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Lido Lido Python SDK

codecov Code style: black License: MIT

❗Python SDK supports only Curated Staking module. Check out KAPI project if you need all Lido keys.❗

Lido Python SDK - convenient interface to check validator's pub keys in Node Operators registry. Provides ability to download, verify and check for duplicates keys in curated module (Node Operators registry).


This library is available on PyPi:

pip install lido-sdk

Fast start

  1. Create Web3 provider. One of fast options to start is INFURA.
from web3 import Web3

w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider('{INFURA_PROJECT_ID}'))
  1. Create Lido instance and provide web3 provider
from lido_sdk import Lido

lido = Lido(w3)
  1. Call one
response = lido.fetch_all_keys_and_validate()

if response['invalid_keys'] or response['duplicated_keys']:
    # This is not cool
    print('There is invalid or duplicated keys\n')
    print('Everything is good!')

Params for Lido

Param name Default value Description
w3 required Web3 provider
MULTICALL_MAX_BUNCH 275 Count of calls in one multicall (not recommended to increase)
MULTICALL_MAX_WORKERS 6 Count of requests in parallel (not recommended to have more than 12)
MULTICALL_MAX_RETRIES 5 Count of retries before exception will be raised
MULTICALL_POOL_EXECUTOR_TIMEOUT 30 Thread pool timeout for multicall (seconds)
VALIDATE_POOL_EXECUTOR_TIMEOUT 10 Process pool timeout for keys validation (seconds)

Settings example if timeout exception was raised:


Base methods

Everything you need is in Lido class.

  • Lido.get_operators_indexes(self) -> List[int]
    Returns: Node operators indexes in contract.
>>> lido.get_operators_indexes()

[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
  • Lido.get_operators_data(self, operators_indexes: Optional[List[int]] = None) -> List[Operator]
    Receives: List of operators indexes. If nothing provided will take previous return from get_operators_indexes method.
    Returns: List of operators details.
>>> lido.get_operators_data([1])

[{'active': True, 'name': 'Certus One', 'rewardAddress': '0x8d689476eb446a1fb0065bffac32398ed7f89165', 'stakingLimit': 1000, 'stoppedValidators': 0, 'totalSigningKeys': 1000, 'usedSigningKeys': 1000, 'index': 1}]```
  • Lido.get_operators_keys(self, operators: Optional[List[Operator]] = None) -> List[OperatorKey] Receives: List of operators details. If nothing provided will take previous return from get_operators_data method. Returns: List of keys in contract.
>>> lido.get_operators_keys(operators_data)

[{'key': b'...', 'depositSignature': b'...', 'used': False, 'index': 6921, 'operator_index': 8}, ...]
  • Lido.update_keys(self) -> List[OperatorKey]
    Returns actual keys list. Works only in get_operators_keys was called before. Should be used to periodically update keys. Faster because not all keys are updated from the contract.
>>> lido.update_keys()

[{'key': b'...', 'depositSignature': b'...', 'used': False, 'index': 6521, 'operator_index': 5}]
  • Lido.validate_keys(self, keys: Optional[List[OperatorKey]] = None) -> List[OperatorKey]
    Receives: List of keys to validate. If nothing provided will take previous return from get_operators_keys method.
    Returns: List of invalid keys.
>>> lido.validate_keys()

[{'key': b'...', 'depositSignature': b'...', 'used': False, 'index': 6521, 'operator_index': 5}]
  • Lido.find_duplicated_keys(self, keys: Optional[List[OperatorKey]] = None) -> List[Tuple[OperatorKey, OperatorKey]]
    Receives: List of keys to compare. If nothing provided will take previous return from get_operators_keys method.
    Returns: List of same pairs keys.
>>> lido.find_duplicated_keys()

        {'key': b'abc...', 'index': 222, 'operator_index': 5, ...}, 
        {'key': b'abc...', 'index': 111, 'operator_index': 5, ...}
  • Lido.get_status(self) -> dict
    Returns dict with Lido current state.
>>> lido.get_status()

    'isStopped': False, 
    'totalPooledEther': 1045230979275869331637351, 
    'withdrawalCredentials': b'\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xb9\xd7\x93Hx\xb4\xfb\x96\x10\xb3\xfe\x8a^D\x1e\x8f\xad~)?', 
    'bufferedEther': 76467538672788331637351, 
    'feeBasisPoints': 1000, 
    'treasuryFeeBasisPoints': 0, 
    'insuranceFeeBasisPoints': 5000, 
    'operatorsFeeBasisPoints': 5000, 
    'depositedValidators': 29800, 
    'beaconValidators': 29800, 
    'beaconBalance': 968763440603081000000000, 
    'last_block': 13110151, 
    'last_blocktime': 1630103538,
  • Lido.fetch_all_keys_and_validate(self) -> Dict[str, list]
    Makes all steps below except get_status.
    Returns all invalid and duplicated keys.
>>> lido.fetch_all_keys_and_validate()

    'invalid_keys': [...],
    'duplicated_keys': [...],


There is issues with using blst lib on macos ARM cpu. But everything works on linux ARM cpu.

Main Features

Multicall Function Calls

  • Instead of making network requests one-by-one, this library combines many requests into one RPC call. It uses banteg/, a Python wrapper for makerdao/multicall.
  • Fast validation system powered by blst

Automatic Testnet / Mainnet Switching

Depending on which network is configured in web3 object, a set of contracts will be used. Available networks:

  • Mainnet
  • Görli
  • Holesky


Clone project:

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd lido-python-sdk

Create virtual env:

virtualenv .env --python=python3
source .env/bin/activate

Install all dependencies:

  poetry install

Activate virtual env

  poetry shell

Build blst locally (linux):

  cd blst/
  cd ..
  mkdir -p ./blst-lib/linux/
  cp ./blst/libblst.a           ./blst-lib/linux/
  cp ./blst/bindings/blst.h     ./blst-lib/
  cp ./blst/bindings/blst.hpp   ./blst-lib/
  cp ./blst/bindings/blst_aux.h ./blst-lib/
  python build_ext --inplace

Build blst locally (osx):

  cd blst/
  cd ..
  mkdir -p ./blst-lib/darwin/
  cp ./blst/libblst.a           ./blst-lib/darwin/
  cp ./blst/bindings/blst.h     ./blst-lib/
  cp ./blst/bindings/blst.hpp   ./blst-lib/
  cp ./blst/bindings/blst_aux.h ./blst-lib/
  python build_ext --inplace

Build blst locally (osx arm):

  cd blst/
  cd ..
  mkdir -p ./blst-lib/darwin-arm64/
  cp ./blst/libblst.a           ./blst-lib/darwin-arm64/
  cp ./blst/bindings/blst.h     ./blst-lib/
  cp ./blst/bindings/blst.hpp   ./blst-lib/
  cp ./blst/bindings/blst_aux.h ./blst-lib/
  python build_ext --inplace

How to test

Simply run in project root directory:

poetry run pytest .

Release new version

git tag v2.x.x  master
git push --tags

New version should be published after all pipelines passed.

Rebuild blst

Goto actions "Build blst and create PR". Note that darwin-arm64 binaries are not rebuilt automatically due to GitHub Actions not supporting macOS runners on arm yet Review PR and merge. Do a release.