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IWF PHP-FPM Docker Base Image


This is a PHP-FPM image based on the official php:8.X-fpm image.

It's a vital part of the IWF application stack.

This image contains a lot of tools, configs, PHP modules and scripts for easy development.

It can be used together with our Nginx base image.

See our Symfony Vagrant Docker Example Project for a usage example.

The following releases are available:

See the branches for release specific information.


The image is built weekly based on the official image php:8.X-fpm-buster (8.1).

It's available here:

You should always use the tag: iwfwebsolutions/phpfpm:8.X-latest, replacing X with the PHP minor version.


The X part of the version number 8.MINOR-X is always increased when we update the image configuration (e.g. config files).

It is NOT an indication to the patch level of the base image. It's always the latest PHP image of the supplied minor version.

See the CHANGELOG to find out the details.

What's inside?

This image includes the following stuff:

  • frequently used shell commands
  • the most important PHP modules
  • a custom PHP configuration (php.ini)
  • a customized OS configuration (e.g. locales)
  • Process handler (supervisor) for starting php-fpm and cron
  • various scripts for the individualization of projects

Changes & additions to the official base image

Change Description
Installed software (OS level) curl, git, unzip, vim, wget, ruby, openssh-client, sudo, dnsutils, openssl, nano, supervisor, netcat, wget, gnupg, cron, composer, locales, procps, less
Installed PHP modules curl, pdo, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, soap, gd, intl, iconv, exif, zip, imagick, opcache
php.ini see below and the php.ini file
Supervisor daemon config /etc/supervisor/conf.d/iwfsupervisor.conf: Supervises the services php-fpm and cron.
Logs go to: /var/log/supervisor/
Installed scripts see below (helper scripts)
OS settings see below (OS settings)
Entrypoint /usr/local/bin/ (see startup scripts below)
Command /usr/bin/supervisord -c /etc/supervisor/conf.d/iwfsupervisor.conf

access rights

  • default user: www-data
  • scripts will be started as: www-data
  • supervisor starts as root, php-fpm runs as root, php-fpm childs run as www-data, cron runs as root
  • sudo to root is possible in init script, but sudo is removed after container startup (security reasons, www-data should not be allowed to gain root rights via sudo)

updated php.ini settings

  • max_execution_time = 300
  • date.timezone = 'Europe/Zurich'
  • max_input_time = 60
  • memory_limit = -1
  • upload_max_filesize = 500M
  • max_file_uploads = 20
  • opcache.enable=1
  • opcache.max_accelerated_files=20000

updated php-fpm settings

  • pm = dynamic
  • pm.max_children = 15
  • pm.start_servers = 5
  • pm.min_spare_servers = 5
  • pm.max_spare_servers = 10

(only in 7.4 and 8.1 branches)

This is specified in /usr/local/etc/php-fpm.d/zz-base.conf. You can override these values by overriding this file or by adding a file with a name coming later in the alphabet.

updated OS settings

  • set timezone to Europe/Zurich (todo: add ENV for that)
  • installed locales:
    • de_CH.UTF-8 UTF-8
    • de_CH ISO-8859-1
    • de_DE.UTF-8 UTF-8
    • de_DE ISO-8859-1
  • default locale: de_CH.UTF-8
  • allow sudo for www-data user (in /etc/sudoers)
  • create directory /app for mounting application files

Usage / Environment variables

Environment variable default value Description
RUNTIME_ENVIRONMENT dev should be used by custom scripts to use the correct settings. Suggested values: local, dev, qa, prod
FLAGS_PATH /data/flags Used by scripts to store flag files that must survive a re-deployment.
Currently only used by to mark the execution of "run once" initial scripts.
CLEAR_SESSIONS_IN (empty) If you store PHP sessions in files you should specify the directory here where your session files are located. A cronjob will then execute the PHP garbage collection for session files every night.

Included helper scripts

All the scripts live in /usr/local/bin.

Waits for a specific amount of time until a specific network service answers. Used to wait on startup until dependent containers are started.


Example: -t 600 db:3306 (waits for max. 600 seconds until "db" container answers on port 3306)

Is executed as Entrypoint at the start of the container as user www-data. Has sudo rights, i.e. permission changes etc. are executed with sudo as root.

Executes all scripts in /data/dockerinit.d, ordered by file name.

Executes all scripts in /data/dockerinit.d/initial ONCE, ordered by file name. This should contain all scripts that should only be executed during initial deployment, e.g. "". After all scripts have been run, the flag file "initial-run-done" is written to the folder FLAGS_PATH (environment variable, default: /data/flags), which prevents future execution.

Used for Cronjobs. Executes commands with correct environment. Use absolute paths.

The environment variables are dumped to the file /etc/environment by the script (calling The variables in /etc/environment can be accessed by cron jobs.

See the usage example in our Example Project

Multi platform builds

To build this image for multiple platforms, you need to use buildx

With the user that is creating the images this one-time setup is needed:

docker buildx create --name mybuilder --driver docker-container --bootstrap
docker buildx use mybuilder

Then the image build can be done with docker buildx build --platform=linux/amd64,linux/arm64 ...

Extension points (change or extend configuration)


To override specific options in the php.ini file, just copy your specific .ini-Files to /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d. This directory is automatically scanned for .ini files, and they're applied alphabetically.

E.g. to make sure that some project specific settings are updated you can name the file e.g. zzz-project-overrides.ini and put it into /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d.

To see which ini files were applied, see the output of php -i (section "Additional ini files parsed").

Startup scripts

Use this image as a base image for your own application image.

A good to control what's called on application startup is the directory: /data/dockerinit.d

Copy your startup scripts into that directory, and they'r executed by

See a good set of the scripts in the usage example in our Example Project


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IWF Docker base image: PHP FPM







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