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Code used to analyze Pool-seq as well as single individual genomic data of Cardiocondyla obscurior

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Bioinformatic pipeline from analyzing genomic data of Cardiocondyla obscurior

By Mohammed Errbii "Simo"

This markdown document gives a detailed description of the bioinformatic steps followed to analyze WGS of pools and single individuals of Cardiocondyla obscurior. Please have a look at our paper for further details on our research hypotheses and major findings.

I- Mapping, variant calling and filtering

1) Filter raw reads for BQ > 20 and minimum length > 40bp by using Trimmomatic

java -jar trimmomatic-0.38.jar PE \
reads_R1.fastq.gz \
reads_R2.fastq.gz \
reads_R1_paired.fastq.gz \
reads_R1_unpaired.fastq.gz \
reads_R2_paired.fastq.gz \
reads_R2_unpaired.fastq.gz \

2) map trimmed reads with bwa

bwa mem \
-t 16 \
Cobs2.1.reference.fa \
reads_R1_paired.fastq.gz \
reads_R2_paired.fastq.gz > alignment.sam

3) pre-processing of the alignments using Picard and SAMtools

# a- clean sam files
java -jar picard.jar CleanSam I=alignment.sam O=alignment.C.sam

# b- covert to bam format
samtools view -S -b alignment.C.sam > alignment.C.bam

# c- sort bam file (sort by default assume sorting by coordinates):
samtools sort alignment.C.bam > alignment.CS.bam

# d- fix mate information if needed
java -jar picard.jar FixMateInformation \
I=alignment.CS.bam \
O=alignment.CSF.bam \

# e- fix read group information
java -jar picard.jar AddOrReplaceReadGroups \
I=alignment.CSF.bam \
O=alignment.CSFR.bam \
RGID=id \
RGLB=library \
RGPL=illumina \
RGPU=lane \

# f- locates and tags duplicate reads in bam file
java -jar picard.jar MarkDuplicates \
I=alignment.CSFR.bam \
O=alignment.CSFRD.bam \
M=alignment.CSFRD.txt \

# g- index bam file
samtools index alignment.CSFRD.bam

4) Variant calling using GATK

# a- generate gVCFs
gatk HaplotypeCaller \
-R Cobs2.1.reference.fa \
-I alignment.CSFRD.bam \
-O alignment.CSFRD.g.vcf.gz \
-ERC GVCF -ploidy 2

# b- combine gVCFs
gatk CombineGVCFs \
-R Cobs2.1.reference.fa \
-V input.list \
-O all.g.vcf.gz

# c- genotype the combined gVCF
gatk GenotypeGVCFs \
-R Cobs2.1.reference.fa \
-V all.g.vcf.gz \
-O al.vcf.gz

5) Apply hard filters using GATK

# a- it is better to visualize the variants attributes and decide for thresholds.
bcftools query -f '%INFO/DP\t%INFO/QD\t%INFO/FS\t%INFO/SOR\t%INFO/MQ\t%INFO/MQRankSum\t%INFO/ReadPosRankSum\n' all.vcf.gz > info_density.tsv
# visualize each attribute in R (i.e., make density plots)

# b- get SNPs only
gatk SelectVariants -V all.vcf.gz --select-type-to-include SNP -O all_snps.vcf.gz

# c- apply hard filters:
gatk VariantFiltration \
-V all_snps.vcf.gz  \
-filter "QD < 2.0" --filter-name "QD2" \
-filter "QUAL < 30.0" --filter-name "QUAL30" \
-filter "SOR > 3.0" --filter-name "SOR3" \
-filter "FS > 60.0" --filter-name "FS60" \
-filter "MQ < 40.0" --filter-name "MQ40" \
-filter "MQRankSum < -5.0" --filter-name "MQRankSum-5" \
-filter "ReadPosRankSum < -5.0" --filter-name "ReadPosRankSum-5" \
-O all_snps_filtered.vcf.gz

# d- extract variants that have passed the applied filters
gatk SelectVariants -V all_snps_filtered.vcf.gz -select 'vc.isNotFiltered()' -O all_snpsPASS.vcf.gz

6) More filtering using VCFtools

Similar to above, generate and visualize annotations associated with each variant to decide for cutoffs. Use this script to generate a set of metrics that you can inspect using R. Now use VCFtools to apply filters.

vcftools \
--gzvcf all_snpsPASS.vcf.gz \
--recode --recode-INFO-all \
--max-missing X \
--minDP Y \
--maxDP YY \
--maf Z \
--min-alleles 2 \
--max-alleles 2 \
--out all_snpsPASS_filtered

II- Population structure analyses

1) Convert vcf to plink format using VCFtools and PLINK

# generate chromosomes map:
grep -v "^#" all_snpsPASS_filtered.vcf|cut -f1 | uniq| sort -V|awk '{print $0"\t"$0}' >

# vcf >> plink
vcftools \
--vcf all_snpsPASS_filtered.vcf \
--plink \
--out all_snpsPASS

# generate bed file
plink \
--file all_snpsPASS \
--make-bed \
--aec \
--out all_snpsPASS

2) Linkage Disequilibrium (LD) pruning using PLINK

# first generate a list of position to keep/remove
plink \
--bfile all_snpsPASS \
--aec \
--indep-pairwise 1 kb 1 0.2 \
--out all_snpsPASS.prune
# outputs two files: (to keep) and all_snpsPASS.prune.out (to remove)

# then
plink \
--bfile all_snpsPASS \
--exclude all_snpsPASS.prune.out
--aec \
--out all_snpsPASS.LDpruned \

3) PCA using PLINK and admixture ADMIXTURE

plink \
--bfile all_snpsPASS.LDpruned \
--aec \
--out all_snpsPASS.LDpruned \
--pca 4 # to limit the analysis to the first 4 eigenvectors

$ for K in `seq 2 4`; do admixture --cv all_snpsPASS.LDpruned.bed $K | tee log${K}.out ; done
# to inspect CV error values: grep -h CV log*.out

III- Demographic population history analysis

1) Phasing using SHAPEIT

# extract positions with no missing data
vcftools --gzvcf all_snpsPASS_filtered.vcf.gz \
--max-missing 1 \
--recode --recode-INFO-all \
--out all_snpsPASS_nomissing.vcf

# compress and index
bgzip all_snpsPASS_nomissing.vcf

tabix -p vcf all_snpsPASS_nomissing.vcf.gz

# get call in each scaffold individually
for i in {1..30}; do bcftools view -r scaffold_$i all_snpsPASS_nomissing.vcf.gz -Oz -o scaffold_$i.vcf.gz; done

# perform phasing (3 steps)
for i in {1..30}; do shapeit -check --input-vcf scaffold_$i.vcf.gz --output-log scaffold_$i.alignments;done

for i in {1..30}; do shapeit -phase -V scaffold_$i.vcf.gz -O scaffold_$i.phased.haps.gz scaffold_$i.phased.samples --output-log scaffold_$i.main -T 10;done

for i in {1..30}; do shapeit -convert --input-haps scaffold_$i.phased.haps.gz scaffold_$i.phased.samples --output-vcf scaffold_$i.Onlyphased.vcf --output-log scaffold_$i.convert -T 10;done

2) Demographic population history analysis MSMC2

To run MSMC2, check (Schiffels & Wang, 2020) for a very nice and detailed description of how to estimate effective population size (Ne) and the relative cross-coalescence rate (rCCR). The GitHub repository has also some nice resources.

IV- Population genomic analyses

1) Computing nucleotide diversity (Ď€) and Tajima's D from pool-seq data using PoPoolation

# generate mpileup files
samtools mpileup pool.bam > pool.mpileup

# exclude InDels
perl popoolation_1.2.2/basic-pipeline/ --input pool.mpileup --output pool.InDels.gtf

perl popoolation_1.2.2/basic-pipeline/  --input pool.mpileup --output pool.indelsfree.pileup --gtf pool.InDels.gtf

# calculate nucleotide diversity
perl popoolation_1.2.2/ \
--input pool.indelsfree.pileup \
--output pool.D \
--snp-output pool.D \
--measure pi \
--window-size 100000 \
--step-size 10000 \
--min-qual 20 \
--pool-size 16 \ # 30 for itabuna
--min-covered-fraction 0 \
--min-count 2 \
--min-coverage 4 \
--max-coverage 79 \ # 75 for itabuna
--fastq-type sanger

# calculate Tajima's D
perl popoolation_1.2.2/ \
--input pool.indelsfree.pileup \
--output pool.D \
--snp-output pool.D \
--measure D \ #
--window-size 100000 \
--step-size 10000 \
--min-qual 20 \
--pool-size 16 \ # 30 for itabuna
--min-covered-fraction 0 \
--min-count 2 \
--min-coverage 4 \
--max-coverage 79 \ # 75 for itabuna
--fastq-type sanger

2) Computing genetic differentiation (FST) from pool-seq data by PoPoolation2:

# construct the mpileup:
samtools mpileup -B pool_tenerife.bam pool_itabuna.bam > tenerife_itabuna.mpileup

# generate the sync file:
java -ea -Xmx12g -jar popoolation2_1201/mpileup2sync.jar \
--input tenerife_itabuna.mpileup \
--output tenerife_itabuna.sync \
--fastq-type sanger \
--min-qual 20 --threads 20

# calculate Fst
perl popoolation2_1201/ \
--input tenerife_itabuna.sync \
--output tenerife_itabuna_100kb10kb.fst \
--min-count 4 \
--min-coverage 20 \
--max-coverage 79,75 \
--min-covered-fraction 0 \
--window-size 100000 \
--step-size 10000 \
--pool-size 16:30 \

V- Repeat quantification and TE insertions identification

1) Running dnaPipeTE

python3 ./ \
-input tenerife.R1.fastq.gz \
-output /tenerife.0.1x.4it.RB.Dfam.lib \
-cpu 30 \
-genome_size 193051228 \
-genome_coverage 0.1 \
-sample_number 4 \
-RM_lib RB.Dfam.combined.lib

# for itabuna, same command using itabuna.R1.fastq.gz instead
  • processing the reads_per_component_and_annotation Estimate the proportion of the genome that each repeat makes
# get entries of classified repeats
awk 'FS=" " {if ($7>=0) print $3"\t"$1"\t"$2"\t"$4"\t"$5"\t"$6"\t"$7}' reads_per_component_and_annotation |tr "/" "\t"|awk '{if (!$8) {print  $1"\t"$2"\t"$3"\t"$4"\t"$5"\t"$6"\t"$6"\t"$7"\t"$8} else {print $1"\t"$2"\t"$3"\t"$4"\t"$5"\t"$6"\t"$7"\t"$8 }}' > tenerife.0.1x.4it.RB.Dfam.classified.txt

awk 'FS=" " {if ($7>=0) print $3"\t"$1"\t"$2"\t"$4"\t"$5"\t"$6"\t"$7}' reads_per_component_and_annotation |tr "/" "\t"|awk '{if (!$8) {print  $1"\t"$2"\t"$3"\t"$4"\t"$5"\t"$6"\t"$6"\t"$7"\t"$8} else {print $1"\t"$2"\t"$3"\t"$4"\t"$5"\t"$6"\t"$7"\t"$8 }}' > itabuna.0.1x.4it.RB.Dfam.classified.txt

# get entries of unclassified repeats
awk 'FS=" " {if (!$7) print $3"\t"$1"\t"$2"\t"$4"\t"$5"\t"$6"\t"$7}' reads_per_component_and_annotation |tr "/" "\t"|cut -f1,2,3 > tenerife.0.1x.4it.RB.Dfam.unclassified.txt

awk 'FS=" " {if (!$7) print $3"\t"$1"\t"$2"\t"$4"\t"$5"\t"$6"\t"$7}' reads_per_component_and_annotation |tr "/" "\t"|cut -f1,2,3 > itabuna.0.1x.4it.RB.Dfam.unclassified.txt

Then go to R:

#get the total bp number used during the blastn step. Can be retrieved from the Counts.txt file

Tenerife <- 19173155
Itabuna <- 19173092

#load classified data
annoTenerife <- read.table("tenerife.0.1x.4it.RB.Dfam.classified.txt", fill = T)
colnames(annoTenerife) <- c("contig","no_reads","aligned_bases","contig_length","ann", "Order", "Family","RM_hit_coverage")

annoItabuna <- read.table("itabuna.0.1x.4it.RB.Dfam.classified.txt", fill = T)
colnames(annoItabuna) <- c("contig","no_reads","aligned_bases","contig_length","ann", "Order", "Family","RM_hit_coverage")

#load unclassified data
unclasTenerife <- read.table("tenerife.0.1x.4it.RB.Dfam.unclassified.txt", fill = T)
colnames(unclasTenerife) <- c("contig","no_reads","aligned_bases")

unclasItabuna <- read.table("itabuna.0.1x.4it.RB.Dfam.unclassified.txt", fill = T)
colnames(unclasItabuna) <- c("contig","no_reads","aligned_bases")

#Calculate proportions for classified
annoTenerife$proportions <- annoTenerife$aligned_bases/Tenerife
annoItabuna$proportions <- annoItabuna$aligned_bases/Itabuna

#Calculate proportions for unclassified
unclasTenerife$proportions <- unclasTenerife$aligned_bases/Tenerife
unclasItabuna$proportions <- unclasItabuna$aligned_bases/Itabuna

#only most abundant repeat families:
df <- data.frame(Family=c("Gypsy","Simple_repeat","Maverick", "R1","R2","Helitron", "Pao", "Low_complexity",
                          "TcMar-Tc","Copia", "CMC-Chapaev-3", "hAT-Blackjack","RTE-X", "Unclassified"),
                 Tenerife=c(sum(annoTenerife$proportions[annoTenerife$Family=="Gypsy"])*100, sum(annoTenerife$proportions[annoTenerife$Family=="Simple_repeat"])*100,
                            sum(annoTenerife$proportions[annoTenerife$Family=="Maverick"])*100, sum(annoTenerife$proportions[annoTenerife$Family=="R1"])*100,sum(annoTenerife$proportions[annoTenerife$Family=="R2"])*100,
                            sum(annoTenerife$proportions[annoTenerife$Family=="Helitron"])*100, sum(annoTenerife$proportions[annoTenerife$Family=="Pao"])*100,
                            sum(annoTenerife$proportions[annoTenerife$Family=="Low_complexity"])*100, sum(annoTenerife$proportions[annoTenerife$Family=="TcMar-Tc1" | annoTenerife$Family=="TcMar-Tc4"])*100,
                            sum(annoTenerife$proportions[annoTenerife$Family=="Copia"])*100, sum(annoTenerife$proportions[annoTenerife$Family=="CMC-Chapaev-3"])*100,
                            sum(annoTenerife$proportions[annoTenerife$Family=="hAT-Blackjack"])*100, sum(annoTenerife$proportions[annoTenerife$Family=="RTE-X"])*100,
                 Itabuna=c(sum(annoItabuna$proportions[annoItabuna$Family=="Gypsy"])*100, sum(annoItabuna$proportions[annoItabuna$Family=="Simple_repeat"])*100,
                           sum(annoItabuna$proportions[annoItabuna$Family=="Maverick"])*100, sum(annoItabuna$proportions[annoItabuna$Family=="R1"])*100,sum(annoItabuna$proportions[annoItabuna$Family=="R2"])*100,
                           sum(annoItabuna$proportions[annoItabuna$Family=="Helitron"])*100, sum(annoItabuna$proportions[annoItabuna$Family=="Pao"])*100,
                           sum(annoItabuna$proportions[annoItabuna$Family=="Low_complexity"])*100, sum(annoItabuna$proportions[annoItabuna$Family=="TcMar-Tc1" | annoItabuna$Family=="TcMar-Tc4"])*100,
                           sum(annoItabuna$proportions[annoItabuna$Family=="Copia"])*100, sum(annoItabuna$proportions[annoItabuna$Family=="CMC-Chapaev-3"])*100,
                           sum(annoItabuna$proportions[annoItabuna$Family=="hAT-Blackjack"])*100, sum(annoItabuna$proportions[annoItabuna$Family=="RTE-X"])*100,

df[, 2:3] <- round(df[, 2:3], digits = 2)

2) Running PoPoolatioTE2

  • generate a TE-merged genome and generate TE hierarchy
# mask ref genome
perl RepeatMasker/RepeatMasker \
-gccalc \
-s \
-cutoff 200 \
-no_is \
-nolow \
-norna \
-gff \
-u \
-pa 30 \
-lib TE.lib \ # TE library
# use .out or .gff output file (from RM) to generate TE annotation (BED format)
cat Cobs2.1.clean.fa.out|tail +4|awk -vOFS="\t" -vFS=" " '{print $5,$6,$7,$10}' > Cobs.2.1.RM.TE.bed
# extract TE sequences
bedtools getfasta -s -name -fi Cobs2.1.reference.fa -fo Cobs2.1.TEseqs.fa -bed Cobs.2.1.RM.TE.bed
# merge TE lib and ref genome
cat Cobs2.1.reference.fa.masked Cobs2.1.TEseqs.fa > Cobs2.1.temergedref.fa
# generate TE hierarchy
cat Cobs2.1.TEseqs.fa|grep '^>'|sed 's/>//g' > te-hierarchy.tmp.txt

# use te-hierarchy.tmp.txt and Cobs.2.1.RM.TE.bed last column info on annotated TE family/order to obtain the final te-hierarchy.txt file. This file should look like:
# these are three columns the first one should match the header ">" of annotated TEs in you reference, i.e. in Cobs2.1.TEseqs.fa. the second and third reflect information on the TE family/order (4th column of Cobs.2.1.RM.TE.bed). Headers (id	family	order) are expected.

# for example a command that worked for me is: PLEASE check the output carefully!! This worked for my own formatting and might not work for yours:

paste <(cat te-hierarchy.tmp.txt ) <(cat Cobs2.1.clean.fa.out|tail +4|awk -vOFS="\t" -vFS=" " '{print $11}'|tr "/" "\t"|awk 'NF<2{ a=""; for(i=1;i<=2-NF;i++){a=a$1 }$0=$0" "a}1')|awk -vOFS="\t" '{print $1,$3,$2}' >

# after adding the header line, you should get something like:
id      family  order
R1-LOA-1b_Hpar::scaffold_1:38-191()     R1-LOA  LINE
R1-LOA-1b_Hpar::scaffold_1:210-363()    R1-LOA  LINE
R1-LOA-1b_Hpar::scaffold_1:382-535()    R1-LOA  LINE
R1-LOA-1b_Hpar::scaffold_1:554-707()    R1-LOA  LINE
R1-LOA-1b_Hpar::scaffold_1:726-879()    R1-LOA  LINE
R1-LOA-1b_Hpar::scaffold_1:898-1051()   R1-LOA  LINE
R1-LOA-1b_Hpar::scaffold_1:1070-1223()  R1-LOA  LINE
R1-LOA-1b_Hpar::scaffold_1:1242-1395()  R1-LOA  LINE
R1-LOA-1b_Hpar::scaffold_1:1414-1567()  R1-LOA  LINE
  • Map reads to the TE-combined-reference

(for each population!)

# Index the TE-masked ref genome
bwa index Cobs2.1.temergedref.fa

# map reads with bwa bwasw in batch
bwa bwasw -t 20 Cobs2.1.temergedref.fa pool_R1_paired.fastq.gz >pool.R1.sam
bwa bwasw -t 20 Cobs2.1.temergedref.fa pool_R2_paired.fastq.gz >pool.R2.sam
  • Restore paired-end information with PoPoolationTE2 se2pe

(for each population!)

java -jar popoolationte2/popte2.jar se2pe \
--fastq1 pool_R1_paired.fastq.gz \
--fastq2 pool_R2_paired.fastq.gz \
--bam1 pool.R1.sam \
--bam2 pool.R2.sam \
--sort \
--output population1.sorted.bam
  • Generate the ppileup file

By following the previous steps, you generate a BAM file for each population. In my case, these were the Tenerife and the Itabuna BAM files.

java -jar popoolationte2/popte2.jar ppileup \
--bam tenerife.sort.bam \
--bam itabuna.sort.bam \
--hier te-hierarchy.txt \
--map-qual 15 \
--output tenerife.itabuna.ppileup.RM.gz
  • Subsample the ppileup file

Subsampling an equal physical coverage is required to correct for insert size and read coverage differences between samples (see Kofler et al. 2016).

java -jar popoolationte2/popte2.jar subsamplePpileup \
--ppileup tenerife.itabuna.ppileup.RM.gz \
--target-coverage 20 \
--output ss.tenerife.itabuna.ppileup.RM.gz
  • Run PoPoolationTE2
# first
java -jar popoolationte2/popte2.jar identifySignatures \
--ppileup ss.tenerife.itabuna.ppileup.RM.gz \
--mode separate \
--output ss.tenerife.itabuna.ppileup.RM.signatures --min-count 2

# then
java -jar popoolationte2/popte2.jar frequency \
--ppileup ss.tenerife.itabuna.ppileup.RM.gz \
--signature ss.tenerife.itabuna.ppileup.RM.signatures \
--output ss.tenerife.itabuna.ppileup.RM.freqsig

# and
java -jar popoolationte2/popte2.jar filterSignatures \
--input ss.tenerife.itabuna.ppileup.RM.freqsig \
--output ss.tenerife.itabuna.ppileup.RM.filtered.freqsig \
--max-otherte-count 2 \
--max-structvar-count 2

# finally
java -jar popoolationte2/popte2.jar pairupSignatures \
--signature ss.tenerife.itabuna.ppileup.RM.filtered.freqsig \
--ref-genome Cobs.alpha.2.1.temergedref.fasta \
--hier te-hierarchy.txt \
--min-distance -200 \
--max-distance 300 \
--output ss.tenerife.itabuna.ppileup.RM.filtered.teinsertions
  • Processing the ss.tenerife.itabuna.ppileup.RM.filtered.teinsertions
# add -/+150 bp to the TE location calculated by PoPoolatioTE2
awk '{print $1 "\t" $2 "\t" $3-150 "\t" $3+150 "\t" $3 "\t" $4 "\t" $5 "\t" $6 "\t" $7 "\t" $8 "\t" $9}' ss.tenerife.itabuna.ppileup.RM.filtered.teinsertions > start-end.teinsertions

# get TE insertions identified in the 30 largest scaffold
awk '{gsub(/scaffold/,""); print}' start-end.teinsertions |awk '{if ($2 <= 30) print $0}'|sort -V -k2,2 -k3,3|awk '{print $1 "\tscaffold" $2 "\t" $3 "\t" $4 "\t" $5"\t" $6 "\t" $7 "\t" $8 "\t" $9 "\t" $10 "\t" $11}' > start-end.teinsertions.sorted

# exctract insertions found in each population
awk '{if ($1 == 1) print $0}' start-end.teinsertions.sorted > tenerife.tmp.bed
awk '{if ($1 == 2) print $0}' start-end.teinsertions.sorted > itabuna.tmp.bed

# add ids (population+number) to make manual curation slightly easier
awk -F'\t' 'BEGIN {OFS = FS} {id++}{print $2,$3,$4,"tenerife"id,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10}' tenerife.tmp.bed > tmp && mv tmp tenerife.tmp.bed
awk -F'\t' 'BEGIN {OFS = FS} {id++}{print $2,$3,$4,"itabuna"id,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10}' itabuna.tmp.bed > tmp && mv tmp itabuna.tmp.bed

#Get shared entries
bedtools intersect -a tenerife.tmp.bed -b itabuna.tmp.bed -names  itabuna -sorted -wao -f 0.5 -r |awk '{if ($19>=150 && $6==$15) print $0}' > te.insertions.shared.between.tenerife.itabuna.txt

#Get unique entries
bedtools intersect -a tenerife.tmp.bed -b itabuna.tmp.bed -names  itabuna -sorted -wao -f 0.5 -r |awk '{if ($19==0 || $6!=$15) print $0}' > te.insertions.unique.tenerife.txt
bedtools intersect -a itabuna.tmp.bed -b tenerife.tmp.bed -names  tenerife -sorted -wao -f 0.5 -r |awk '{if ($19==0 || $6!=$15) print $0}' > te.insertions.unique.itabuna.txt

# manually check for double entries to get the final set of TEs


Code used to analyze Pool-seq as well as single individual genomic data of Cardiocondyla obscurior






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