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Fluentd output plugin to write data into Hadoop HDFS over WebHDFS/HttpFs.

"webhdfs" output plugin formats data into plain text, and store it as files on HDFS. This plugin supports:

  • inject tag and time into record (and output plain text data) using <inject> section
  • format events into plain text by format plugins using <format> section
  • control flushing using <buffer> section

Paths on HDFS can be generated from event timestamp, tag or any other fields in records.


fluent-plugin-webhdfs fluentd ruby
>= 1.0.0 >= v0.14.4 >= 2.1
< 1.0.0 < v0.14.0 >= 1.9

Older versions

The versions of 0.x.x of this plugin are for older version of Fluentd (v0.12.x). Old style configuration parameters (using output_data_type, output_include_* or others) are still supported, but are deprecated. Users should use <format> section to control how to format events into plain text.



To store data by time,tag,json (same with '@type file') over WebHDFS:

<match access.**>
  @type webhdfs
  host namenode.your.cluster.local
  port 50070
  path /path/on/hdfs/access.log.%Y%m%d_%H.log

If you want JSON object only (without time or tag or both on header of lines), use <format> section to specify json formatter:

<match access.**>
  @type webhdfs
  host namenode.your.cluster.local
  port 50070
  path /path/on/hdfs/access.log.%Y%m%d_%H.log
    @type json

To specify namenode, namenode is also available:

<match access.**>
  @type     webhdfs
  namenode master.your.cluster.local:50070
  path     /path/on/hdfs/access.log.%Y%m%d_%H.log

To store data as JSON, including time and tag (using <inject>), over WebHDFS:

<match access.**>
  @type webhdfs
  host namenode.your.cluster.local
  port 50070
  path /path/on/hdfs/access.log.%Y%m%d_%H.log
    timekey_zone -0700 # to specify timezone used for "path" time placeholder formatting
    tag_key   tag
    time_key  time
    time_type string
    timezone  -0700
    @type json

To store data as JSON, including time as unix time, using path including tag as directory:

<match access.**>
  @type webhdfs
  host namenode.your.cluster.local
  port 50070
  path /path/on/hdfs/${tag}/access.log.%Y%m%d_%H.log
  <buffer time,tag>
    @type   file                    # using file buffer
    path    /var/log/fluentd/buffer # buffer directory path
    timekey 3h           # create a file per 3h
    timekey_use_utc true # time in path are formatted in UTC (default false means localtime)
    time_key  time
    time_type unixtime
    @type json

With username of pseudo authentication:

<match access.**>
  @type webhdfs
  host namenode.your.cluster.local
  port 50070
  path /path/on/hdfs/access.log.%Y%m%d_%H.log
  username hdfsuser

Store data over HttpFs (instead of WebHDFS):

<match access.**>
  @type webhdfs
  host httpfs.node.your.cluster.local
  port 14000
  path /path/on/hdfs/access.log.%Y%m%d_%H.log
  httpfs true

With ssl:

<match access.**>
  @type webhdfs
  host namenode.your.cluster.local
  port 50070
  path /path/on/hdfs/access.log.%Y%m%d_%H.log
  ssl true
  ssl_ca_file /path/to/ca_file.pem   # if needed
  ssl_verify_mode peer               # if needed (peer or none)

Here ssl_verify_mode peer means to verify the server's certificate. You can turn off it by setting ssl_verify_mode none. The default is peer. See net/http and openssl documentation for further details.

With kerberos authentication:

<match access.**>
  @type webhdfs
  host namenode.your.cluster.local
  port 50070
  path /path/on/hdfs/access.log.%Y%m%d_%H.log
  kerberos true
  kerberos_keytab /path/to/keytab # if needed
  renew_kerberos_delegation_token true # if needed

NOTE: You need to install gssapi gem for kerberos. See

If you want to compress data before storing it:

<match access.**>
  @type webhdfs
  host namenode.your.cluster.local
  port 50070
  path /path/on/hdfs/access.log.%Y%m%d_%H
  compress gzip  # or 'bzip2', 'snappy', 'hadoop_snappy', 'lzo_command', 'zstd'

Note that if you set compress gzip, then the suffix .gz will be added to path (or .bz2, .sz, .snappy, .lzo, .zst). Note that you have to install additional gem for several compress algorithms:

  • snappy: install snappy gem
  • hadoop_snappy: install snappy gem
  • bzip2: install bzip2-ffi gem
  • zstd: install zstandard gem

Note that zstd will require installation of the libzstd native library. See the zstandard-ruby repo for infomration on the required packages for your operating system.

You can also specify compression block size (currently supported only for Snappy codecs):

<match access.**>
  @type webhdfs
  host namenode.your.cluster.local
  port 50070
  path /path/on/hdfs/access.log.%Y%m%d_%H
  compress hadoop_snappy
  block_size 32768

If you want to explicitly specify file extensions in HDFS (override default compressor extensions):

<match access.**>
  @type webhdfs
  host namenode.your.cluster.local
  port 50070
  path /path/on/hdfs/access.log.%Y%m%d_%H
  compress snappy
  extension ".snappy"

With this configuration paths in HDFS will be like /path/on/hdfs/access.log.20201003_12.snappy. This one may be useful when (for example) you need to use snappy codec but .sz files are not recognized as snappy files in HDFS.

Namenode HA / Auto retry for WebHDFS known errors

fluent-plugin-webhdfs (v0.2.0 or later) accepts 2 namenodes for Namenode HA (active/standby). Use standby_namenode like this:

<match access.**>
  @type            webhdfs
  namenode         master1.your.cluster.local:50070
  standby_namenode master2.your.cluster.local:50070
  path             /path/on/hdfs/access.log.%Y%m%d_%H.log

And you can also specify to retry known hdfs errors (such like LeaseExpiredException) automatically. With this configuration, fluentd doesn't write logs for this errors if retry successed.

<match access.**>
  @type              webhdfs
  namenode           master1.your.cluster.local:50070
  path               /path/on/hdfs/access.log.%Y%m%d_%H.log
  retry_known_errors yes
  retry_times        1 # default 1
  retry_interval     1 # [sec] default 1

Performance notifications

Writing data on HDFS single file from 2 or more fluentd nodes, makes many bad blocks of HDFS. If you want to run 2 or more fluentd nodes with fluent-plugin-webhdfs, you should configure 'path' for each node. To include hostname, #{Socket.gethostname} is available in Fluentd configuration string literals by ruby expression (in "..." strings). This plugin also supports ${uuid} placeholder to include random uuid in paths.

For hostname:

<match access.**>
  @type webhdfs
  host namenode.your.cluster.local
  port 50070
  path "/log/access/%Y%m%d/#{Socket.gethostname}.log" # double quotes needed to expand ruby expression in string

Or with random filename (to avoid duplicated file name only):

<match access.**>
  @type webhdfs
  host namenode.your.cluster.local
  port 50070
  path /log/access/%Y%m%d/${uuid}.log

With configurations above, you can handle all of files of /log/access/20120820/* as specified timeslice access logs.

For high load cluster nodes, you can specify timeouts for HTTP requests.

<match access.**>
  @type webhdfs
  namenode master.your.cluster.local:50070
  path /log/access/%Y%m%d/${hostname}.log
  open_timeout 180 # [sec] default: 30
  read_timeout 180 # [sec] default: 60

For unstable Namenodes

With default configuration, fluent-plugin-webhdfs checks HDFS filesystem status and raise error for inactive NameNodes.

If you were using unstable NameNodes and have wanted to ignore NameNode errors on startup of fluentd, enable ignore_start_check_error option like below:

<match access.**>
  @type webhdfs
  host namenode.your.cluster.local
  port 50070
  path /log/access/%Y%m%d/${hostname}.log
  ignore_start_check_error true

For unstable Datanodes

With unstable datanodes that frequently downs, appending over WebHDFS may produce broken files. In such cases, specify append no and ${chunk_id} parameter.

<match access.**>
  @type webhdfs
  host namenode.your.cluster.local
  port 50070
  append no
  path   "/log/access/%Y%m%d/#{Socket.gethostname}.${chunk_id}.log"

out_webhdfs creates new files on hdfs per flush of fluentd, with chunk id. You shouldn't care broken files from append operations.


  • patches welcome!


  • Copyright (c) 2012- TAGOMORI Satoshi (tagomoris)
  • License
    • Apache License, Version 2.0