 Breaking Changes 🚨

  • Adjusts the require-dbt-version to now be within the range [">=1.0.0", "<2.0.0"]. Additionally, the package has been updated for dbt v1.0.0 compatibility. If you are using a dbt version <1.0.0, you will need to upgrade in order to leverage the latest version of the package.
    • For help upgrading your package, I recommend reviewing this GitHub repo's Release Notes on what changes have been implemented since your last upgrade.
    • For help upgrading your dbt project to dbt v1.0.0, I recommend reviewing dbt-labs upgrading to 1.0.0 docs for more details on what changes must be made.
  • Upgrades the package dependencies to refer to the latest individual ad package versions. Additionally, the latest individual ad package versions have a dependency on the latest dbt_fivetran_utils. Further, the latest dbt_fivetran_utils package also has a dependency on dbt_utils [">=0.8.0", "<0.9.0"].
    • Please note, if you are installing a version of dbt_utils in your packages.yml that is not in the range above then you will encounter a package dependency error.

dbt_ad_reporting v0.5.1

Feature Additions

  • Added the account_name and account_id to the stg_snapchat_ads model. This will allow for the relevant Snapchat Ads account information to flow downstream into the final ad_reporting model. (#30)

Under the Hood

  • Cast the account_id and external_account_id as strings within the stg_google_ads model.


  • @csoule-shaker (#30)
  • @csoule1622 (#30)

dbt_ad_reporting v0.1.0 -> v0.5.0

Refer to the relevant release notes on the Github repository for specific details for the previous releases. Thank you!