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This application is used for image cropping. User can upload some images or photo, pick wished area up and save image.

The license is MIT.


Starting with version 0.2 the Django of version 1.3+ is required. If you're use an older Django version, please

Also you need PIL or Pillow graphic libraries to be installed. The PIL will be installed together with django-image-cropper


First of all, please install django-image-cropper:

pip install django-image-cropper

Then you must edit your settings module: add item 'cropper' to your INSTALLED_APPS:


Next step add django-image-cropper URL config to your url module:

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url('^cropper/', include('cropper.urls')),

And last call syncdb management command in your project:

./ syncdb

if you're use django.contrib.staticfiles application, you also need to collect static files:

./ collecstatic

Otherwise you need copy django-image-cropper/cropper/static files into your STATIC_ROOT directory manually or create a symlink.


Open /cropper/ URL in your browser. Here you can choose image via file input and upload it. On the next screen, if javascript is enabled and static serves good, you'll see the jQuery's jCrop plugin workspace. Pick some area and push the Crop button to get cropped image

Cropped image copies are saved on server

Customize crop logics

Of course, default logic is poor and unusable. But you can easy change application behavior.

You can write own success handlers for image upload and image crop and tell django to use it.

To use own hanlders insead of defaults, just use own URLConfs. You must use own 'success' key in keyword args. This value must be python callable type

from cropper.forms import CroppedForm, UploadForm
from my_project.utils import my_upload_handler, my_crop_handler

urlpatterns = patterns('cropper.views',
    url('^$', view='upload', name='cropper_upload', kwargs={'form_class': UploadForm, 'success':  my_upload_handler}),
    url('^(?P<original_id>\d+)/$', view='crop', name='cropper_crop', kwargs={'form_class': CropForm, 'success':  my_crop_handler}),

As you see, you can also use another form class instead of standart if you'll specify 'form_class' key, but probably don't need this.

What handler is it?

Each handler is python function which has some input arguments and returns HttpResponse object like every view function.

Let's see to upload handler prototype:

def my_upload_success_handler(request, form, original):
    Success upload handler
    print "Uploda form data", form.cleaned_data
    print "File uploaded to " % original.image.path

    # This handler do nothing, but print parameters

    from django.shortcuts import redirect
    return redirect(original)
  • request is WSGIRequest object (same as view)
  • form is upload form instance. This form instance is valid anyway.
  • original is Original model instance. Image field calls image

Crop handler prototype:

def my_crop_success_handler(request, form, original, cropped):
    Custom crop handler
    print "Crop form data", form.cleaned_data
    print "Original object: %s" % original
    print "Original in cropped model (the same in previous line): %s" % cropped.original
    print "Cropped image: %s" % cropped.image

    # For example, we can use cropped image as user profile avatar
    # Perhaps user is authenticated and skip checks ;)

    from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
    from django.contrib import messages
    from django.shortcuts import redirect
    import os

    profile = request.user.get_profile()

    messages.success(request, 'Avatar uploaded and cropped')
    return redirect(request.user)

First three arguments the same as upload handler input arguments. Fouth - is Cropped model instance. It has image field containts cropped image and foreign key to related Original photo.


If you've found a bug, implemented a feature and think it is useful, then please consider contributing. Patches, pull requests or just suggestions are welcome!


An reusable django application for cropping image on clientside with jQuery franework






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