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Ratio Backend

About the project

Ratio is a web app made for music lovers by a music lover. It leverages the spotify API to display up to date information about new albums and to show user specific recommended albums.


Setup/Environment Variables

  1. To run this project, you will need to run 2 terminal instances with the frontend and the backend.
  2. Run npm install for both directories.
  3. Create a .env file with the following variables:
BACK_END_URL = http://localhost:5000
CLIENT_ID = Spotify Client Id
CLIENT_SECRET = Spotify Client Secret
CONNECTION_URL = Connection url to the MongoDB database
FRONT_END_URL = http://localhost:3000
SCOPES = user-read-private, user-read-recently-played, user-top-read, user-read-email
PORT = 5000
  1. Run npm run dev to start the directory using nodemon for hot reload.