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Gonzalo Balabasquer edited this page Oct 28, 2019 · 6 revisions


Cat - Liquidator

  • Bite - Trigger liquidation of an unsafe Cdp (vat.grab)

Dai - Token

  • Mint - Mint to an address
  • Burn - Burn at an address
  • Push - Transfer
  • Pull - Transfer From
  • Move - Transfer From
  • Approve - Allow pulls and moves
  • Permit - Approve by signature

End - Global settlement

  • Cage - Freeze user-facing actions. Tag Ilk prices.
  • Skim - Settle a Cdp at the tagged price
  • Free - Remove collateral from a settled Cdp
  • Thaw - Fix outstanding Dai supply after all Skims
  • Flow - Calculate final Ilk prices
  • Pack - Lock Dai ahead of Cash
  • Cash - Exchange packed Dai for collateral

Flipper - Collateral auctions

  • Kick - Put up a new GEM lot for auction
  • Tick - Bump the end date for an auction with no bids
  • Tend - Submit a DAI bid (increasing bid)
  • Dent - Submit a DAI bid (decreasing lot)
  • Deal - Settle a completed auction

Flapper - Surplus auctions

  • Kick - Put up a new DAI lot for auction
  • Tend - Submit an MKR bid (increasing bid)
  • Deal - Settle a completed auction

Flopper - Defecit auctions

  • Kick - Put up a new MKR bid for auction
  • Dent - Submit a DAI bid (decreasing lot)
  • Deal - Settle a completed auction

Join - Token adapters

  • Join - Deposit tokens to the system
  • Exit - Remove tokens from the system

Jug - Stability fees

  • Drip - Trigger stability fee accumulation (vat.fold)

Median - Price oracle

  • Read - Get valid price or fail
  • Peek - Get price and validity
  • Poke - Set price from white-listed feed providers

OSM - Oracle security module

  • Read - Get current valid price or fail
  • Peek - Get current price and validity
  • Peep - Get next price and validity
  • Poke - Set next price if delay has elapsed

Pause - System governance

  • Plot - Schedule a plan
  • Exec - Execute a plan
  • Drop - Cancel a plan

Pot - Dai savings

  • Join - Add Dai to the Pot
  • Exit - Remove Dai from the Pot
  • Drip - Trigger savings accumulation (vat.suck)

Spotter - Price relayer

  • Poke - Update the spot price for a given Ilk (vat.file)

Vat - User balances

  • Hope - Permit flux and move
  • Nope - Deny flux and move
  • Slip - Add and remove Gem
  • Move - Transfer Dai
  • Flux - Transfer Gem
  • Frob - Cdp Management
  • Fork - Transfer Cdp balances
  • Grab - Seize Cdp balances
  • Heal - Balance system surplus/defecit
  • Suck - Print Dai
  • Fold - Apply rates across an Ilk

Vow - Liquidations manager

  • Fess - Push bad debt to the auctions queue
  • Flog - Release queued debt for auction
  • Heal - Optimise debt buffer (vat.heal)
  • Kiss - Release on-auction debt and Heal (vat.heal)
  • Flap - Trigger a surplus auction (flapper.kick)
  • Flop - Trigger a defecit auction (flopper.kick)