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Hyun Lim edited this page Jun 20, 2022 · 34 revisions

Welcome to FleCSPH wiki

FleCSPH is a multi-physics compact application that exercises FleCSI parallel data structures for tree-based particle methods. In particular, FleCSPH implements a smoothed-particle hydrodynamics (SPH) solver for the solution of Lagrangian problems in astrophysics and cosmology. This wiki page provides description of different aspects of the code to various degree of detail.

For the latest static version of wiki please refer here. However, the static version may not be up-to-date with the wiki, so we recommend to refer to the wiki itself for the most recent updates.

Where you should go to find relevant pieces of information?

  • Basic description, installation instructions and tests are given in README.

  • Detailed information about code algorithms and implemented functionalities is given in the LaTeX documentation in the docs subdirectory. Static PDF (may not be up-to-date): notes.pdf.

  • Setup scripts and handy tools for data analysis and visualization can be found in tools directory. These scripts are mostly self-documented.

  • Runtime parameters of FleCSPH are given in parameters page. Example input parameter files can be found in data directory.

  • If you would like to contribute, please see our Development Guidelines.

  • Some references that might be useful for users are listed in References

Several examples you may want to try

We provide several examples to help starting with FleCSPH. These examples represent typical tests of hydrodynamics and hydrodynamics coupled to gravity. The links below lead to the detailed descriptions for each example. To run these examples, FleCSPH must be built first -- please follow instructions given in our README to congifure and build the code.

Current Active Contributors

Julien Loiseau, Applied Computer Science Group (CCS-7), Los Alamos National Laboratory
Hyun Lim, The Computational Physics and Method Group (CCS-2), Los Alamos National Laboratory
Mark Alexander Randolph Kaltenborn, Department of Physics, The George Washington University and CCS-2, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Oleg Korobkin, Applied Mathematics and Plasma Physics Group (T-5), Los Alamos National Laboratory
Christopher M. Mauney, HPC Environments Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Irina Sagert, CCS-2, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Wesley P. Even, T-5, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Leon Tong, T-5, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Michael Falato, CCS-2, Los Alamos National Laboratory

Previous Contributors

Benjamin K. Bergen, CCS-7, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Bing-Jyun Tsao, The University of Texas at Austin


If you have any more questions or concerns regarding FleCSPH, please contact our support email via