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Share galleries and files from Hydrus on the web

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hyshare allows you to share galleries of files from hydrus using tags and individual files using just a link. It communicates to the Hydrus client using it's API.

To share a gallery with hyshare. Set a tag on all the files you want to share using the prefix/namespace you have configured (by default hyshare:). Whatever is after the prefix will become the path to the gallery. For example if you used a tag hyshare:demo, the gallery would be at <your hyshare url>/gallery/demo.

To share individual files, simply copy the SHA256 hash from Hydrus and append it to this path <your hyshare url>/view/. For example, <your hyshare url>/view/ad6d3599a6c489a575eb19c026face97a9cd6579e74728b0ce94a601d232f3c3.



$ npm install -g hyshare

(run again to update)


A Docker image is published here

Running from source

$ npm install

Running the server

You will need your API key and potentially your API URL configured in an environment variable (see below) before running the server.


$ hyshare


$ docker run -p 3000:3000

From source

# development
$ npm run tailwind:build
$ npm run start

# watch mode
$ npm run tailwind:dev
$ npm run start:dev

# production mode
$ npm run tailwind:build
$ npm run start:prod


hyshare has two sets of configuration items. The environment config and app config. You will need to restart hyshare for any changes to apply.

Environment Config

The environment config is loaded from environment variables and optionally a .env file (using dotenv). It looks in the current working directory for this .env file.

Here are all the environment config items (they are optional unless stated otherwise):

Config Item Default Value Description
HYSHARE_PORT 3000 The port to serve hyshare on.
HYSHARE_HYDRUS_API_URL http://localhost:45869/ The URL to your Hydrus client API.
HYSHARE_HYDRUS_API_KEY (required) an access key for the Hydrus API. It should have the "search for files" permission enabled.
HYSHARE_HYDRUS_API_TIMEOUT 30000 The timeout in ms hyshare will wait for requests to the Hydrus API. A value of 0 disables the timeout.
HYSHARE_LOG_REQUESTS false Whether hyshare should log each request to the console. If true hyshare will use morgan to log every request.
HYSHARE_REQUEST_LOG_FORMAT common The morgan format to use for logged requests. See the list of pre-defined formats or create your own with the default tokens
HYSHARE_BASE_URL The base URL hyshare is served on. Used for twitter embed meta tags that require an absolute URL.
HYSHARE_THUMBNAIL_DIR The absolute directory where Hydrus thumbnails are stored. Providing this will allow hyshare to serve thumbnails directly from disk where possible instead of going through the Hydrus API. This directory should be the one containing t00 through tff subdirectories with the thumbnails inside them. By default this would be the client_files directory in the db directory in a regular Hydrus install.
NODE_ENV production (development only) The environment type hyshare is running in (set to development to have nunjucks watch for changes to the templates).

App Config

The app config is loaded from a JSON, YAML, or JS file using cosmicconfig. It looks for a file called .hyshare.json (could also be .yml for example) starting in the current working directory and moving up until it hits your home directory. This means you can put .hyshare.json in your home folder.

Here are the app config items (they are all optional):

Config Item Default Value Description
searchPrefix hyshare: The prefix to add to the requested gallery name. For example by default when /gallery/test is requested, hyshare will search Hydrus for hyshare:test. This can be blank, which will simply search verbatim for the tag /gallery/{tag}.
searchTags [] An array of additional tags to add to each gallery search. Refer to the Hydrus docs for what can be used here.
hiddenTags [] An array of tags to hide in the file view.
hiddenNamespaces ["hyshare", "hyshare comic"] An array of namespaces to hide in the file view.
tagServiceToSearch The tag service name to use for the gallery search. By default this searches all tag services. It is recommended to use a tag service that is not a public tag repo (eg the PTR) and is not affected by public tag repo siblings and parents. If the tag service used can be effected by PTR parents or siblings someone could potentially sibling or parent a hyshare: tag to something else and expose your files.
tagServicesToDisplay ["all known tags"] An array of tag service names to display in the file view
fileServiceToSearch The file service name to use for the gallery search.
showNotes true A boolean indicating whether to show notes on the file view
hiddenNoteNames [] An array of note names that will be hidden in the file view. These are matched after removing "(1)", "(2)", etc. from the end of the note name.
showUrls true A boolean indicating whether to show known URLs on the file view
urlTypesToDisplay [0, 3, 4] An array of integers indicating which types of URLs to display in the file view. See the Hydrus docs for a list of URL types.
hiddenUrlClassNames [] An array of Hydrus URL class names that will be hidden in the file view.
embedTitle true A boolean indicating whether to include the title of the file in embed metadata tags (for example for Discord embeds)
titleFromNamespace true A boolean indicating whether to try to determine a title for the file from the first tag with a title namespace, configured below. If this is false or no title tag is found it falls back to "Image File" for example.
titleNamespace title The namespace to use to determine a file's title.
fullThumbs false A boolean indicating whether to show full thumbnails in the gallery view. If set to false thumbnails will be cropped in to fill the entire square.
noRounded false A boolean indicating whether to disable rounded corners on various UI elements including thumbnails and buttons.
blackDarkTheme false A boolean indicating whether to use a more pure-black dark theme.
defaultSortType An integer indicating which sort type to use in the gallery view. Refer to the Hydrus docs for a list of valid sort types
defaultSortAsc A boolean indicating whether to use an ascending order for sorting in the gallery view. true results in ascending order, false results in descending order.
blockedHashes [] An array of SHA256 hashes that will be blocked from galleries, the file view, thumbnail, and file requests.
errorNonLocal false A boolean indicating whether hyshare should return a 404 Not Found error when a non-local file is attempted to be accessed at the /view path. A non-local file is any where Hydrus doesn't have the actual file, so any files you've never imported and those that have been permanently deleted. This does not include files in the trash. When set to false, information about deleted files or files that you've never imported but have tags in a tag service (like the PTR) will be returned.
redirects {} A JSON object of paths to URLs for custom redirects. Only one one level of path is supported (eg no /s). For example { "test": "" } will produce a redirect from /test to Relative URLs are also supported for the redirect target.
serverCacheTTL 300 (5 min) The length of time in seconds hyshare should cache generated responses on the server. This applies to gallery and file views.
serverCacheMax 100 The maximum number of responses hyshare can cache.
galleryBrowserCacheMaxAge 3600 (1 hour) The max-age to send in the Cache-Control header for gallery pages. Instructs the browser and intermediate caches how long to consider gallery pages fresh for.
galleryDownloadEnabled false A boolean indicating whether to allow downloading galleries as ZIP files.
galleryRandomEnabled false A boolean indicating whether to enable the /gallery/{tag}/random and /gallery/{tag}/random/file paths which redirect to a random file from the gallery.
viewFileBrowserCacheMaxAge 3600 (1 hour) The max-age to send in the Cache-Control header for file view pages. Instructs the browser and intermediate caches how long to consider file view pages fresh for.
comicsEnabled true A boolean indicating whether to enable the comics feature. This enables /comic/{tag} and /comic/{tag}/page routes.
comicSearchPrefix hyshare comic: The prefix to add to the requested comic name. For example by default when /comic/test is requested, hyshare will search Hydrus for hyshare comic:test.
comicSearchTags [] An array of additional tags to add to each comic search. Refer to the Hydrus docs for what can be used here.
comicBrowserCacheMaxAge 3600 (1 hour) The max-age to send in the Cache-Control header for file comic pages. Instructs the browser and intermediate caches how long to consider file view pages fresh for.
comicTitleFromNamespace true A boolean indicating whether to try to determine a title for the comic from the first tag with a title namespace, configured below, in the first page of the comic. If this is false or no title tag is found it falls back to comic tag from the URL.
comicTitleNamespace title The namespace to use to determine a comic's title.
comicTagServices ["all known tags"] An array of tag service names that will be used for comic title, volume, chapter, and page tags. They will be used in the order given.
comicFullThumbs false A boolean indicating whether to show full thumbnails in the comic gallery view. If set to false thumbnails will be cropped in to fill the thumb container. If true the container will be a square unless comicThumbAspectRatio is set.
comicThumbAspectRatio The aspect ratio for comic thumbnails. If this is unset the aspect ratio of the files will be used. Accepts any valid CSS aspect-ratio value. If you have "thumbnail scaling" set to "scale to fill" in your Hydrus settings you should set this to the aspect ratio of your set thumbnail dimensions. This can also be used to restrict normal thumbnail to a specific aspect like 1/1.5.
comicTitleOverrides A JSON object of comic paths to title strings. The comic titles here override any tags on the files.

Running as a service

There are many ways to run hyshare as a service. PM2 for example may work. I will share the steps for what I use personally on Windows.

Windows with WinSW

  1. Install hyshare with NPM (see above).
  2. Create a hyshare folder somewhere. I put this in my user folder. You can put your .env file and .hyshare.json file here for config.
  3. Download WinSW, rename the exe to hyshare-service.exe and put it in your hyshare folder.
  4. Find where your hyshare script is by running get-command hyshare in PowerShell. You should get something like C:\Users\floogulinc\AppData\Roaming\npm\hyshare.ps1 in the result.
  5. Create a file called hyshare-service.xml in your hyshare folder. Using the below template, replace the <executable> entry with what you found in the previous step, replacing .ps1 with .cmd.
      <!-- Display name of the service -->
      <!-- Service description -->
      <description>hyshare server</description>
      <log mode="roll-by-time">
  6. Open a PowerShell window in your hyshare directory and run .\hyshare-service.exe install. That should install the service. You can open services.msc to check and start it if it's not already started.

Reverse Proxy and HTTPS

You will probably want to expose your hyshare server to the internet. It is recommended to use a reverse proxy to serve hyshare over HTTPS. There are many options for this so here are some potential ways to do it.

Caddy and port forwarding

If you are comfortable port forwarding to the machine you run hyshare on you can easily setup Caddy with automatic HTTPS.

For users who have already setup Caddy, Duck DNS, and Tailscale for Hydrus Web, skip to step 3, appending the config to your existing Caddyfile using a new subdomain from DuckDNS or somewhere else.

  1. Download Caddy
  2. Setup Caddy to run as a service using these instructions.
  3. Create your Caddyfile in the directory you created in the last step:
    https://YOUR_DOMAIN {
      reverse_proxy localhost:3000
      tls YOUR_EMAIL
      encode zstd gzip
    Replace YOUR_DOMAIN with some domain that points at your public IP address. This can be a free subdomain from somewhere like Duck DNS. Replace YOUR_EMAIL with your email address.
  4. Reload Caddy or restart the service.

Private share with Caddy and Tailscale

If you would like to share files securely with only a few people you can all use Tailscale to have a private connection between your computers. You can largely follow the existing guide for use with Hydrus Web and substitute localhost:45869 with localhost:3000 or whatever port hyshare is running on.

Another option will be using Caddy 2.5 which is currently in beta. Caddy 2.5 will allow you to skip using DuckDNS or otherwise and directly obtain a HTTPS certificate from Tailscale.

Finally, you can even just serve hyshare over HTTP if using Tailscale since Tailscale is already encrypting the data. Simple have Tailscale and hyshare running and your other devices and those you have shared your machine with on Tailscale will be able to access hyshare directly.

Cloudflare Tunnel

This is what I personally use. It allows you to share your hyshare server with the internet without port forwarding. This works by having the Cloudflare daemon running on your machine which will receive any requests to the Cloudflare domain/subdomain you have pointed to it. This will require you have a domain set up with Cloudflare.

I suggest following their documentation for running as a service.

As an example, my config.yml file looks like:

tunnel: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
credentials-file: C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\.cloudflared\xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.json

  - hostname:
    service: http://localhost:3000
  - service: http_status:404
logfile:  C:\Cloudflared\cloudflared.log