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This project is about database replication using Apache Kafka in near real-time, from Postgres to MS SQL Server.

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Project: Database Replication

Testing Continuous Integration


Visit here:

  • Design architecture
  • Initialize Postgres with dataset
    • Database catalog
  • Build Flask application to fake generate data in realtime
  • Build Kafka Cluster with 3 nodes
  • Unittest for Fake Data Generation app
    • TDD (Test Driven Development)
  • Kafka Connect
    • Debezium CDC Postgres connector
    • JDBC Connector (for SQL Server)
  • CI for Pull Requests

Local development guide


  • Python version >= 3.9 (3.11 recommended)
  • Docker with docker compose (at least 4 core and 4gb of RAM)

Install codebase

  1. Clone the repository & go to the project location (/database-replication)
  2. Install python dependencies
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r app/requirements.txt
  1. Build docker images
docker build -t data-generator:localdev -f .docker/build/app/Dockerfile .
  1. Create necessary volumes
mkdir -p .docker/backups/postgres
mkdir -p .docker/data/postgres

mkdir -p .docker/data/zookeeper
sudo chown -R 1001:1001 .docker/data/zookeeper

mkdir -p .docker/data/kafka
sudo chown -R 1001:1001 .docker/data/kafka
  1. Start docker services
make up
  1. Visit Makefile to short-binding commands

Restore the database

  1. Download dump file at
  2. Place it into ./.docker/backups/postgres
  3. Spawn up the postgres container, notice that there's 5 users: admin, azure_pg_admin, azure_superuser, greglow, data_engineer
  4. Shell to postgres
docker compose exec -it source_db /bin/bash
  1. Restore (inside postgres container)
pg_restore -h localhost -p 5432 -U admin -W -v -Fc -d wideworldimporters < /backups/wide_world_importers_pg.dump

Then enter admin's password and take a coffee.

Design architecture

Prequisites: It uses Graphviz to render the diagram, so you need to install Graphviz to use diagrams. After installing graphviz (or already have it), install the diagrams python package.

For design architecture configurations, visit

Database catalog



WideWorldImporters uses schemas for different purposes, such as storing data, defining how users can access the data, and providing objects for data warehouse development and integration.

Data schemas

These schemas contain the data. Many tables are needed by all other schemas and are located in the Application schema.

Schema Description
Application Application-wide users, contacts, and parameters. This schema also contains reference tables with data that is used by multiple schemas
Purchasing Stock item purchases from suppliers and details about suppliers.
Sales Stock item sales to retail customers, and details about customers and sales people.
Warehouse Stock item inventory and transactions.

Secure-access schemas

These schemas are used for external applications that are not allowed to access the data tables directly. They contain views and stored procedures used by external applications.

Schema Description
Website All access to the database from the company website is through this schema.
Reports All access to the database from Reporting Services reports is through this schema.
PowerBI All access to the database from the Power BI dashboards via the Enterprise Gateway is through this schema.

The Reports and PowerBI schemas are not used in the initial release of the sample database. However, all Reporting Services and Power BI samples built on top of this database are encouraged to use these schemas.

Development schemas

Special-purpose schemas

Schema Description
Integration Objects and procedures required for data warehouse integration (that is, migrating the data to the WideWorldImportersDW database).
Sequences Holds sequences used by all tables in the application.


All tables in the database are in the data schemas.

Application schema

Details of parameters and people (users and contacts), along with common reference tables (common to multiple other schemas).

Table Description
SystemParameters Contains system-wide configurable parameters.
People Contains user names, contact information, for all who use the application, and for the people that the Wide World Importers deals with at customer organizations. This table includes staff, customers, suppliers, and any other contacts. For people who have been granted permission to use the system or website, the information includes login details.
Application.cities There are many addresses stored in the system, for people, customer organization delivery addresses, pickup addresses at suppliers, etc. Whenever an address is stored, there is a reference to a city in this table. There is also a spatial location for each city.
StateProvinces Application.cities are part of states or provinces. This table has details of those, including spatial data describing the boundaries each state or province.
countries States or Provinces are part of countries/regions. This table has details of those, including spatial data describing the boundaries of each country/region.
DeliveryMethods Choices for delivering stock items (for example, truck/van, post, pickup, courier, etc.)
PaymentMethods Choices for making payments (for example, cash, check, EFT, etc.)
TransactionTypes Types of customer, supplier, or stock transactions (for example, invoice, credit note, etc.)

Purchasing schema

Details of suppliers and of stock item purchases.

Table Description
Suppliers Main entity table for suppliers (organizations)
SupplierCategories Categories for suppliers (for example, novelties, toys, clothing, packaging, etc.)
SupplierTransactions All financial transactions that are supplier-related (invoices, payments)
PurchaseOrders Details of supplier purchase orders
PurchaseOrderLines Detail lines from supplier purchase orders

Sales schema

Details of customers, salespeople, and of stock item sales.

Table Description
Customers Main entity tables for customers (organizations or individuals)
CustomerCategories Categories for customers (for example, novelty stores, supermarkets, etc.)
BuyingGroups Customer organizations can be part of groups that exert greater buying power
CustomerTransactions All financial transactions that are customer-related (invoices, payments)
SpecialDeals Special pricing. This can include fixed prices, discount in dollars or discount percent.
Orders Detail of customer orders
OrderLines Detail lines from customer orders
Invoices Details of customer invoices
InvoiceLines Detail lines from customer invoices

Warehouse schema

Details of stock items, their holdings and transactions.

Table Description
StockItems Main entity table for stock items
StockItemHoldings Non-temporal columns for stock items. These are frequently updated columns.
StockGroups Groups for categorizing stock items (for example, novelties, toys, edible novelties, etc.)
StockItemStockGroups Which stock items are in which stock groups (many to many)
Colors Stock items can (optionally) have colors
PackageTypes Ways that stock items can be packaged (for example, box, carton, pallet, kg, etc.
StockItemTransactions Transactions covering all movements of all stock items (receipt, sale, write-off)
VehicleTemperatures Regularly recorded temperatures of vehicle chillers
ColdRoomTemperatures Regularly recorded temperatures of cold room chillers


  • Cannot create directory '/bitnami/...' => The user's id and group id of zookeeper/kafka/kafka-connect is 1001:1000. You should chown to 1001:1001. Refer here.
sudo chown -R 1001:1001 .docker/data/kafka*
sudo chown -R 1001:1001 .docker/data/zookeeper
sudo chown -R 1001:1001 .docker/log/kafka*
