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State Switch Logo

State Switch is a Monitor/Guard for Managing Your Async Operations.


StateSwitch can manage state transition for you, by switching from the following four states:

  1. INACTIVE: state is inactive
  2. pending ACTIVE: state is switching from INACTIVE to ACTIVE
  3. ACTIVE: state is active
  4. pending INACTIVE: state is switch from ACTIVE to INACTIVE

You can set/get the state with the API, and you can also monite the state switch events by listening the 'active' and 'inactive' events.

There have another stable() API return a Promise so that you can wait the active of inactive events by:

await state.stable('active')
await state.stable('inactive')
await state.stable() // wait the current state

If the state is already ACTIVE when you await state.stable('active'), then it will resolved immediatelly.


Talk is cheap, show me the code!


import { StateSwitch } from 'state-switch'

function doSlowConnect() {
  console.log('> doSlowConnect() started')
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      console.log('> doSlowConnect() done')
    }, 1000)

function doSlowDisconnect() {
  console.log('> doSlowDisconnect() started')
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      console.log('> doSlowDisconnect() done')
    }, 1000)

class MyConnection {
  private state = new StateSwitch('MyConnection')

  constructor() {
    /* */

  public connect() {
     * This is the only 1 Right State
    if (this.state.inactive() === true) {'pending')

      doSlowConnect().then(() => {
        console.log(`> I'm now opened`)

      console.log(`> I'm opening`)

     * These are the other 3 Error States
    if (this.state.inactive() === 'pending') {
      console.error(`> I'm closing, please wait`)
    } else if ( === true) {
      console.error(`> I'm already open. no need to connect again`)
    } else if ( === 'pending') {
      console.error(`> I'm opening, please wait`)

  public disconnect() {
     * This is the only one Right State
    if ( === true) {

      doSlowDisconnect().then(() => {
        console.log(`> I'm closed.`)

      console.log(`> I'm closing`)

     * These are the other 3 Error States
    if ( === 'pending') {
      console.error(`> I'm opening, please wait`)
    } else if (this.state.inactive() === true) {
      console.error(`> I'm already close. no need to disconnect again`)
    } else if (this.state.inactive() === 'pending') {
      console.error(`> I'm closing, please wait`)

const conn = new MyConnection()

console.log('CALL: conn.connect(): should start to opening')

console.log('CALL: conn.connect(): should not connect again while opening')

console.log('CALL: conn.disconnect(): can not disconnect while opening')

setTimeout(() => {
  console.log('... 2 seconds later, should be already open  ...')

  console.log('CALL: conn.connect(): should not connect again if we are open')

  console.log('CALL: conn.disconnect(): should start to closing')

  console.log('CALL: conn.disconnect(): should not disconnect again while we are closing')

  console.log('CALL: conn.connect(): can not do connect while we are closing')

  setTimeout(() => {
    console.log('... 2 seconds later, should be already closed ...')

    console.log('CALL: conn.disconnect(): should not disconnect again if we are close')
  }, 2000)

}, 2000)


What's the meaning of the above code?

StateSwitch helps you manage the following four states easy:

State Switch Diagram


$ npm run demo

> state-switch@0.1.3 demo /home/zixia/git/state-switch
> ts-node example/demo

CALL: conn.connect(): should start to opening
> doSlowConnect() started
> I'm opening
CALL: conn.connect(): should not connect again while opening
> I'm opening, please wait
CALL: conn.disconnect(): can not disconnect while opening
> I'm opening, please wait
> doSlowConnect() done
> I'm now opened
... 2 seconds later, should be already open  ...
CALL: conn.connect(): should not connect again if we are open
> I'm already open. no need to connect again
CALL: conn.disconnect(): should start to closing
> doSlowDisconnect() started
> I'm closing
CALL: conn.disconnect(): should not disconnect again while we are closing
> I'm closing, please wait
CALL: conn.connect(): can not do connect while we are closing
> I'm closing, please wait
> doSlowDisconnect() done
> I'm closed.
... 2 seconds later, should be already closed ...
CALL: conn.disconnect(): should not disconnect again if we are close
> I'm already close. no need to disconnect again

That's the idea: we should always be able to know the state of our async operation.


Class StateSwitch

constructor(clientName?: string)

Create a new StateSwitch instance.

private state = new StateSwitch('MyConn')

active(): boolean | 'pending'

Get the state for ACTIVE: true for ACTIVE(stable), pending for ACTIVE(in-process). false for not ACTIVE.

active(state: true | 'pending'): void

Set the state for ACTIVE: true for ACTIVE(stable), pending for ACTIVE(in-process).

inactive(): boolean | 'pending'

Get the state for INACTIVE: true for INACTIVE(stable), pending for INACTIVE(in-process). false for not INACTIVE.

inactive(state: true | 'pending'): void

Set the state for INACTIVE: true for INACTIVE(stable), pending for INACTIVE(in-process).

pending(): boolean

Check if the state is pending.

true means there's some async operations we need to wait. false means no async active fly.

stable(expectedState?: StateType, noCross=false): Promise<void>

  1. expectedState: 'active' | 'inactive', default is the current state
  2. noCross: boolean, default is false

Wait the expected state to be stable.

If set noCross to true, then stable() will throw if you are wait a state from it's opposite site, for example: you can expect an Exception be thrown out when you call stable('active', true) when the inactive() === true.

name(): string

Get the name from the constructor.

setLog(logger: Loggable)

Enable log by set log to a Npmlog compatible instance.

Personaly I use Brolog, which is writen by my self, the same API with Npmlog but can also run inside Browser with Angular supported.

const log = Brolog.instance()


Set a true/false state.

const indicator = new BooleanIndicator()

1. value(v?: boolean): void

  1. set true or false
  2. get boolean status
const value = indicator.value()

2. ready(v: boolean, noCross=false): Promise<void>

Return a Promise that will resolved after the boolean state to be the value passed through v.

If the current boolean state is the same as the v, then it will return a Promise that will resolved immediately.

await indicator.ready(false)
assert (indicator.value() === false, 'value() should be false after await ready(false)')

ServiceCtl Interface

interface ServiceCtlInterface {
  state: StateSwitchInterface

  reset   : ServiceCtl['reset']
  start   : ServiceCtl['start']
  stop    : ServiceCtl['stop']

ServiceCtlFsm (ServiceCtlFsmMixin) Class

Use a Finite State Machine (FSM) to manage the state of your service.

import { ServiceCtlFsm } from 'state-switch'

class MyService extends ServiceCtlFsm {

  async onStart (): Promise<void> {
    // your start code

  async onStop (): Promise<void> {
    // your stop code


const service = new MyService()

await service.start() // this will call `onStart()`
await service.stop()  // this will call `onStop()`

await service.start()
await service.reset()  // this will call `onStop()` then `onStart()`

Learn more about the finite state machine design pattern inside our ServiceCtl:

State Switch Service Controler

ServiceCtl (ServiceCtlMixin) Class

Implementes the same ServiceCtlInterface, but using a StateSwitch to manage the internal state.

The code is originally from Wechaty Puppet, then abstracted to a class.



  1. An Introduction to XState in TypeScript


master v1.7 (Jan 18, 2022)

  1. Add BooleanIndicator class to replace and deprecate the BusyIndicator class for a more powerful and easy to use API.

v1.1 (Oct 27, 2021) - Breaking changes

  1. StateSwitch#pending -> StateSwitch#pending()
  2. StateSwitch#on() -> StateSwitch#active()
  3. StateSwitch#off() -> StateSwitch#inactive()
  4. emit('on') -> emit('active')
  5. emit('off') -> emit('inactive')


- state.on()

- state.on(true)

+ state.inactive()

+ staet.inactive(true)

- state.pending
+ state.pending()

v1.0 (Oct 23, 2021)

  • Oct 27: Add ServiceCtl/ServiceCtlFsm abstract class and serviceCtlMixin/serviceCtlFsmMixin mixin
  • Oct 23: Add BusyIndicator class
    1. Add BusyIndicatorInterface and StateSwitchInterface
  • v0.15 (Sep 2021): Publish as ESM package.


  1. Add RxJS typing unit tests for making sure that the fromEvent typing inference is right.

v0.9 master (Mar 2020)

Support for using RxJS:

const notPending = (state: true | 'pending') => state === true

const stateOn$ = fromEvent(stateSwitch, 'active').pipe(

See: RxJS - operator - fromEvent - Node.js EventEmitter: An object with addListener and removeListener methods.

  1. Support emit on and off events with the args of the state of two values: true and pending.
  2. Add events unit tests

v0.6 (Jun 2018)

  1. DevOps for publishing to NPM@next for odd minor versions.
  2. Add State Diagram for easy understanding what state-switch do

v0.4 (Apr 2018)

BREAKING CHANGE: Change the ready() parameter to the opposite side.

  • Before: ready(state, crossWait=false)
  • AFTER: ready(state, noCross=false)

v0.3 (Apr 2018)

  1. add new method ready() to let user wait until the expected state is on(true).

v0.2 (Oct 2017)

BREAKING CHANGES: redesigned all APIs.

  1. delete all old APIs.
  2. add 4 new APIs: on() / off() / pending() / name()

v0.1.0 (May 2017)

Rename to StateSwitch because the name StateMonitor on is taken.

  1. Make it a solo NPM Module. (#466)

v0.0.0 (Oct 2016)

Orignal name is StateMonitor

  1. Part of the Wechaty project


Huan LI (

profile for zixia at Stack Overflow, Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers


  • Code & Docs 2016-now© zixia
  • Code released under the Apache-2.0 license
  • Docs released under Creative Commons


State Switch is a Monitor/Guard for Managing Your Async Operations.







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