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This is the code repository for our paper Boundary Graph Neural Networks for 3D Simulations, which was presented in the technical program at the Thirty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-23) in Washington, D.C.

A data repository is available at

BibTeX (conference proceedings):

   title={Boundary Graph Neural Networks for 3D Simulations},
   journal={Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
   author={Mayr, Andreas and Lehner, Sebastian and Mayrhofer, Arno and Kloss, Christoph and Hochreiter, Sepp and Brandstetter, Johannes},

The related arXiv manuscript contains the technical appendix. It's BibTeX entry is:

   title={Boundary Graph Neural Networks for 3D Simulations}, 
   author={Andreas Mayr and Sebastian Lehner and Arno Mayrhofer and Christoph Kloss and Sepp Hochreiter and Johannes Brandstetter},

One may be also interested in a related workshop paper, published at the Deep Learning for Simulation (SimDL) ICLR 2021 Workshop (held virtually at

   title={Learning 3D Granular Flow Simulations}, 
   author={Andreas Mayr and Sebastian Lehner and Arno Mayrhofer and Christoph Kloss and Sepp Hochreiter and Johannes Brandstetter},

There is also a Blog post for a quick introduction to the paper.

Preliminary Note

Please consider, to adjust the base directory names in the individual files according to your own environment (e.g., especially search for the strings -data/BGNN/ and -data/BGNNRuns/ and adjust the base directory names). Further, it is assumed, that this code repository is at $HOME/git/bgnn. For analysis scripts, a few further directories in $HOME are used, such as bgnnPlots or bgnnInfo.
Basically, in the scripts it is assumed, that there is somewhere a BGNN and a BGNNRuns directory, where BGNN serves as a directory containing (ground truth) simulation data, while BGNNRuns serves as a working directory for the scripts in this repository. Please consider the chapter on Comments on the Data Repository for more information how BGNN and BGNNRuns are expected to be built up. A possible way to start with building up the BGNN directory is either the extraction of data/ (contains only setting parameters, etc.) or the extraction of (also contains results of initialization runs).
The used python version and a list of used packages are given by pythonVersion.txt and pythonPackageVersions.txt respectively.

Simulation Data

General simulation settings used by the scripts in this repository (i.e., especially randomly chosen hyperparameters, seeds, etc.) are given by the file data/

Simulation trajectories are obtained by the simulation tool LIGGGHTS. LIGGGHTS is dependent on 2 software libraries:

Further, CMake might be needed for compilation. We used version 3.7.2 (available at VTK_INC_USR and VTK_LIB_USR need to be adjusted wrt. the VTK installation in Makefile.user before installing LIGGGHTS.

Most simple in creating the used simulation data is possibly following the pipeline described by the script scripts/ First of all, machines are initialized with an initial particle filling (set and sample initial parameters by createInit followed by execInit), which may then be modified by arbitrary operations (createMainCut). Afterwards the simulations of interest are run (execMain). Finally, data is converted to NumPy format (extractParticles, extractWalls) and there is some precomputation in order to speed up training (particleStatisticsLen, particleStatisticsVec, particleWallDistances).

The code scripts can be found in problems. Especially, we considered a hopper, a rotating drum, and a mixer geometry. Detailed scripts for each step in the pipeline are available in the subdirectories of problems/code. Consider, that for some problems, uncertainty computations are included (cohesive and non-cohesive hopper and rotating drum) and therefore there are a few more steps to create all data for these problems. Further, for out-of-distribution experiments, there are several createInit*-scripts. The implementation of arbitrary operations applied to initial particle fillings are available at problems/cutTools. Raw LIGGGHTS template scripts can be found at problems/templates.

BGNN Model Training and Inference

BGNN model training and inference for the hopper and the rotating drum are implemented in TensorFlow 2 and are available in the directory bgnn/tf. Training and inference code for the mixer are implemented in PyTorch and are available in the directory bgnn/pytorch.

Most of the time the main entry points are the with X being the problem name (hopper, (rotating) drum, mixer) and Y being a version. There are several command-line parameters, which work in principle as follows: If one, wants to do inference using an already trained and saved model, or one wants to continue training a saved model, the name of the model directory needs to be specified for the argument -saveName. Otherwise, if a model should be trained from scratch, the argument should be kept empty. -train determines, whether the script should be run in train or in inference mode. -problem and -experiment determine an actual directory with ground-truth simulation trajectories. -execRollout determines, whether rollout evaluations should be executed during training. -evalSequence and -plotSequence allow to specify which sequences should be evaluated during training or at the inference stage. Usually, the convention was to use sequences 0-29 for training, sequences 30-34 for hyperparameter selection, and sequences 35-39 for final testing/evaluation. The number of rollout-timesteps can be adjusted by -evalTimesteps; -modulo, -vtkOutput, and -npOutput allow to specify the frequency and whether files with the corresponding output formats should be created for the predicted rollout sequences.

Y=1 denotes the script for the cohesive simulation setting for hopper and drum, while Y=2 denotes the script corresponding to the non-cohesive setting. For hopper, Y=0 corresponds to the simulation experiment in chapter TApp. C.2. For both, hopper, and rotating drum Y=i corresponds to simulation experiments in the manuscript Learning 3D Granular Flow Simulations. Y=3 (for hoper only) and Y=4 (for hoper and rotating drum) corresponds to out-of-distribution experiments. For the mixer we had only one setting, which corresponds to Y=1.

The form together with the the actual implementation of the core graph network functionalities. The functionality was derived from the Graph Nets library of Google DeepMind. We applied some adaptions to their code. The actual graph network model architecture is also determined by scripts.

Rollout functionality is implemented by rollout*.py-scripts. Node and edge feature computation is implemented in and implements basic utility functions, e.g., computing feature statistics for normalization purposes. Triangle-Point distance computation is implemented by and and are used to store BGNN models to disk and load them from the disk.

Code for the simulation experiment in chapter TApp. C.2 can be found in bgnn/tf/fexp, while code for ablation experiments (chapter TApp. D.5) can be found in bgnn/tf/ablations. The structure of the scripts follows in principle those in bgnn/tf with some adaptions.

Analysis and Utility Scripts

Scripts to reproduce curves of analysis plots in the paper are provided at scripts/visualizations. and correspond to plots in Learning 3D Granular Flow Simulations.

Code how statistical tests in TApp. C.2 and TApp. D.4 were applied can be found in and in scripts respectively. The numbers in Table 1 were obtained by scripts in scripts/grw.

Further, some general utility scripts, such as converting NumPy data to VTK and vice versa are provided in scripts.

To visualize particle trajectories given by VTK files, ParaView can be used.

Comments on the Data Repository


The repository consists of 4 ZIP files:

  • contains parameters to reproduce simulations + run of initial filling and random operations (createMainCut); main simulations runs (beginning with execMain), conversion, and precomputation steps are still necessary (see Simulation Data) as the file for download would otherwise get quite large

  • contains saved BGNN models

  • contains trajectory rollouts used in the publication

  • contains evaluation results, which were further used in the publication (not computed for all trajectories)

Ideally the content of is extracted to a directory $BGNN_BASEDIR/BGNN, while the content of the other files is extracted into a directory $BGNN_BASEDIR/BGNNRuns, such that $BGNN_BASEDIR/BGNNRuns consists of subdirectories containing models, trajectories, and evaluations. Further, (empty) subdirectories with the names info and predictions should be created in $BGNN_BASEDIR/BGNNRuns. $BGNN_BASEDIR/BGNN consists of subdirectories hopper, drum, and mixer.

Last Update: June, 28th, 2023


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