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Package validator 实现了一个支持场景/国际化/自定义错误/自定义验证规则的 map[string]interface{} 元素批量验证器

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Package validator 实现了一个支持场景/国际化/自定义错误/自定义验证规则的 map[string]interface{} 元素批量验证器,意在支持各种框架的 model 层实现自动验证,亦可单独使用



  • 该验证器是 逻辑验证器(float64(10)/int32(10)/"10" 均可被 intValidator 验证通过)而不是 强类型验证器
  • 考虑到经过 encoding/json 解析后的数字类型均被解析为 float64,强类型验证器不太可用,故此设计
  • 如果需要强类型验证,可以使用 funcValidator 自定义验证函数,或使用 AddValidator 自定义验证器


  • 支持场景
  • 支持国际化
  • 支持批量验证
  • 支持自定义验证器
  • 支持自定义错误信息


go get


package main

import (

func main() {
    user := map[string]interface{}{
        // "username": "hyb",
        "password": "******",
        "gender": "male",
        "age": 17,
        "weight": "53kg",
        "email": "",

    rules := validator.Rules{
        "create": {
            { Attr: []string{"username", "password"}, Rule: "required" },
            { Attr: "password", Rule: "regex", Pattern: `[A-Z]{1}\w{5,}`, Message: "密码必须由大写字母开头"},
            { Attr: "gender", Rule: "in", Enum: []string{"0", "1"} },
            { Attr: "age", Rule: "int", Min: 18 },
            { Attr: "weight", Rule: "number", Symbol: 1 },
            { Attr: "email", Rule: "email" },
        "read": {
            { Attr: "id", Rule: "int", Symbol: 1 },

    if e := validator.New().Validate(rules, user, "create"); e != nil {
        // todo: handle errors
        for _, i := range e {
            for k, v := range i {
                fmt.Printf("%v => %v\n", k, v)
        // username => 不能为空
        // password => 密码必须由大写字母开头
        // gender => 只能是 [0、1] 中的一个
        // age => 必须是不小于 18 的整数
        // weight => 必须是数字
        // email => 无效的 email
    // todo: do something


  • validator.Rule struct 验证规则
    • Attr interface{} 必选,待验证属性,单个属性 string,多个属性 []string,其他类型或未定义将 panic
    • Rule string 必选,验证规则,即验证器,不存在的验证器或未定义将 panic
    • Message string 可选,自定义错误信息
    • Required bool 可选,可空限制,作用于除 requiredValidator 外的所有验证器,false(默认) - 有值验证/无值跳过,true - 有值验证/无值报错
    • Symbol int64 可选,符号限制,作用于 numberValidator、integerValidator、decimalValidator,0(默认) - 正/负数,>0 - 正数(不包含0),<0 - 负数(不包含0)
    • Max interface{} 可选,最大限制,作用于 stringValidator、numberValidator、integerValidator、decimalValidator
    • Min interface{} 可选,最小限制,同 Max
    • Enum []string 必选(inValidator),枚举限制,作用于 inValidator
    • Func validator.F 必选(funcValidator),自定义验证函数,作用于 funcValidator
    • Pattern string 必选(regexValidator),正则匹配模式,作用于 regexValidator
  • validator.Scence string 场景
  • validator.ScenceRules []validator.Rule 验证规则集 - 单一场景
  • validator.Rules map[Scence]ScenceRules 验证规则集 - 所有场景
rules := validator.Rules{ // validator.Rules
    // validator.ScenceRules
    "create": { // validator.Scence
        { Attr: []string{"username", "password"}, Rule: "required" }, // validator.Rule
        { Attr: "password", Rule: "regex", Pattern: `[A-Z]{1}\w{5,}`, Message: "密码必须由大写字母开头"},
        { Attr: "gender", Rule: "in", Enum: []string{"0", "1"} },
        { Attr: "age", Rule: "int", Min: 18 },
        { Attr: "weight", Rule: "number", Symbol: 1 },
        { Attr: "email", Rule: "email" },
    "read": {
        { Attr: "id", Rule: "int", Symbol: 1 },


  • Lang(lang string) *validator
  • 在 i18n 下,新建错误信息对应的语言文件,格式参考已有文件,包本身自带两种语言(zh_cn、en_us),默认语言为 zh_cn
// touch ./i18n/en_us.go
v := validator.New().Lang("en_us")


  • Rule.Message string
rules := validator.Rules{
    "create": {
        { Attr: "password", Rule: "regex", Pattern: `[A-Z]{1}\w{5,}`, Message: "密码必须由大写字母开头"},


  • AddValidator(name string, customValidator F)
package main

import (

func main() {
    v := validator.New()

    // 自定义验证器,类型为 validator.F
    var oneValidator validator.F = func(attr string, rule validator.Rule, obj validator.M) validator.E {
        if _, ok := obj[attr]; !ok {
            return validator.E{attr: "not found"}
        if obj[attr] != 1 {
            e := rule.Message
            if e == "" {
                e = "必须等于一"
            return validator.E{attr: e} 
        return nil

    // 挂载
    v.AddValidator("one", oneValidator)

    // 使用
    user := map[string]interface{}{
        "name": "hyb",
    rules := validator.Rules{
        "someone": {
            {Attr: "name", Rule: "one"},
    e := v.Validate(rules, user, "someone")
    // [map[name:必须等于一]]



  • 使用 Rule.Func 定义的函数来验证本条规则,Rule.Func 的类型是 validator.F
  • Rule.Rule string 必选 func
  • Rule.Required bool 可选 false(默认) - 被验证字段有值验证/无值跳过,true - 被验证字段无值,验证失败,报 reqired 错误
  • Rule.Func validator.F 必选 使用 Rule.Func 来验证本条 Rule
rule := {Attr: "password", Rule: "func", Func: func(attr string, rule validator.Rule, obj validator.M) validator.E {
    if obj["password"] != obj["rpassword"] {
        return validator.E{attr: "两次输入不一致"}
    return nil


  • 必填
  • Rule.Rule string 必选 required
rule := {Attr: []string{"username", "password"}, Rule: "required"}


  • 枚举,被验证字段支持类型 int64、int32、int16、int8、int、float64、float32、string、bool
  • Rule.Rule string 必选 in
  • Rule.Required bool 可选 false(默认) - 被验证字段有值验证/无值跳过,true - 被验证字段无值,验证失败,报 reqired 错误
  • Rule.Enum []string 必选 被验证字段必须在 Rule.Enum 中
rule := {Attr: "gender", Rule: "in", Enum: {"male", "female", "unknown"}} // 默认,所有规则,有值验证,无值跳过
rule := {Attr: "gender", Rule: "in", Enum: {"male", "female", "unknown"}, Required: true} // 有值验证,无值报 required 错误


  • 字符串
  • Rule.Rule string 必选 string
  • Rule.Required bool 可选 false(默认) - 被验证字段有值验证/无值跳过,true - 被验证字段无值,验证失败,报 reqired 错误
  • Rule.Max int 可选 被验证字段长度不能大于 Rule.Max
  • Rule.Min in 可选 被验证字段长度不能小于 Rule.Min
rule := {Attr: "name", Rule: "string"}
rule := {Attr: "name", Rule: "string", Min: 6} // utf8 字符数,即字符串长度,兼容中文
rule := {Attr: "name", Rule: "string", Min: 6, Max: 18}
rule := {Attr: "name", Rule: "string", Min: 6, Max: 18, Required: true}


  • 整数,被验证字段支持类型 int64、int32、int16、int8、int、float64、float32、string
  • Rule.Rule string 必选 integer/int
  • Rule.Required bool 可选 false(默认) - 被验证字段有值验证/无值跳过,true - 被验证字段无值,验证失败,报 reqired 错误
  • Rule.Symbol int64 可选 0(默认) - 正/负数,>0 - 正数(不包含0),<0 - 负数(不包含0)
  • Rule.Max int 可选 被验证字段大小不能大于 Rule.Max
  • Rule.Min int 可选 被验证字段大小不能小于 Rule.Min
// int 为 integer 的别名,都指向 integerValidator 验证器
rule := {Attr: "age", Rule: "int"}
rule := {Attr: "age", Rule: "integer", Symobl: 1} // 正整数
rule := {Attr: "age", Rule: "integer", Min: 18}
rule := {Attr: "age", Rule: "integer", Min: 18, Max: 18} // == 18
rule := {Attr: "age", Rule: "integer", Min: 18, Max: 35, Required: true}

// float64(18)、float32(18)、"18" 都会被认为是整数


  • 小数,被验证字段支持类型 float64、float32、string
  • Rule.Rule string 必选 decimal/float
  • Rule.Required bool 可选 false(默认) - 被验证字段有值验证/无值跳过,true - 被验证字段无值,验证失败,报 reqired 错误
  • Rule.Symbol int64 可选 0(默认) - 正/负数,>0 - 正数(不包含0),<0 - 负数(不包含0)
  • Rule.Max int|float64 可选 被验证字段大小不能大于 Rule.Max
  • Rule.Min int|float64 可选 被验证字段大小不能小于 Rule.Min
// float 为 decimal 的别名,都指向 decimalValidator 验证器
rule := {Attr: "field", Rule: "float"}
rule := {Attr: "field", Rule: "decimal", Symobl: -1} // 负小数
rule := {Attr: "field", Rule: "decimal", Min: 2}
rule := {Attr: "field", Rule: "decimal", Min: 3.14, Max: 3.14} // == 3.14
rule := {Attr: "field", Rule: "decimal", Min: 3, Max: 3.14, Required: true}

// float64(18)、float32(18)、"18" 没有小数位会验证失败


  • 数字,被验证字段支持类型 int64、int32、int16、int8、int、float64、float32、string
  • Rule.Rule string 必选 number
  • Rule.Required bool 可选 false(默认) - 被验证字段有值验证/无值跳过,true - 被验证字段无值,验证失败,报 reqired 错误
  • Rule.Symbol int64 可选 0(默认) - 正/负数,>0 - 正数(不包含0),<0 - 负数(不包含0)
  • Rule.Max int|float64 可选 被验证字段大小不能大于 Rule.Max
  • Rule.Min int|float64 可选 被验证字段大小不能小于 Rule.Min
rule := {Attr: "weight", Rule: "number"}
rule := {Attr: "weight", Rule: "number", Symobl: 1}
rule := {Attr: "weight", Rule: "number", Min: 45}
rule := {Attr: "weight", Rule: "number", Min: 45, Max: 45} // == 45
rule := {Attr: "weight", Rule: "number", Min: 45, Max: 49.9, Required: true}


  • 布尔,被验证字段支持类型 bool、string
  • Rule.Rule string 必选 boolean/bool
  • Rule.Required bool 可选 false(默认) - 被验证字段有值验证/无值跳过,true - 被验证字段无值,验证失败,报 reqired 错误
// bool 为 boolean 的别名,都指向 booleanValidator 验证器
rule := {Attr: "admin", Rule: "bool"}
rule := {Attr: "admin", Rule: "boolean"}

// 布尔值[true、false]、字符串表示的布尔值["1"、"0"、"t"、"f"、"true"、"false"(忽略大小写)] 都会被认为是布尔


  • ipv4/ipv6,被验证字段支持类型 string
  • Rule.Rule string 必选 ip
  • Rule.Required bool 可选 false(默认) - 被验证字段有值验证/无值跳过,true - 被验证字段无值,验证失败,报 reqired 错误
rule := {Attr: "ip", Rule: "ip"}


  • 正则,被验证字段支持类型 string
  • Rule.Rule string 必选 regex
  • Rule.Required bool 可选 false(默认) - 被验证字段有值验证/无值跳过,true - 被验证字段无值,验证失败,报 reqired 错误
  • Rule.Pattern string 必选 正则模式字符串
rule := {Attr: "password", Rule: "regex", Pattern: `[A-Z]{1}\w{5,}`},


  • email,被验证字段支持类型 string
  • Rule.Rule string 必选 email
  • Rule.Required bool 可选 false(默认) - 被验证字段有值验证/无值跳过,true - 被验证字段无值,验证失败,报 reqired 错误
rule := {Attr: "email", Rule: "email"}

// pattern = `^[\w!#$%&'*+/=?^_` + "`" + `{|}~-]+(?:\.[\w!#$%&'*+/=?^_` + "`" + `{|}~-]+)*@(?:[\w](?:[\w-]*[\w])?\.)+[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[\w-]*[\w])?$`


  • 中国大陆座机号,被验证字段支持类型 string
  • Rule.Rule string 必选 tel
  • Rule.Required bool 可选 false(默认) - 被验证字段有值验证/无值跳过,true - 被验证字段无值,验证失败,报 reqired 错误
rule := {Attr: "tel", Rule: "tel"}

// pattern = `^(0\d{2,3}(\-)?)?\d{7,8}$`


  • 中国大陆手机号,被验证字段支持类型 string
  • Rule.Rule string 必选 mobile
  • Rule.Required bool 可选 false(默认) - 被验证字段有值验证/无值跳过,true - 被验证字段无值,验证失败,报 reqired 错误
rule := {Attr: "mobile", Rule: "mobile"}

// pattern = `^((\+86)|(86))?(1(([35][0-9])|[8][0-9]|[7][01356789]|[4][579]))\d{8}$`


  • 中国大陆邮编,被验证字段支持类型 string
  • Rule.Rule string 必选 zipcode
  • Rule.Required bool 可选 false(默认) - 被验证字段有值验证/无值跳过,true - 被验证字段无值,验证失败,报 reqired 错误
rule := {Attr: "zipcode", Rule: "zipcode"}

// pattern = `^[1-9]\d{5}$`


  • 本例以 beego 框架为例,扩展其 model,实现自动验证,使用常见的 base model/controller 模式,为子类提供统一方法


package base

import (

type JSON struct {
    Code      int64          `json:"code"`      
    Data      interface{}    `json:"data"`
    Errors    interface{}    `json:"errors"`

type BaseController struct {

func (this *BaseController) LoadJson() (beego.M, error){
    var js beego.M
    return js, json.Unmarshal(this.Ctx.Input.RequestBody, &js)

func (this *BaseController) ReturnJson(code int64, data interface{}, e interface{}) {
    this.Data["json"] = &JSON{
        Code: code,
        Data: data,
        Errors: e,


package base

import (

// 为了避免每个子 model 文件都要写 import validator,在这里定义几个变量别名,供子 model 直接使用
type E = validator.E
type M = validator.M
type Rule = validator.Rule
type Rules = validator.Rules
type Scence = validator.Scence

type BaseModel struct {}

// 定义验证规则
func (this *BaseModel) Rules() Rules{
    return nil

// 自动验证
func (this *BaseModel) Validate(ptrChildModel interface{}, js map[string]interface{}, scence Scence) []E {
    // 获取 ptrChildModel 的 Rules
    if rules := reflect.ValueOf(ptrChildModel).MethodByName("Rules").Call(make([]reflect.Value, 0))[0].Interface().(Rules); len(rules) != 0 {
        return validator.New().Validate(rules, js, scence)      
    return nil


package models

import (

type User struct {
    Id          int64
    Username    string
    Password    string

func (this *User) Rules() base.Rules {
    return base.Rules{
        "signup": {
            {Attr: []string{"username", "password", "rpassword"}, Rule: "required"},
            {Attr: "username", Rule: "string"},
            {Attr: "password", Rule: "regex", Pattern: `[a-zA-Z].\d{5,}`},
            {Attr: "rpassword", Rule: "func", Func: func(attr string, rule base.Rule, obj base.M) base.E {
                if obj["password"] != obj["rpassword"] {
                    return base.E{attr: "两次输入不一致"}
                return nil
        "signin": {
            {Attr: []string{"username", "password"}, Rule: "required"},
            {Attr: "password", Rule: "func", Func: func(attr string, rule base.Rule, obj base.M) base.E {
                if obj["username"] != "admin" || obj["password"] != "admin" {
                    return base.E{attr: "用户名或密码错误"}
                return nil


package controllers

import (

type UserController struct {

// @router /signup [post]
func (this *UserController) Signup() {
    if js, err := this.LoadJson(); err != nil {
        this.ReturnJson(4000, nil, "Json 解析失败")
    } else {
        var user models.User
        if e := user.Validate(&user, js, "signup"); len(e) != 0 {
            this.ReturnJson(3000, nil, e)
        } else {
            // todo:
            this.ReturnJson(2000, nil, "注册成功")

// @router /signin [post]
func (this *UserController) Signin() {
    if js, err := this.LoadJson(); err != nil {
        this.ReturnJson(4000, nil, "Json 解析失败")
    } else {
        var user models.User
        if e := user.Validate(&user, js, "signin"); len(e) != 0 {
            this.ReturnJson(3001, nil, e)
        } else {
            // todo:
            this.ReturnJson(2000, nil, "登陆成功")


Package validator 实现了一个支持场景/国际化/自定义错误/自定义验证规则的 map[string]interface{} 元素批量验证器







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