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cocoda backend services

backend services used in project coli-conc

This repository contains the home directory of user cocoda to host services listed in services.txt with their git URL to clone/pull from.

Each service repository is expected to include a file ecosystem.config.json like this (see pm2 documentation for details):

  "name": "service-name",
  "script": "./server.js"

Table of Contents


Requires pm2 and realpath.

Clone this repository:

cd /srv/cocoda  # or wherever to put services under
git init
git remote add origin
git pull origin master

Install all services listed in services.txt:

./ all

Enable logfile rotation to avoid full disk:

pm2 install pm2-logrotate


Each services can be installed into a directory with script The directory name is also used as service name. The install script also calls to initialize dependencies (and build the service, if needed).

To start or restart a service, call

Use to update and restart services (unless updating is broken).

Service-Specific Instructions

Note: Instructions relating to jskos-server can be used for jskos-server-dev as well. jskos-server-dev is available as a registry in the Cocoda dev instance, so it can be used as a playground for importing newly converted vocabularies.

jskos-server: Adding Vocabularies and Concepts

Adding vocabularies and their concepts to one of our jskos-server instances relies on the script and the vocabularies.txt file.

  1. Add the new vocabulary to BARTOC. Copy its BARTOC URI (not the browser URL; BARTOC URIs are http only).
  2. Add a new entry in vocabularies.txt. The format is described there. If you have a vocabulary's concept data available in jskos-data as well, you can add the file's path there too.
    • Note: You should do this locally and push to GitHub or on GitHub directly. Then run git pull in the cocoda-services directory (e.g. /srv/cocoda/).
  3. Run ./ -g "<BARTOC URI>". This will import the vocabulary metadata as well as its concepts if available. If you need to reset the concepts before importing, add the -r flag. If you need to force the concept import without a prior reset, add the -f flag.
  4. If a vocabulary's concept should be served via one of our jskos-server instances, add an appropriate API entry to its BARTOC entry. For the main instance, URL should be and API type should be JSKOS API. If the vocabulary should appear in Cocoda, add to "Listed in" in BARTOC.

After these steps, a vocabulary should be browsable in BARTOC and (if configured) in Cocoda after reloading the page.

In some cases, it might be required to reimport all vocabularies at once. In this case, you can run ./ -r. Use with caution and check carefully!

jskos-server: Concordances

Originally, concordances were imported similarly to vocabularies and concepts above. However, as of 2021, the source of truth for concordances and mappings will be the jskos-server database that is hosted under Imports of new mappings and concordances need to be performed manually for that instance:

# go into the instance's folder
cd /srv/cocoda/jskos-server
# import concordance metadata (note that if the metadata contains valid distribution data for the mappings, the mappings will also be imported in this step!)
npm run import -- concordances /path/or/url/to/concordance/data.json
# import mappings (if necessary)
npm run import -- mappings /path/or/url/to/mappings.ndjson
# in case mappings from a certain concordance need to be deleted first (note that only the mappings, not the metadata, is removed, and that it will ask for confirmation; to delete the metadata as well, remove the `-c` from the command)
npm run reset -- -c

Also refer to jskos-server's data import section in the README here.

Cron Jobs

Cron jobs currently need to be configurated manually.

# hourly backup of jskos-server + jskos-server-kenom user mappings
00 * * * * /srv/cocoda/scripts/ >> /srv/cocoda/logs/backup.log

# kenom mapping statistics
20 * * * * cd /srv/cocoda/kenom-mappings; make stats

# nightly import of ccmapper recommendations (note: add FTP credentials!)
00 05 * * * FTP_USER=<ftpuser> FTP_PASS=<ftppass> FTP_HOST=<ftphost> FILE=generated SERVER_PATH=/srv/cocoda/jskos-server-ccmapper SERVER_RESET=yes /srv/cocoda/scripts/jskos-server-ccmapper/  mappings > /srv/cocoda/logs/jskos-server-ccmapper_mappings.log

# nightly dump of
00 04 * * * cd /srv/cocoda/; npm run dump update
10 04 * * * cd jskos-server-bartoc-dev/; npm run import schemes ../

# nightly stats of coli-rich
05 03 * * * cd /srv/cocoda/coli-rich/rvk2bk; ./ >> stats.ndjson

Automatic Deployment

We are using github-webhook-handler to handle updates from GitHub via webhooks. The webhooks and respective actions are configured in /srv/cocoda/github-webhook-handler/config.json (not included in the repository). Please refer to the documentation and the configuration file on how to configure the webhooks. The file looks like this:

  "port": 2999,
  "secret": "a secret",
  "webhooks": [


In webhooks, all the specific webhooks are configured. There are two main ways to use this for deployment:

Update via push event on specific branch

This is the easiest way to update a service. Example webhook configuration:

  "repository": "gbv/login-server",
  "path": "/srv/cocoda/",
  "command": "./ login-server",
  "ref": "refs/heads/master",
  "event": "push"

Update via release event

This is more complicated because it requires downloading and unzipping the release. Example webhook configuration for the Cocoda release instance:

  "repository": "gbv/cocoda",
  "path": "/srv/cocoda/cocoda/",
  "command": "wget $DOWNLOAD -O $; unzip $ -d $VERSION-temp; mv $VERSION-temp/cocoda/ $VERSION; rm $; rm -r $VERSION-temp; cp app/cocoda.json $VERSION/cocoda.json; rm app; ln -sf $VERSION app; ./",
  "event": "release",
  "action": "published",
  "env": {
    "body.release.assets[0].browser_download_url": "DOWNLOAD",
    "body.release.tag_name": "VERSION"

After editing config.json, the service needs to be restarted: pm2 restart github-webhook-handler

In both cases, a webhook has to be configured in GitHub. Go to Settings -> Webhooks and add a new webhook:

  • Payload URL: (always)
  • Content type: application/json (always)
  • Secret: refer to the configuration file on the server
  • SSL verification: enabled
  • Which events: either push or select and check Releases



The script can be used for static code analysis as quality control.


Usage not restricted by copyright (Unlicense).


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