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"jf open-huninn" ("jf open 粉圓") is an open-source Traditional Chinese typeface based on Kosugi Maru and Varela Round, adjusted by the designers at justfont for everyday use in Taiwan.


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jf open-huninn is an open-source Traditional Chinese typeface based on Kosugi Maru and Varela Round, adjusted by the designers at justfont for everyday use in Taiwan.

The typeface is released under the SIL Open Font License 1.1, and we welcome everyone to freely use, share, and modify it!

🔗 Visit the website:



  • 1.0 (Mar. 14, 2020)
    • First release.
  • 1.1 (Apr. 4, 2020)
    • Added characters, including 301 Taiwanese and Hokkien characters.
    • Corrected some character outlines and curves.
    • Attempted to adjust potential misalignment in phonetic notation.
  • 2.0 (Mar. 14, 2023)
    • Add and adjust 1,168 characters.
    • For detailed updates, see Releases page.
  • 2.1 (Sep. 19, 2024)
    • Add and adjust 727 characters to fulfill jf 7000 charset range.
    • For detailed updates, see Releases page.

Story behind project

Huninn (粉圓), which means tapioca in Taiwanese, is Taiwan's beloved unique flavor.

After the successful crowdfunding of the Jin Xuan (金萱) typeface in 2015, we committed to release a new open-source work for Taiwanese users.

To meet the usage and typographic needs of Taiwan, we have added nearly 2,700 commonly used Taiwanese characters, Bopomofo symbols, and even Taiwanese Hokkien phonetic and Chinese characters to the original Kosugi Maru. Besides characters, our designers have also revised the typographic settings and improved the font’s quality for more beautiful.

In summary, jf open-huninn includes the following changes:

  • Stroke Redesign: Adjustments and corrections to the uneven stroke thickness of the original characters.
  • Typographic Adjustments: Changed from Japanese punctuation marks in Kosugi Maru to traditional Chinese punctuation marks used in Taiwan.
  • Character Additions: Added nearly 2,700 commonly used Taiwanese characters and Taiwanese Hokkien characters, along with newly designed Bopomofo and Taiwanese phonetic symbols.


jf open-huninn is released under the SIL Open Font License 1.1. You are free to:

  • Use: Freely use or download this font without payment, notification, or attribution, including for commercial purposes, as long as the font itself is not sold as a product.
  • Distribute: Freely share, copy, or install this font on any firmware, software or hardware.
  • Modify: Freely modify this font to create derivative designs, which must also be released under the SIL Open Font License.

For full licensing details, see:

Special Thanks

We particularly thank Japan MOTOYA Company for open-sourcing their Kosugi Maru, American designer Joe Prince, and Israeli designer Avraham Cornfeld for open-sourcing the Varela Round. Your contributions have enabled us to build upon the work of our predecessors. We also extend our gratitude to all the supporters of the Jin Xuan Crowdfunding Project in 2015, as jf open-huninn is your gift to Taiwan!


This font is released under an open-source license. We assumes no responsibility for any issues related to the download, installation, or use of this typeface, nor for any potential damage that may result.

Furthermore, although we have check the typeface multiple times, we do not guarantee that it is completely free of errors. If you intend to use this typeface in formal settings, please verify and correct the text's accuracy yourself.


「jf open 粉圓(open-huninn)」 是基於小杉圓體(Kosugi Maru)、

justfont 的設計師們針對臺灣日常應用加以調整的開源字型,

以 SIL Open Font License 1.1 授權釋出,





  • 1.0 (2020/03/14)
    • 初次對外公開,以 TrueType 格式釋出。
  • 1.1 (2020/04/20)
    • 新增字符,包含「本土語言外字表」表列的臺客語漢字,共 301 字。
    • 更正某些字的輪廓與曲線錯誤。
    • 嘗試排除臺客語羅馬字標音中,可能出現錯誤位移的狀況。
  • 2.0 (2023/03/14)
    • 粉圓在今年將滿三歲了,一直以來很謝謝大家的支持!
    • 在這次的更新之後,除非未來發現嚴重錯誤(如碼位錯置、筆畫錯誤、字體檔案本身損毀等),否則此版本的粉圓將會是 justfont 維護的最後一個版本。
    • 詳細更新的內容,請見 Releases 紀錄
  • 2.1 (2024/09/19)


在 2015 年的「金萱字型」成功募資後,justfont 便承諾以既有開源字型為基礎進行調整,為臺灣的使用者釋出一套新的開源作品。

在此,我們特別感謝日本 MOTOYA 公司開源旗下的「小杉圓體」(Kosugi Maru, 小杉丸ゴシック)字型、美國設計師 Joe Prince 與以色列設計師 Avraham Cornfeld 開源 Varela Round 字體,因為你們的貢獻與付出,我們才能站在前人的肩膀上,惠及後人;更要感謝的是,所有金萱募資案的贊助者在 2015 年對我們的支持,jf open 粉圓是你們獻給臺灣的禮物!

古椎得人疼 ê 臺灣口味

針對臺灣的使用與排版需求,justfont 於小杉圓體原有的日文字型基礎上,增補了臺灣常用字、注音符號,甚至增加了臺客語拼音與漢字,以適應臺灣的使用需求。除了字符之外,設計師們也修訂排版設定、改進了原有字體的灰度品質,讓你的排版更為美麗!

大致來說,新的「jf open 粉圓」字型有以下變動:

  • 筆形設計:針對原本字符筆畫粗細不均勻、佈局未盡理想的狀況進行調整與修正。
  • 排版調整:「小杉圓體」原為日文字型標點符號設計,「jf open 粉圓」則改為繁體中文標點符號設置。
  • 增補字符:補齊日文字型中不包含的臺灣常用漢字與臺客語漢字,共近 2,700 餘字,並另外設計注音符號與臺客拼音符號。


jf open 粉圓基於 SIL Open Font License 1.1 開源協議授權釋出。您可以放心地:

  • 自由應用:無需付費、知會或標明原作者,即可自由使用或研究本字型,亦可用為商業應用,惟不可將本字體作為產品販售。
  • 自由散布:可自由分享、複製本字體檔案,或是將字體檔案安裝於任何軟硬體中。
  • 自由改作:可自由將字型檔案修改重製為其他字型檔案,惟改作後的字型檔案仍須同樣依 SIL Open Font License 釋出。



  • MOTOYA(小杉丸ゴシック)、Joe Prince 與 Avraham Cornfeld (Varela Round)、@NightFurySL2001(糖圓體)
  • 金萱募資專案中的所有贊助者
  • 貝殼放大在金萱募資專案中的支持
  • 柯志杰 @ButTaiwan 先生在本專案中的協助和校對
  • 所有熱愛字的好夥伴們

關於 justfont

justfont 官方網站:



justfont 相信字體的價值,更相信好的字體能啟發社會。除了細心栽培一筆一劃,我們更願做字體推廣教育的先行者、教育者與輔導者,致力於培育臺灣下一代的設計力量。從基礎建設與教育開始,提升臺灣的美學環境。邀請您一起來,創造更好的文字風景。


本字型基於開源授權釋出,對本字型的下載、安裝、與安裝後相關之問題,及可能導致之一切可能損害,justfont 皆不承擔相關責任。



"jf open-huninn" ("jf open 粉圓") is an open-source Traditional Chinese typeface based on Kosugi Maru and Varela Round, adjusted by the designers at justfont for everyday use in Taiwan.





