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Bot to help with requests to add software installations to the EESSI software layer

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A bot to help with requests to add software installations to the EESSI software layer

GitHub App implemented in

Script to start app:


pip3 install --user -r requirements.txt

Instructions to set up the EESSI bot components

The following sections describe and illustrate the steps necessary to set up the EESSI bot for the software layer. The bot consists of two main components provided in this repository:

  • An event handler which receives events from a GitHub repository and acts on them.
  • A job manager which monitors a Slurm job queue and acts on state changes of jobs submitted by the event handler.


  • GitHub account(s) (two needed for a development scenario), referring to them as YOU_1 and YOU_2 below
  • A fork, say YOU_1/software-layer, of EESSI/software-layer and a fork, say YOU_2/software-layer of your first fork if you want to emulate the bot's behaviour but not change EESSI's repository. The EESSI bot will act on events triggered for the first fork (YOU_1/software-layer).
  • Access to a frontend/login node/service node of a Slurm cluster where the EESSI bot components shall run. For the sake of brevity, we call this node simply bot machine.
  • singularity with version 3.6 or newer on the compute nodes of the Slurm cluster.
  • The EESSI bot components and the (build) jobs will frequently access the Internet. Hence, worker nodes and bot machine of the Slurm cluster need access to the Internet.

Step 1: channel and smee client

We use as a service to relay events from GitHub to the EESSI bot. To do so, create a new channel on the page and note the URL, e.g.,

On the bot machine we need a tool which receives events relayed from and forwards it to the EESSI bot. We use the Smee client for this. The Smee client can be installed globally with

npm install -g smee-client

or per user

npm install smee-client

If you don't have npm on your system and don't have sudo access to easily install it, you may use a container as follows

mkdir smee
cd smee
singularity pull docker://node
singularity exec node_latest.sif npm install smee-client
cat << 'EOF' > smee
#!/usr/bin/env bash

BASEDIR=$(dirname "$0")

singularity exec $BASEDIR/node_latest.sif $BASEDIR/node_modules/smee-client/bin/smee.js "$@"

chmod 700 smee
export PATH=$PATH:$PWD

Finally, run the Smee client as follows

smee --url

If the event handler (see Step 6.1) receives events on a port different than the default (3000), you need to specify the port via the parameter --port PORTNUMBER, for example,

smee --url --port 3030

Alternatively, you may use a container providing the smee client. For example,

singularity pull docker://deltaprojects/smee-client
singularity run smee-client_latest.sif --url


singularity pull docker://deltaprojects/smee-client
singularity run smee-client_latest.sif --url --port 3030

for specifying a different port than the default (3000).

Step 2: Registering GitHub App

We need to register a GitHub App, link it to the channel, set a secret token to verify the webhook sender, set some permissions for the app, subscribe it to selected events and define that this app should only be installed in your account.

At the app settings page click "New GitHub App" and fill in the page, particular the following fields

  • GitHub App name: give the app a name of you choice
  • Homepage URL: use the channel ( created in Step 1
  • Webhook URL: use the channel ( created in Step 1
  • Webhook secret: create a secret token which is used to verify the webhook sender. For example:
    python3 -c 'import secrets; print(secrets.token_hex(64))'
  • Permissions: assign permissions to the app it needs (e.g., read access to commits, issues, pull requests); those can be changed later on; some permissions (e.g., metadata) will be selected automatically because of others you have chosen
  • Events: subscribe the app to events it shall react on (e.g., related to pull requests)
  • Select that the app can only be installed by this (your) GitHub account

Click on "Create GitHub App"

Step 3: Installing GitHub App

Note, this will trigger the first event (installation). While the EESSI bot is not running yet, you can inspect this via the webpage for your Smee channel. Just open in a browser and browse through the information included in the event. Naturally, some of the information will be different for other types of events.

You need to install the GitHub App -- essentially telling GitHub to link the app to an account and one, several or all repositories on whose events the app then should act upon.

Go to the page and select the app you want to install by clicking on the icon left to the app's name or on the "Edit" button right to the name of the app. On the next page you should see the menu item "Install App" on the left-hand side. When you click on this you should see a page with a list of accounts you can install the app on. Choose one and click on the "Install" button next to it. This leads to a page where you can select the repositories on whose the app should react to. Here, for the sake of simplicity, choose just YOU_1/software-layer as described in Prerequisites. Select one, multiple or all and click on the "Install" button.

Step 4: Installing the EESSI bot on a bot machine

The EESSI bot for the software layer is available from EESSI/eessi-bot-software-layer. This repository (or your fork of it) provides scripts and an example configuration file.

Get the EESSI bot installed onto the bot machine by running something like

git clone

Determine full path to bot directory

cd eessi-bot-software-layer

Note the output of pwd. This will be used to replace PATH_TO_EESSI_BOT in the configuration file app.cfg (see Step 5.4).

If you want to develop the EESSI bot, it is recommended that you fork the repository and use the fork on the bot machine.

If you want to work with a specific pull request, say number 24, you obtain its contents with the following commands:

git clone
cd eessi-bot-software-layer
git fetch origin pull/24/head:PR24
git checkout PR24

The EESSI bot requires some Python packages to be installed. It is recommended to install these in a virtual environment based on Python 3.7 or newer. See the below sequence for an example on how to set up the environment, to activate it and to install the requirements for the EESSI bot. The sequence assumes that you are in the directory containing the bot's script:

cd ..
python3.7 -m venv venv_bot_p37
source venv_bot_p37/bin/activate
python --version                     # output should match 'Python 3.7.*$'
which python                         # output should match '*/venv_bot_p37/bin/python$'
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
cd eessi-bot-software-layer
pip install -r requirements.txt

Note, before you can start the bot components (see below), you have to activate the virtual environment with source venv_bot_p37/bin/activate. You can deactivate it simply by running deactivate.

Troubles installing some of the requirements or their dependencies? You may try to upgrade pip first with

python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade pip

Then try to install the requirements with

pip3 install --user -r requirements.txt

Alternatively, you may try to install some of the dependencies by fixing their version. For example, on the EESSI CitC cluster installing PyGithub failed due to some problem installing its dependency PyNaCl. Apparently, PyGithub only required version 1.4.0 of PyNaCl but the most recent version 1.5.0 failed to install. Hence, when installing PyNaCl version 1.4.0 first, then PyGithub could be installed. Example commands

pip3 install --user PyNaCl==1.4.0
pip3 install --user -r requirements.txt

Step 4.1 Using a development version/branch of PyGHee

The above command pip3 install --user -r requirements.txt installs the latest release of the PyGHee library. If you want to use a development version/branch, i.e., what is available from GitHub or your own local copy, you have to set $PYTHONPATH correctly. Assuming the library's main directory is SOME_PATH/PyGHee do the following in the terminal/shell/script where you run the bot:


Step 5: Configuring the EESSI bot on the bot machine

For the event handler, you need to set up two environment variables: GITHUB_TOKEN (Step 5.1) and GITHUB_APP_SECRET_TOKEN (Step 5.2). For both the event handler and the job manager you need a private key (Step 5.3).

Step 5.1: GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT)

Create a Personal Access Token (PAT) for your GitHub account via the page where you find a button "Generate new token". Give it meaningful name (field titled "Note") and set the expiration date. Then select the scopes this PAT will be used for. Then click "Generate token". On the result page, take note/copy the resulting token string -- it will only be shown once.

On the bot machine set the environment variable GITHUB_TOKEN, e.g.


Step 5.2: GitHub App Secret Token

The GitHub App Secret Token is used to verify the webhook sender. You should have created one already when registering a new GitHub App in Step 2.

On the bot machine set the environment variable GITHUB_APP_SECTRET_TOKEN, e.g.


Note, depending on the characters used in the string you will likely have to use single quotes when setting the value of the environment variable.

Step 5.3: Create a private key and store it on the bot machine

The private key is needed to let the app authenticate when updating information at the repository such as commenting on PRs, adding labels, etc. You can create the key at the page of the GitHub App you have registered in Step 2.

Open the page and then click on the icon left to the name of the GitHub App for the EESSI bot or the "Edit" button for the app. Near the end of the page you will find a section "Private keys" where you can create a private key by clicking on the button "Generate a private key". The private key should be automatically downloaded to your local computer. Copy it to the bot machine and note the full path to it (PATH_TO_PRIVATE_KEY).

Step 5.4: Create the configuration file app.cfg

If there is no app.cfg in the directory PATH_TO_EESSI_BOT yet, create an initial version from app.cfg.example.

cp -i app.cfg.example app.cfg

The example file (app.cfg.example) includes notes on what you have to adjust to run the bot in your environment.

Section [github]

The section [github] contains information for connecting to GitHub:

app_id = 123456

Replace '123456' with the id of your GitHub App. You find the id of your GitHub App via the page GitHub Apps. On this page, select the app you have registered in Step 2. On the opened page you will find the app_id in the section headed "About" listed as 'App ID'.

app_name = 'MY-bot'

Is a short name representing your bot. It will appear in comments to a pull request. For example, it could include the name of the cluster where the bot runs and a label representing the user that runs the bot: CitC-TR. NOTE avoid putting an actual username here as it will be visible on potentially publicly accessible GitHub pages.

installation_id = 12345678

Replace '12345678' with the id of the installation of your GitHub App (installed in Step 3). You find the id of your GitHub App via the page GitHub Apps. On this page, select the app you have registered in Step 2. For determining the installation_id select "Install App" in the menu on the left-hand side. Then click on the gearwheel button of the installation (to the right of the "Installed" label). The URL of the resulting page contains the installation_id -- the number after the last "/". The installation_id is also provided in the payload of every event within the top-level record named "installation". You can see the events and their payload on the webpage of your channel ( Alternatively, you can see the events in the "Advanced" section of your GitHub App: Open the page GitHub Apps, then select the app you have registered in Step 2, and choose "Advanced" in the menu on the left-hand side.

private_key = PATH_TO_PRIVATE_KEY

Replace PATH_TO_PRIVATE_KEY with the path you have noted in Step 5.3.

Section [buildenv]

The section [buildenv] contains information about the build environment.

build_job_script = PATH_TO_EESSI_BOT/scripts/eessi-bot-build.slurm

This points to the job script which will be submitted by the event handler.

cvmfs_customizations = { "/etc/cvmfs/default.local": "CVMFS_HTTP_PROXY=\"http://PROXY_DNS_NAME:3128|http://PROXY_IP_ADDRESS:3128\"" }

It may happen that we need to customize the CVMFS configuration for the build job. The value of cvmfs_customizations is a dictionary which maps a file name to an entry that needs to be appended to that file. In the example line above, the configuration of CVMFS_HTTP_PROXY is appended to the file /etc/cvmfs/default.local.

http_proxy = http://PROXY_DNS:3128/
https_proxy = http://PROXY_DNS:3128/

If compute nodes have no internet connection, we need to set http(s)_proxy or commands such as pip3 and eb (EasyBuild) cannot download software from package repositories. Typically these settings are set in the prologue of a Slurm job. However, when entering the Gentoo Prefix, most environment settings are cleared. Hence, they need to be set again at a late stage (done in the script

jobs_base_dir = $HOME/jobs

Replace $HOME/jobs with a path under which information about jobs will be stored. Per job the directory structure under jobs_base_dir is YYYY.MM/pr_PR_NUMBER/event_EVENT_ID/run_RUN_NUMBER/OS+SUBDIR. The base directory will contain symlinks using the job ids pointing to the job's working directory YYYY.MM/....

load_modules = MODULE1/VERSION1,MODULE2/VERSION2,...

This setting provides a means to load modules in the build_job_script. None to several modules can be provided in a comma-separated list. It is read by the bot and handed over to build_job_script via the parameter --load-modules.

local_tmp = /tmp/$USER/EESSI

This is the path to a temporary directory on the node building the stack, i.e., on a compute/worker node. You may have to change this if temporary storage under '/tmp' does not exist or is too small. This setting will be used for the environment variable EESSI_TMPDIR. Variables in the value may be esaped with '' to delay their expansion to the start of the build_job_script. This can be used for referencing environment variables that are only set inside a Slurm job.

slurm_params = "--hold"

This defines additional parameters for submitting batch jobs. "--hold" should be kept or the bot might not work as intended (the release step would be circumvented). Additional parameters, for example, to specify an account, a partition or any other parameters supported by sbatch, may be added to customize the submission to your environment.

submit_command = /usr/bin/sbatch

This is the full path to the Slurm command used for submitting batch jobs. You may want to verify if sbatch is provided at that path or determine its actual location (which sbatch).

Section [architecturetargets]

The section [architecturetargets] defines for which targets (OS/SUBDIR), e.g., linux/amd/zen2 the EESSI bot should submit jobs and what additional sbatch parameters will be used for requesting a compute node with the CPU microarchitecture needed to build the software stack.

arch_target_map = { "linux/x86_64/generic" : "--constraint shape=c4.2xlarge", "linux/x86_64/amd/zen2" : "--constraint shape=c5a.2xlarge" }

The map has one to many entries of the format OS/SUBDIR : ADDITIONAL_SBATCH_PARAMETERS. For your cluster, you will have to figure out which microarchitectures (SUBDIR) are available (as OS only linux is currently supported) and how to instruct Slurm to request them (ADDITIONAL_SBATCH_PARAMETERS).

Note, if you do not have to specify additional parameters to sbatch to request a compute node with a specific microarchitecture, you can just write something like

arch_target_map = { "linux/x86_64/generic" : "" }

Section [job_manager]

The section [job_manager] contains information needed by the job manager.

job_ids_dir = $HOME/jobs/ids

Path to where the job manager stores information about jobs to be tracked. Under this directory it will store information about submitted/running jobs under submitted and about finished jobs under finished.

poll_command = /usr/bin/squeue

This is the full path to the Slurm command used for checking which jobs exist. You may want to verify if squeue is provided at that path or determine its actual location (which squeue).

poll_interval = 60

This defines how often the job manager checks the status of the jobs. The unit of the value is seconds.

scontrol_command = /usr/bin/scontrol

This is the full path to the Slurm command used for manipulating existing jobs. You may want to verify if scontrol is provided at that path or determine its actual location (which scontrol).

Instructions to run the bot components

The bot consists of three components, the Smee client, the event handler and the job manager. Running the Smee client was explained in Step 1.

Step 6.1: Running the event handler

As the event handler may run for a long time, it is advised to run it in a screen or tmux session.

The event handler is provided by the Python script Change directory to eessi-bot-software-layer (which was created by cloning the repository in Step 4 - either the original one from EESSI or your fork). Then, simply run the event handler by executing


If multiple instances on the bot machine are being executed, you may need to run the event handler and the Smee client with a different port (default is 3000). The event handler can receive events on a different port by adding the parameter --port PORTNUMBER, for example,

./ --port 3030

See Step 1 for telling the Smee client on which port the event handler receives events.

The event handler writes log information to the file pyghee.log.

Note, if you run the bot on a frontend of a cluster with multiple frontends make sure that both the Smee client and the event handler run on the same machine.

Step 6.2: Running the job manager

As the job manager may run for a long time, it is advised to run it in a screen or tmux session.

The job manager is provided by the Python script You can run the job manager from the directory eessi-bot-software-layer simply by


It will run in an infinite loop monitoring jobs and acting on their state changes.

If you want to control how the job manager works, you can add two parameters:

Option Argument
-i / --max-manager-iterations Any number z: z < 0 - run the main loop indefinitely, z == 0 - don't run the main loop, z > 0 - run the main loop z times
-j / --jobs Comma-separated list of job ids the job manager shall process. All other jobs will be ignored.

An example command would be

./ -i 1 -j 2222

to run the main loop exactly once for job 2222.

The job manager writes log information to the file eessi_bot_job_manager.log.

The job manager can run on a different machine than the event handler as long as both have access to the same shared filesystem.

Example pull request on software-layer

Now that the bot is running on your cluster, we want to provide a little demo about how to use it to add a new package to the software layer. We assume that you have forked EESSI/software-layer to YOU_1/software-layer, and then forked YOU_1/software-layer to YOU_2/software-layer.

Clone into the second fork and create a new branch:

git clone
cd software-layer
git branch add-CaDiCaL-9.3.0
git checkout add-CaDiCaL-9.3.0

Open and add the section

export CaDiCaL_EC="CaDiCaL-1.3.0-GCC-9.3.0.eb"
echo ">> Installing ${CaDiCaL_EC}..."
ok_msg="${CaDiCaL_EC} installed, let's solve some problems!"
fail_msg="Installation of ${CaDiCaL_EC} failed, that's a pity..."
$EB ${CaDiCaL_EC} --robot
check_exit_code $? "${ok_msg}" "${fail_msg}"

just before the line

echo ">> Creating/updating Lmod cache..."

Open eessi-2021.12.yml and append the section

         versions: ['1.3.0']

Commit the changes and push them to YOU_1/software-layer. Create the pull request by opening the link shown by git push. Make sure that you request to merge into YOU_1/software-layer - your bot receives events for this repository only (and while you experiment you may not wish to create too much noise on EESSI's software-layer repository).

At first, the page for the pull request will look like normal pull request. The event handler will already have received an event, but it will wait until the label bot:build is set for the pull request.

Add the label bot:build. Now, the event handler will submit jobs - one for each target architecture. For each submitted job it will add a comment such as


The jobs are submitted with the parameter --hold. They will not start immediately, but rather are required to be released explicitly by the job manager. This can be very useful to control the processing of jobs, for example, when developing the EESSI bot components. If you want to control the execution, the job manager shall not run in an endless loop.

Next the job manager notes the submitted job(s), releases them and updates the comments corresponding to the released jobs. An example update could look like this


When the job has finished, the job manager analyses the result of job (checking if no missing modules were found and if a tarball was generated) and updates the job's comment in the PR. An example update could look like (in case of success)


or in case of failure



Bot to help with requests to add software installations to the EESSI software layer






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  • Python 86.9%
  • Shell 13.1%