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NameSilo PHP API Wrapper

PHP Wrapper for the NameSilo API

About Me

This PHP class is an API wrapper and supports all current NameSilo function as of September, 2024 (That's actually a lie, everything except for the bidAuctions call is supported)

This class was created for private use, but has been released under the MIT license for you to enjoy, because open-source is awesome

That said, it should work, but I don't gartentee it. Open a Issue or PR to fix any bugs.

Install Me

Install via Composer:

composer require greenreader9/namesilo-php-api

Or grab the /src/NameSiloAPI.php file, that works too

Use Me

  1. Install Me
  2. Initiate Me:
require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
use Greenreader9\NameSiloAPI;

$api = new NameSiloAPI('your-api-key', 'application-name', 'bulk');

new NameSiloAPI($apiKey, $UserAgent, $BulkORnormal)

apiKey is your NameSilo API key. Don't share with others

UserAgent is the name of your application. Keep it short and descriptive

BulkORnormal Set to bulk to use the BulkAPI, null or normal to use the normal API

TIP: All commands can use either API type except the registerDomainDrop command, which requires the bulk API

  1. Call a function:
$apicall = $api->listDomains();

How to get function name?

Vist the API docs:

Go to "Available Operations"

Find the API call you want to make and copy the part of the URL shown below

The URL shown in the docs:

The part you copy: getPrices (Otherwise known as the part right after the final slash (/)

How to get the function paramaters?

Vist the API docs:

Go to "Available Operations"

Find the API call you want to make and scroll to the Request Parameters section

The order in which the params are listed on the API page is the order this wrapper accept them (Easy, right?)

To omit a paramater

Two ways you can do this:

  1. Just don't send it in. If the function has 1 optional param, and no required ones, just do $api->func()

  2. Set it to null. $api->func('ThisIsNeeded', null, 'ThisIsAlsoNeeded')

What Validation is done?

Pretty much none. It does check that you used the bulkAPI for registerDomainDrop, and that you are not trying to call the bidAuctions function. It also requires that you send in all paramaters that NameSilo marks as always required.

Any other mistakes are sent to the NameSilo API, and it will (hopefully) return a helpful error message. See API Errors Here -> Click Responce Codes

How to read the responce?

You get the responce as a PHP object (No, I won't provide you support with parsing it, ask Google or consult a PHP book)

Example for the listDomains call:

object(SimpleXMLElement)#3 (2) {
  ["request"]=> object(SimpleXMLElement)#2 (2) {
    ["operation"]=> string(11) "listDomains"
    ["ip"]=> string(13) ""
  ["reply"]=> object(SimpleXMLElement)#4 (3) {
    ["code"]=> string(3) "300"
    ["detail"]=> string(7) "success"
    ["domains"]=> object(SimpleXMLElement)#5 (1) {
      ["domain"]=> array(5) {
        [0]=> string(14) ""
        [1]=> string(14) ""
        [2]=> string(10) ""
        [3]=> string(14) ""
        [4]=> string(17) ""

And the code that made that responce:

require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
use Greenreader9\NameSiloAPI;
$api = new NameSiloAPI('xxxxxxxxxxxx', 'My Awesome Application', 'bulk');

See more about the responce for the API call you are making by reading the NameSilo API docs

Get more information about your request

Most of these were used for debugging, but I left them in case you find them useful (Or if you need to debug it yourself)

// returns last HTTP code, or NULL (If no API requests have been made)

// returns last HTTP body response, or NULL (If no API requests have been made)

// returns last endpoint called, or NULL (If no API requests have been made)

// returns last URL called, or NULL (If no API requests have been made) --WARNING:::: EXPOSES PRIVATE API KEY!!!!

Make a PR

Obviously there is not much here in terms of code. To make a PR, just fix the bug / add the endpoint / do what you want to do, then open a PR and type the following:

  1. What you did (Added the new API endpoint someEndpoint)
  2. Where I can verify your work, if needed (
  3. A programming joke (Not neceasry, but humor is generally a good thing)
  4. Anything else you feel like sharing

Get Support

I will provide support to a reasonable degree around this class. Open an Issue to get support.

If your question seems more appropriate for the NameSilo team (Like adding / changing endpoints, etc), ask them instead. I only created the wrapper, not the actual API

NameSilo support can be found here: