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Unofficial deployer recipes for Uberspace interacting with Neos CMS


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These deployer scripts are built on top of Deployer. Most of the tasks are provided by this library already; this package adds just some optimization for the install process and the needed actions for deploying a project. Some helper tasks are available that should make your life as a developer a bit easier. Please run the deployer scripts only in your development environment, as Deployer connects automatically to the needed server.

You can look at the example folder to look how to set up a deployment. The files should be saved at the root of your project.

For a list of all available commands, enter dep in the command line


Uberspace is a superb hosting provider from Germany. You can find their complete manual here.

First, you have to register your own uberspace. Then, add your SSh key to the admin interface. If you don't know what SSH is, you can read more about this in the SSH section in the uberspace manual or on the SSH manual on github.

Installation of the deployment scripts

Enter this on the root of your project:

composer require --dev jonnitto/uberspace-deployer

Create a file with the name deploy.php with the following content:


namespace Deployer;

require_once 'Build/Uberspace.Deployer/neos.php';

Create a file with the name deploy.yaml with the following content and edit it following points:

  • Replace domain.tld with the corresponding domain, without www.
  • Replace __SERVER__ with the corresponding server name. You'll find the info on the uberspace dashboard.
  • Replace __USER__ with the corresponding uberspace username
  • Replace __OWNER__/__REPOSITORY with the corresponding repository
  • Add the slack_webhook. (optional) You can register it here
# To start a deployment or the
# installation run `dep deploy`

  user: __USER__

The command dep deploy checks if Neos is installed and starts either the installation process or a fresh deployment.

Do not delete the file Settings.yaml in the shared/Configuration/ folder.
This file is used to check if Neos is already installed. If the installation fails, please remove the whole folder and start again.

The --composer_auth input option for the tasks

If you want to pass an authentication configuration (for private repositories) during deploy task, you can do this via the --composer_auth input option:


dep install --composer_auth " token XYZ"

This option doesn't add the authentication global to composer on the host, just locally. If you want to install the authentication globally, connect via dep ssh to the server and enter (as an example) composer config --global --auth token XYZ in the CLI.

Add a domain

The add a domain to your uberspace, you can either follow the instructions on the uberspace manual
or run the command dep server:domain:add.


To edit the cronjobs on the server, run the command dep server:cronjob.
In the case you have to run a CLI PHP command, it is essential to set the full path to the PHP binary.

Publish the document root

In order for a website to be accessible to visitors, it must be published in the correct directory. The default directory for all requests is /var/www/virtual/<username>/html. But you can also host multiple domains in one instance. You can create folders (and symlinks) in the form of /var/www/virtual/<username>/<domain>. Make sure your domain is set up and configured correctly. To use RewriteRules, you have to create a .htaccess file within the DocumentRoot with the following content: RewriteBase /. In the example folder, you'll find an example of an .htaccess file with a dynamic FLOW_CONTEXT configuration based on the URL.

Do not delete the /html folder. If this folder doesn’t exist, the RewriteRules
implementing the additional DocumentRoots don’t work, so all your domains will be unaccessible.

You can use the command dep server:symlink:add to create a correct symlink.

Set the DNS records

To go live, the A (IPv4) and the AAAA (IPv6) Records need to be set in the domain DNS settings. To find out which are the correct IP addresses, take a look at your uberspace dashboard, or copy the addresses after the dep server:domain:add command.

Set the Flow Context via .htaccess

You must set the FLOW_CONTEXT correctly.


# Dynamic context configuration:
SetEnvIf Host \.test$ FLOW_CONTEXT=Development
SetEnvIf Host \.prod$ FLOW_CONTEXT=Production/Local
# SetEnvIf Host \.space$ FLOW_CONTEXT=Development/Live

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !\.test$
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !\.prod$
    # RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !\.space$
    RewriteRule (.*) $1 [E=FLOW_CONTEXT:Production/Live]

General commands

Run these tasks with dep COMMAND. If you want to list all commands, enter dep or dep list

Command Description
Main tasks
deploy Deploy/install your project
rollback Rollback to previous release
ssh Connect to host through ssh
flow Run any flow command
help Displays help for a command
Deploy tasks
deploy Deploy your project
deploy:unlock Unlock deploy
Database task
database:backup Create a backup from the current database on the server
database:delete Delete a database on the server
database:download:current Download current database from the server
database:download:dump Download dump from the backup folder on the server
database:import Import a database from the backup folder
database:list List all databases on the server
Flow tasks
flow Run any flow command
flow:configuration Edit shared configuration yaml files
flow:create_admin Create a new administrator
flow:flush_caches Flush all caches
flow:import Import your local content or a site from a package within DistributionPackages
flow:node:migrate List and run node migrations
flow:node:repair Repair inconsistent nodes in the content repository
flow:publish_resources Publish resources
flow:run_migrations Apply database migrations
Git tasks
git:commit Commit current changes to git
git:ssh:key Output private key for SSH_PRIVATE_KEY secret and upload public key to host
git:ssh:know_hosts Output the know host for the SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS secret
git:tag Create release tag on git
Server tasks
server:cronjob Edit the cronjobs
server:dns Output the IP addresses for the A and AAAA record
server:domain:add Add a domain to uberspace
server:domain:list List all domains and subdomains
server:domain:remove Remove a domain from uberspace
server:ssh_key Create and/or read the deployment key
server:symlink:add Set the symbolic link for this site
server:symlink:list List current symlinks on the web root
server:symlink:remove Remove a symbolic link from the web root
server:php:restart Restart PHP
server:php:version Set the PHP version on the server
Config tasks
config:current Show current paths
config:dump Print host configuration
config:hosts Print all hosts

Usage with ddev

If you use ddev for local development, the task dep flow:import will not work. You have to enable the setting ddev to true to make it work. Please run this task not inside the container.

Slack notifications

The parameter slack_webhook accepts an array with strings beside a simple string.
With this, you can post the notifications to multiple channels.



Deployment to multiple stages and/or via GitHub Actions

Deployment of staging and production to the same hosts

If you want to have a staging and production instance on the same host, you should set up at least two branches, e.g., staging and production. It is recommended that you name the stage and the branch name the same.

.base: &base
  user: __USER__

  <<: *base
  branch: production
  stage: production

  <<: *base
  branch: staging
  stage: staging
  redis_start_db_number: 10

redis_start_db_number has to be set because you don't want to share the same Redis database for staging and production. In the Default parameter section, you can read more about this.

Deployment of staging and production to the multiple hosts
.base: &base

  <<: *base
  user: __USER_PROD__
  branch: production
  stage: production

  <<: *base
  user: __USER_STAGE__
  branch: staging
  stage: staging
Automatic deployment with GitHub actions

In the example folder, you'll find a file called deployment_werkflow.yaml. To enable automatic deployments via GitHub actions, you have to put a file like this in your repository under .github/workflows/deploy.yaml

This example is just meant as an inspiration; you can (and should) edit this to fit your needs. In this workflows are some GitHub secrets you can set:

Secret Description
COMPOSER_AUTH As described above
SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL It is recommended to let GitHub handle the slack notifications
SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS Enter here the host from uberspace. You can output these with the command dep git:ssh:know_hosts
SSH_PRIVATE_KEY Enter here the private key. You can output the private key with the command dep git:ssh:key

Default parameter

This package sets some default parameters. All of them are defined in config.php.
You can override them in your yaml or directly in your PHP file.

Neos & Flow related

flow_context (string)

Set the context from flow. Defaults to Production/Live

shared_dirs (array)

These folders get shared over all deployments. Defaults to

  - Data/Persistent
  - Data/Logs
  - Configuration

upload_assets_folder (array)

These folders (globbing-enabled) will get uploaded from the current installation.
Primarily used for rendered CSS & JS files, which you don't want in your repository.
To disable the upload you can set this to false: set('upload_assets_folder', false); or in the yaml file: upload_assets_folder: false.
Defaults to

  - DistributionPackages/*/Resources/Private/Templates/InlineAssets
  - DistributionPackages/*/Resources/Public/Scripts
  - DistributionPackages/*/Resources/Public/Styles

db_name & database (string)

If Neos is already installed, it will use the flow command configuration:show to get the database name. Otherwise, it will check if the value database is set and use this as a prefix for the required username from Uberspace. If nothing specific is set it will convert the repository name to camel case, append _neos, and also (if specified) the name of the stage.

redis_start_db_number (integer)

Defaults to 2

redis_defaultLifetime (integer)

Defaults to 0

redis_databases (array)

Defaults to

  - Flow_Mvc_Routing_Route
  - Flow_Mvc_Routing_Resolve
  - Neos_Fusion_Content
  - Flow_Session_MetaData
  - Flow_Session_Storage
  - Neos_Media_ImageSize
  - Flow_Security_Cryptography_HashService

redis_databases_with_numbers (array)

This sets the database names (based on redis_databases) with the corresponding number (based on redis_start_db_number)

  Flow_Mvc_Routing_Route: 2
  Flow_Mvc_Routing_Resolve: 3
  Neos_Fusion_Content: 4
  Flow_Session_MetaData: 5
  Flow_Session_Storage: 6
  Neos_Media_ImageSize: 7
  Flow_Security_Cryptography_HashService: 8
Server related

editor (string)

Defaults to nano

html_path (string)

Defaults to /var/www/virtual/{{user}}

deploy_path (string)

Defaults to {{html_path}}/{{deploy_folder}}

db_backup_folder (string)

Defaults to {{deploy_path}}/.dep/databases/dumps

db_backup_keep_dumps (integer)

Defaults to 5

deploy_folder (string)

Defaults to the repository name. If a stage is set, the stage will be placed in a subfolder of this folder. Example: Your repository has the name owner/MyNeosProject with the stage production. In that case, the deploy_folder will be MyNeosProject/Production.

release_name (string)

This is set to the current date and time. Example: 2021-01-30__13-40-10

Git related

git_commit_types (array)

You can set the types of commits for the command git:commit.
Per default, it is based on commitizen.

  Fix: A bug fix
  Update: A backwards-compatible enhancement
  Breaking: A backwards-incompatible enhancement
  Docs: Documentation change
  Build: Build process update
  New: A new feature implementation
  Upgrade: Dependency upgrade
  Chore: 'Other changes (e.g.: refactoring)'