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Logs Analysis Project

Project Overview

This project describe that, how to explore a large database with over a million rows. In this you will stretch our SQL database skills and build complex queries and use them to draw business conclusions from data. You will also get interact with a live database both from the command line and from Python code.

How to Run? 🚥

Pre Requirements!

Setup the Project:

  1. Install Git.
  2. Install Vagrant and VirtualBox.
  3. Python and PostgreSQL are already pre-installed in VM.
  4. Download or Clone fullstack-nanodegree-vm repository.
  5. Download Data from here of Newspaper Database.
  6. You will need to unzip this file after downloading it. The file inside is called newsdata.sql and move this file inside vagrant sub-directory in the downloaded fullstack-nanodegree-vm repository.

Start the Virtual Machine:

The VM is a Linux server system that runs on top of your own computer. You can share files easily between your compute. Launch the VM inside vagrant sub-directory in the downloaded fullstack-nanodegree-vm repository using command in terminal/Git Bash:

    $ vagrant up

log in VM using command in terminal/Git Bash:

    $ vagrant ssh

After log in VM, change directory cd to /vagrant and look around with ls. Then you will get Shell Prompt look like this:


Setup the Database:

After successful login in VM. Load the data in local database using the command:

    $ psql -d news -f newsdata.sql
  • psql — the PostgreSQL command line program
  • -d news — connect to the database named news which has been set up for you
  • -f newsdata.sql — run the SQL statements in the file newsdata.sql

Running this command will connect to your installed database server and execute the SQL commands in the downloaded file (newsdata.sql), creating tables and populating them with data.

Connect to the database using the command:

    $ psql news

Create Views:

Create View (top_articles) by using the command:

$ create view top_articles as select,articles.title , view.num from articles
,(select path, count(*) as num from log group by path order by num desc limit 8 offset 1)
as view where (view.path like '%' || articles.slug || '%') order by num desc;

by $ \d top_articles using this command you will get the Shell Prompt look like this:

Column Type
author integer
title text
num bigint

Create View (all_requests) by using the command:

$ create view all_requests as select date(time), count(*) as num from log group by date(time);

by $ \d all_requests using this command you will get the Shell Prompt look like this:

Column Type
date date
num bigint

Create View (error_requests) by using the command:

$ create view error_requests as select date(time), count(*) as num from log where status !=
'200 OK' group by date(time);

by $ \d error_requests using this command you will get the Shell Prompt look like this:

Column Type
date date
num bigint

Create View (error_percent) by using the command:

$ create view error_percent as select round(e.num * 100.0 / a.num, 3) as percentage,
from error_requests as e, all_requests as a where =;

by $ \d error_percent using this command you will get the Shell Prompt look like this:

Column Type
percentage numeric
date date

Run the Project: 🚀

Close the psql database by pressing Ctrl + d. After closing, inside vagrant sub-directory run the file using the command:

    $ python

Expected Output in VM terminal: 🐫

1. What are the most popular three articles of all time?
        Candidate is jerk, alleges rival ___ 338647 views
        Bears love berries, alleges bear ___ 253801 views
        Bad things gone, say good people ___ 170098 views

2. Who are the most popular article authors of all time?
        Ursula La Multa ___ 507594 views
        Rudolf von Treppenwitz ___ 423457 views
        Anonymous Contributor ___ 170098 views
        Markoff Chaney ___ 84557 views

3. On which days did more than 1%s of requests lead to errors?
        Jul 17, 2016 ___ 2.263% errors


Log Analysis Project is Copyright ©️ 2018 Kashif Iqbal. It is free, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.


Udacity Project # 3






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