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212 lines (157 loc) · 12.4 KB


All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
getQuotessearchV6 GET /resellers/v6/quotes/search Quote Search
getResellerV6ValidateQuote GET /resellers/v6/q2o/validatequote Validate Quote
getResellersV6Quotes GET /resellers/v6/quotes/{quoteNumber} Get Quote Details


QuoteSearchResponse getQuotessearchV6(iMCustomerNumber, iMCountryCode, iMCustomerContact, iMCorrelationID, opts)

Quote Search

The Quote Search API, by default, will retrieve quotes modified or created within the last 30 days. Quotes older than 365 days are excluded by default. The date filters enable the retrieval of quotes older than 30 days and up to 365 days when using date range criteria. The Quote Search API enables the retrieval and filtering of relevant quote list key criteria data such as Quote Number, Special Bid Numbers, End User Name, Quote Status, and Date Ranges from Ingram Micros CRM system. Only Active quotes are avaiable through the API. Draft and Closed quotes are excluded and are not accessable through the Quote List Search API.


import XiSdkResellers from 'xi_sdk_resellers';
let defaultClient = XiSdkResellers.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: application
let application = defaultClient.authentications['application'];
application.accessToken = 'YOUR ACCESS TOKEN';

let apiInstance = new XiSdkResellers.QuotesApi();
let iMCustomerNumber = "20-222222"; // String | Your unique Ingram Micro customer number.
let iMCountryCode = "US"; // String | Two-character ISO country code.
let iMCustomerContact = ""; // String | Logged in Users email address contact.
let iMCorrelationID = "fbac82ba-cf0a-4bcf-fc03-0c5084"; // String | Unique transaction number to identify each transaction across all the systems.
let opts = {
  'ingramOrderDateBt': ["null"], // [String] | Search with start and end date(only 2 entries allowed).
  'quoteNumber': "QUO-10985-C4C3F7", // String | Unique identifier generated by Ingram Micros CRM specific to each quote.  When applying a filter to the quoteNumber and including a partial quote number in the filter, all quotes containing any information included in the filter can be retrieved as a subset of all available customer quotes.
  'specialBidNumber': "9638445-1880", // String | Special Pricing Bid Number, also referred to as a Dart Number by some vendors, is a unique identifier associated with vendor specific products and discounts.
  'endUserContact': "JD Enterprises", // String | End User Name is the end customer name that is associated with a quote in Ingram Micros CRM.
  'sortingOrder': "desc", // String | Sort applies to the selected column (sortingColumnName) and may be specified in  Ascending (asc) or Descending (desc) order. The default sort is Descending (desc) - most recent first.
  'sortBy': "quoteNumber", // String | Refers to the column selected to apply the sorting criteria.  The default column is dateCreated and will sort by the most recently created quote first with the following in descending order.  The default filter retrieves quotes created within the last 30 days. Filtering allows user to select a specific column to sort: quoteNumber, createdDate, lastModifiedDate and expiryDate.
  'pageSize': 25, // Number | Number of records (quotes) to display per page in the quote list.  The default is 25, but may be decreased using the filter .
  'pageNumber': 1, // Number | Page index or page number for the list of quotes being returned.
  'vendorName': "Dell", // String | The name of the vendor.
  'quoteName': "MyQuote", // String | The quote name was given by the customer while creating quote.
  'status': "Ready to Order", // String | The status of the quote.
  'quoteCreateDateBt': "quoteCreateDateBt_example", // String | Search with start and end date(only 2 entries allowed).
  'iMSenderID': "MyCompany" // String | Unique value used to identify the sender of the transaction. Example: MyCompany
apiInstance.getQuotessearchV6(iMCustomerNumber, iMCountryCode, iMCustomerContact, iMCorrelationID, opts, (error, data, response) => {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);


Name Type Description Notes
iMCustomerNumber String Your unique Ingram Micro customer number.
iMCountryCode String Two-character ISO country code.
iMCustomerContact String Logged in Users email address contact.
iMCorrelationID String Unique transaction number to identify each transaction across all the systems.
ingramOrderDateBt [String] Search with start and end date(only 2 entries allowed). [optional]
quoteNumber String Unique identifier generated by Ingram Micros CRM specific to each quote. When applying a filter to the quoteNumber and including a partial quote number in the filter, all quotes containing any information included in the filter can be retrieved as a subset of all available customer quotes. [optional]
specialBidNumber String Special Pricing Bid Number, also referred to as a Dart Number by some vendors, is a unique identifier associated with vendor specific products and discounts. [optional]
endUserContact String End User Name is the end customer name that is associated with a quote in Ingram Micros CRM. [optional]
sortingOrder String Sort applies to the selected column (sortingColumnName) and may be specified in Ascending (asc) or Descending (desc) order. The default sort is Descending (desc) - most recent first. [optional]
sortBy String Refers to the column selected to apply the sorting criteria. The default column is dateCreated and will sort by the most recently created quote first with the following in descending order. The default filter retrieves quotes created within the last 30 days. Filtering allows user to select a specific column to sort: quoteNumber, createdDate, lastModifiedDate and expiryDate. [optional]
pageSize Number Number of records (quotes) to display per page in the quote list. The default is 25, but may be decreased using the filter . [optional]
pageNumber Number Page index or page number for the list of quotes being returned. [optional] [default to 1]
vendorName String The name of the vendor. [optional]
quoteName String The quote name was given by the customer while creating quote. [optional]
status String The status of the quote. [optional]
quoteCreateDateBt String Search with start and end date(only 2 entries allowed). [optional]
iMSenderID String Unique value used to identify the sender of the transaction. Example: MyCompany [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json


ValidateQuoteResponse getResellerV6ValidateQuote(quoteNumber, iMCustomerNumber, iMCountryCode, iMCorrelationID, opts)

Validate Quote

The validate quote helps the customer validate the quote created in Ingram Micro's system. Apart from validating the quote, the endpoint also identifies all the mandatory fields that are required by the vendor at the header and line levels.


import XiSdkResellers from 'xi_sdk_resellers';
let defaultClient = XiSdkResellers.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: application
let application = defaultClient.authentications['application'];
application.accessToken = 'YOUR ACCESS TOKEN';

let apiInstance = new XiSdkResellers.QuotesApi();
let quoteNumber = "QUO-14551943-D2Y9L9"; // String | A unique identifier generated by Ingram Micro's CRM specific to each quote.
let iMCustomerNumber = "20-222222"; // String | Your Ingram Micro unique customer number.
let iMCountryCode = "US"; // String | Two-character ISO country code.
let iMCorrelationID = "fbac82ba-cf0a-4bcf-fc03-0c5084"; // String | Unique transaction number to identify each transaction accross all the systems.
let opts = {
  'iMSenderID': "MyCompany" // String | Unique identifier used to identify the third party source accessing the services.
apiInstance.getResellerV6ValidateQuote(quoteNumber, iMCustomerNumber, iMCountryCode, iMCorrelationID, opts, (error, data, response) => {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);


Name Type Description Notes
quoteNumber String A unique identifier generated by Ingram Micro's CRM specific to each quote.
iMCustomerNumber String Your Ingram Micro unique customer number.
iMCountryCode String Two-character ISO country code.
iMCorrelationID String Unique transaction number to identify each transaction accross all the systems.
iMSenderID String Unique identifier used to identify the third party source accessing the services. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json


QuoteDetailsResponse getResellersV6Quotes(iMCustomerNumber, iMCountryCode, iMCorrelationID, quoteNumber, opts)

Get Quote Details

The quote details API provides all quote details associated with the quote number provided. The “quoteNumber”, “isoCountryCode” and “customerNumber” parameters are required.


import XiSdkResellers from 'xi_sdk_resellers';
let defaultClient = XiSdkResellers.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: application
let application = defaultClient.authentications['application'];
application.accessToken = 'YOUR ACCESS TOKEN';

let apiInstance = new XiSdkResellers.QuotesApi();
let iMCustomerNumber = "20-222222"; // String | Your Ingram Micro unique customer number
let iMCountryCode = "US"; // String | Two-character ISO country code.
let iMCorrelationID = "ASJDasbjdn-asjnd12dalks-asjkn"; // String | Unique transaction number to identify each transaction accross all the systems.
let quoteNumber = "QUO-10926-Y8G1B3"; // String | Unique identifier generated by Ingram Micro's CRM specific to each quote.  When applying a filter to the quoteNumber and including a partial quote number in the filter, all quotes containing any information included in the filter can be retrieved as a subset of all available customer quotes.
let opts = {
  'iMSenderID': "MyCompany" // String | Unique identifier used to identify the third party source accessing the services.
apiInstance.getResellersV6Quotes(iMCustomerNumber, iMCountryCode, iMCorrelationID, quoteNumber, opts, (error, data, response) => {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);


Name Type Description Notes
iMCustomerNumber String Your Ingram Micro unique customer number
iMCountryCode String Two-character ISO country code.
iMCorrelationID String Unique transaction number to identify each transaction accross all the systems.
quoteNumber String Unique identifier generated by Ingram Micro's CRM specific to each quote. When applying a filter to the quoteNumber and including a partial quote number in the filter, all quotes containing any information included in the filter can be retrieved as a subset of all available customer quotes.
iMSenderID String Unique identifier used to identify the third party source accessing the services. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json