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Brief Summary

compute r2 threshold using Yun Li cleaning method


Traditionally, post-imputation variant filtering has been applied with a single, constant r2 cutoff applied to all variants. Over the last decade, one of the original creators of the mach/minimac family of imputation tools has switched to a more nuanced model of filtering where different r2 filters are selected for different minor allele frequency bins based on the desired per-bin post-filtering average r2. This package implements the calculation of those bin-specific filters.


There are two primary installation methods, depending on your needs.

With conda (recommended)

  • If needed, install mamba

  • Install the package with mamba:

    mamba create -n iddt -c -c bioconda -c conda-forge imputed-data-dynamic-threshold

  • Activate the resulting environment:

    mamba activate iddt

  • The tool should now be available as imputed-data-dynamic-threshold.out

Manual build



By default, a build process involving a conda environment is supported.

  • If needed, install mamba

  • navigate into your project directory (imputed-data-dynamic-threshold)

  • create the conda environment for installation as follows:

    mamba env create -f environment.yaml

  • activate the conda environment:

    conda activate imputed-data-dynamic-threshold-env

  • (one time only per environment) install commitizen:

    npm install -g commitizen cz-conventional-changelog

  • (one time only per environment) install pre-commit linters:

    pre-commit install

  • update (create) the necessary configure scripts with autoreconf:

    autoreconf --force --install

    • note that this can also be run with ./generate.bash inside the repo
  • run configure:

    ./configure --with-boost=${CONDA_PREFIX} --with-boost-libdir=${CONDA_PREFIX}/lib

    • if you are planning on installing software to a local directory, run instead ./configure --prefix=/install/dir [...]
    • periodically there are some incompatibility issues between configure and conda. if so, you may need to override some default locations detected by configure. for example, you might override the detected compiler with: CC=gcc CXX=g++ ./configure [...]
  • run make

  • run optional ./test-suite.out to run unit tests

  • if desired, run make install. if permissions issues are reported, see above for reconfiguring with ./configure --prefix.


By default, the final compiled program can be run with


The following command line options are supported with this software:

Option Description
print in-terminal help text describing these accepted parameters.
specify minimac4-format info.gz files for processing with this software. file extension is not checked, and flat files that have already been extracted are supported. only variants tagged as Imputed in info column 8 are considered for this filtering criterion. it is anticipated that, for example, all autosomal info files for a single imputation will be in one directory, so they can all be specified to the software at once as -i /path/to/files/*info.gz.
specify vcf files for processing with this software. file extension is not checked, but contents are verified by htslib. INFO fields corresponding to whether the variant was imputed, imputation r2, and allele frequency are rapidly parsed and processed. it is anticipated that, for example, all autosomal vcfs for a single imputation will be in one directory, so they can all be specified to the software at once as -v /path/to/files/*vcf.gz.
--vcf-info-r2-tag name of INFO tag with imputation r2. defaults to beagle DR2.
--vcf-info-af-tag name of INFO tag with allele frequency. defaults to beagle AF. this field anticipates biallelic variants, and will have problematic behaviors otherwise.
--vcf-info-imputed-indicator name of INFO tag indicating that a variant was imputed from a reference. defaults to beagle IMP.
definition of minor allele frequency bins in which to compute separate r2 thresholds. bounds should be strictly increasing decimal values on [0,1]. the arguments are interpreted as follows: the specification -m 0.001 0.005 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.5 is converted into the frequency bins (0.001, 0.005], (0.005, 0.01], (0.01, 0.03], (0.03, 0.05], (0.05, 0.5]. variants with allele frequencies falling below the minimum bound or above the maximum bound of the provided bins are excluded from consideration entirely. note that a maximum bound of 0.5 captures all variation on that end as these are minor allele frequencies. if not specified, this defaults to the values -m 0.001 0.005 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.5 as specified in doi:10.1002/gepi.21603.
name of file in which to store tabular output summary. if not specified, results will be printed to terminal. output format is tab-delimited plaintext, one row per frequency bin, with the following columns:
bin_min: minimum minor allele frequency, exclusive, of the specified bin
bin_max: maximum minor allele frequency, inclusive, of the specified bin
total_variants: number of variants in bin before dynamic filtering
threshold: dynamic filter applied to bin to reach desired average r2. this entry can be nan, in which case the desired average r2 is greater than the maximum r2 of variants falling within this bin (or the bin is empty to begin with)
variants_after_filter: number of variants in bin after dynamic filtering
proportion_passing: proportion of variants passing dynamic filter
name of file in which to store variants passing filters, along with typed variation from input info files. if not specified, list is not generated.
for variant list reporting: whether to skip ID storage during threshold calculation, and instead perform a second pass of all the info files once the thresholds have been computed. this substantially reduces the RAM usage of the software, at the cost of file parsing time.
--filter-info-files path to a directory. when input is minimac-format info files, if desired, the software can emit output info files with computed variant filters applied. for the moment, the output filename structure is not user configurable (will be: /target/path/chr*.info.gz). this option only works if --second-pass is enabled; otherwise, it is ignored.
desired average r2 within bin after dynamic filtering. this should be a value on [0, 1], though values on [0, 0.3] will effectively suppress dynamic filtering, as a flat minimum r2 filter of 0.3 is applied to all variants. defaults to -r 0.9.

Use Cases

minimac imputation, compute thresholds only

An arbitrary number of variant (info) files can be specified on the command line.

imputed-data-dynamic-threshold.out -i /path/to/chr*.info.gz -o output_summary.tsv

minimac imputation, compute thresholds and generate a list of passing variants

This command can be run either as such, or with the additional -s flag to require the program to run a second pass through the files; with second pass mode enabled, RAM requirements become fixed and small, but runtime approximately doubles (it's still pretty short, even for TOPMed size imputations).

imputed-data-dynamic-threshold.out -o /path/to/chr*.info.gz -o output_summary.tsv -l output_passing_variants.tsv

minimac imputation, compute thresholds and filter info files to only include passing variants

This command automatically filters info files, and is designed to create info files that are compatible with vcfs that have been filtered separately with bcftools. As this tool was designed to be used with the Michigan Imputation Server, it anticipates files that will be named chr[1-22].info.gz.

imputed-data-dynamic-threshold.out -o /path/to/chr*.info.gz -o output_summary.tsv -l output_passing_variants.tsv -s --filter-info-files /path/to/output/files

beagle imputation, compute thresholds and generate a list of passing variants

This program can pull imputation summary metrics from vcf file INFO fields and compute thresholds. Vcf parsing is handled with htslib, the C parsing library behind bcftools. Second pass mode (-s) is supported to keep RAM usage low, if desired. There is not currently a supported option for automatically filtering vcf output files; for that functionality, use bcftools after computing a variant list with -l.

The default settings for INFO field names (--vcf-info-r2-tag, --vcf-info-af-tag, --vcf-info-imputed-indicator) are set to be compatible with the output from beagle 5.4 with no adjustments. These can presumably be set to other values for support for other theoretical imputation methods that emit vcf output.

imputed-data-dynamic-threshold.out -o /path/to/chr*.vcf.gz -o outpupt_summary.tsv -l output_passing_variants.tsv --vcf-info-r2-tag DR2 --vcf-info-af-tag AF --vcf-info-imputed-indicator IMP

A Note about Genotyped Variants

The behavior of imputation tools regarding how they report input variants in their output varies. Minimac and beagle both flag input variants as having been genotyped, and generally assign them perfect quality scores. This tool takes the perspective that input genotyped variants should certainly be passed through to the output, but that their quality metrics should not be considered as part of the bin thresholding method. The genotyped/imputed status flags from minimac and beagle are both respected internally to the program.

If for some reason you don't want this behavior, you will have to override the program's understanding of the indicator flags. For minimac info files, the files will need to be edited before processing to contain the appropriate indicator in the appropriate column; for vcf input like beagle's, you could probably mess around with the imputed indicator setting. This program will not support such a workaround as a feature.

Version History

See ChangeLog.