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Serverlog Feed Parameters

John Grosh edited this page May 26, 2018 · 3 revisions

⚠ Spectra's Logging and Moderation Features Are Discontinued

Please find other bots, such as Vortex for these features.

Read through previous #announcements in the support server for more information

The information on this page is no longer relevant

### Introduction
The serverlog feed is very configurable, if you know how to set it up. Almost anything that gets sent can be disabled or limited. For most logged items, you can make the feed ignore any users, or all except some subset of users. Note: you must include the _full_ list of options every time you set up the feed again. You can see the currently-set options with `%feed list`

### Basics
Most actions logged have a corresponding letter. To ignore a certain user from that action, you would include `-[LETTER][USER_ID]` in the options, replacing `[LETTER]` with the action letter, and `[USER_ID]` with the user's ID. If you instead use a `+` symbol, you ignore _all_ users for that action _except_ the ones that you include IDs for. having just a `-[ACTION]` ignores the action completely (Actions: `message` `channel` `avatar` `nick` `voice`). **To set the options, simply place the options at the send of the feed command. Ex: `%feed serverlog #channel_name -a113156185389092864`**

### Actions

|Avatar Changes|a|-a113156185389092864 -a86699011792191488|This will ignore avatar changes by the users with the given IDs|
|Nickname Changes|n|-nick|This will ignore all nickname changes|
|Voice Changes|v|+v113156185389092864 +v127131828711587840|This will ignore all voice channel changes except by the users with the given IDs|
|Message Edits/Deletes|m|-m113156185389092864|This will ignore message edits/deletes by the user with the given ID|
|Message Edits/Deletes in a particular channel|c|-c154460214769221632|This will hide all message edits/deletes in the channel with the given ID|
|Bot actions|+bots|+bots|By default, all bot actions are ignored; use the +bots option to enable logging all bots|

### Examples
* Minimalist log: `-avatar -nick -voice -message -channel`
* Maximum log (not recommended) `+bots`
* Ignore two private channels `-c154460214769221632 -c206053881501712384`

### FAQ
Q: How many options can I chain together?<br>
A: As many as you like! Customize it to your liking<br><br>
Q: How do I get the IDs?<br>
A: You can enable Developer Mode in your client, or use `%info [username]` to get a user ID and `%channel [channelname]` to get a channel ID<br><br>
Q: Where do I put the options?<br>
A: In the command that you use to set the log. Ex: `%feed serverlog #channel_name -a113156185389092864 -voice`