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mukesh-rk edited this page Jun 15, 2013 · 2 revisions

Donkey card game is very famous, easy and funny card game. This game is generally played among beginners as a timepass. One interesting thing about this game is it can be played with many people (not too much anyway), means we can play with all our friends when there are some small gatherings of about 3-12 people. We can increase the number of decks if there are more people. So there is no player limit as well as card limit in general.

Since we are implementing a donkey game application we will have to define few rules and limits so that we can build the application smooothly. So this game implementation is going to target 3-6 people with a single deck of card (52 cards).

Game Rules

Not finalized yet

Game Terminology

class - Spade(S), Clubs(C), Diamond(D) and Hearts(H)

Game Play

First of all the objective of this game is to finish all the cards in a hand, the one finishes first will be the winner, and others who has not finished their hands continue playing, until one remains. This last person is the loser. To start with a well shuffled deck of cards are destributed among the participants. The participant with Spade Ace will be starting the game by putting his card of choice or spade ace itself ( needs clarification ). The game proceeds to the next player in anti clockwise direction. The player has to put the same class( S, C, D, H) of card from his hand. If he doesn't have any card of current playing class he can put any other card and the round finishes here, all the card will go to the one played the highest valued current class. If everyone has the current playing class then the cards are moved to finished cards. The next round starts by the one played the highest valued card in the previous round.

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