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Groovy-based patching framework for SAP Commerce Cloud (Hybris)

To ensure smooth release process it is crucial to have an automated patching process, the process which will do variety of activities without any manual interaction during the deployment or system update.

Its main concept is - independent patch for every feature/bug/change request/etc. Every patch should be part of the release, and releases can be also grouped.

Each patch is represented by the Groovy file in which developer can request specific activities to be performed in scope of the patch, associated release or the whole deployment process. For example: import ImpEx files, re-import Email templates, request SOLR reindex, request catalog synchronisation, reset UserRights, remove orphaned types, execute custom groovy code, etc.

Under the hood it is using existing OOTB SystemSetupAudit type for applied patches.

Such an approach benefits with: maintainability, zero code conflicts, classpath is not affected, highly customisable and flexible patching process, outstanding performance.

How to use

  • Create new blank extension from ygroovypatches template extension -
  • Create/customize SystemSetup class in the newly created custom extension. It is possible to have different set of patches for Init and Update (just in case of existing solution)
@SystemSetup(extension = CustompatchesConstants.EXTENSIONNAME)
public class CustomPatchesSystemSetup extends GroovyPatchesSystemSetup {

    @SystemSetup(type = SystemSetup.Type.PROJECT, process = SystemSetup.Process.INIT)
    public void executeAllPatches(final SystemSetupContext context) {
        executePatches(context, "/releases/**/**/*.groovy");

    @SystemSetup(type = SystemSetup.Type.PROJECT, process = SystemSetup.Process.UPDATE)
    public void executeUpdatePatches(final SystemSetupContext context) {
        executePatches(context, "/releases/2.0/**/*.groovy");
  • Introduce project specific implementation for CurrentEnvironmentProvider as it may differ from Solution to Solution
  • Folders reference
Data Path
Groovy patches <custom>patches/resources/<custom>patches/releases/<optional group>/<release>/<JIRA-TICKET>.groovy
Patch ImpEx files <custom>patches/resources/<custom>patches/import/patchdata/<release>/<patch id>
Email ImpEx files <custom>patches/resources/<custom>patches/import/patchdata/<emails>
  • Adjust <custom>patches-beans.xml according to your project setup
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<beans xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="beans.xsd">

    <enum class="com.github.mlytvyn.patches.groovy.EnvironmentEnum">

    <enum class="com.github.mlytvyn.patches.groovy.SolrEnum">

    <enum class="com.github.mlytvyn.patches.groovy.SolrIndexedTypeEnum">

    <enum class="com.github.mlytvyn.patches.groovy.SiteEnum">

    <enum class="com.github.mlytvyn.patches.groovy.EmailTemplateEnum">

    <enum class="com.github.mlytvyn.patches.groovy.EmailComponentTemplateEnum">

    <enum class="com.github.mlytvyn.patches.groovy.ProductCatalogEnum">

    <enum class="com.github.mlytvyn.patches.groovy.ContentCatalogEnum">
  • Adjust (most of those will be pre-generated by if created from the template ygroovypatches extension)
# Adds release ID to the log4j2 context map
# Adds patch ID to the log4j2 context map
# --------
# Solr index configuration
# --------${}
# --------
# Solr indexed type configuration
# --------
# --------
# Email component templates configuration
# --------
# --------
# Email templates configuration
# --------
# --------
# Content Catalogs configuration
# --------${test.content.catalog}
# --------
# Sites configuration
# --------${}
  • Create new groovy-based Patch files and optional related ImpEx files.
    • Each patch name must follow naming pattern: <int number>.<patch name>.groovy, sample 0001_HYB-1.groovy
  • Provided with ygroovypatches com.github.mlytvyn.patches.groovy.dsl.patch_contributor.gdsl should provide Script context specific variable patchContext in the Intellij IDEA

Delayed SOLR re-index

It is possible to request SOLR re-index for specific SolrFacetSearchConfig in two modes.

Once requested via groovy Patch, re-index will be executed only once on next server startup via auto-configured CronJob.

SOLR full re-index mode

If requested via .fullReIndex(SolrEnum.DUMMY) custom CronJob PatchesFullReIndexCronJob will be started during the server startup and execute synchronously re-index for each SolrFacetSearchConfig.

It is possible to customize behaviour of the service job by extending patchesFullReIndexJobPerformable.

Property Description Default name for custom CronJob, instance of PatchesFullReIndexCronJob
patches.groovy.solr.index.full.cronJob.language Default language for CronJob, fallback to en Default name for custom ServiceLayerJob
patches.groovy.solr.index.full.serviceLayerJob.springId Default Spring Bean to be used for partial re-index. By-default set to OOTB patchesFullReIndexJobPerformable bean.
patches.groovy.solr.index.force.disable Property to force disable index operation even if fullReIndex parameter is specified. By-default is set to false.

SOLR partial re-index mode

If requested via .partialReIndex(SolrIndexedTypeEnum.DUMMY, "indexedProperty") auto-configured CronJob SolrExtIndexerCronJob will be started for each SolrIndexedType during the server startup.

If related full re-index (for the same SolrFacetSearchConfig) was also requested partial re-index will be skipped.

It is possible to customize behaviour of the service job by extending solrExtIndexerJob.

Property Description
patches.groovy.solr.index.partial.cronJob.indexerType.queryType Default type of the IndexerQuery from which FlexibleSearch query for partial re-index will be taken. Fallback to PARTIAL_INDEX.
patches.groovy.solr.index.partial.cronJob.prefix Special prefix for partial re-index CronJobs instance of SolrExtIndexerCronJob
patches.groovy.solr.index.partial.cronJob.language Default language for CronJob, fallback to en
patches.groovy.solr.index.partial.serviceLayerJob.code Default name for custom ServiceLayerJob
patches.groovy.solr.index.partial.serviceLayerJob.springId Default Spring Bean to be used for partial re-index. By-default set to OOTB solrExtIndexerJob bean.
patches.groovy.solr.index.force.disable Property to force disable index operation even if partialReIndex parameter is specified. By-default is set to false.

Patching Contexts

Patching framework supports 3 levels of the patching contexts to minimize patching efforts and ensure execution of the specific actions only when it is actually required.

It is easy to identify context of the action by interface it implements.

Global Context

Global actions implement GlobalContextAction and using GlobalContext which can be customized by extending GlobalContextFactory.

All global actions will be executed only once for running patching process.

There are several pre-built release actions to be used right away. These actions are grouped by execution phases: Before all patches and After all patches.

Action When Description
Validate Context Before all patches This action validates that GlobalContext created by the GlobalContextFactory has all required settings, after that it will trigger validation of all release contexts.
Remove Orphaned Types Before all patches This action will trigger removal of all Orphaned Types.
Import Email Component Templates After all patches This action will import email component templates requested via EmailComponentTemplateEnum. Import will happen for each registered SiteEnum, which will be passed as a context param siteUid to the ImpEx file.
Import Email Templates After all patches This action will import email component templates requested via EmailTemplateEnum. Import will happen for each registered SiteEnum, which will be passed as a context param siteUid to the ImpEx file.
SOLR Remove Core After all patches This action will execute in parallel removal of the Indexes requested via SolrEnum for current patching scope.
SOLR Full Re-index After all patches This action will configure and schedule Full Re-Index CronJob for SOLR Cores set via SolrEnum.
SOLR Partial Re-index After all patches This action will configure and schedule Partial Re-Index CronJob for SOLR Cores set via SolrEnum and corresponding Indexed Properties.

Release Context

Release actions implement PatchAction and using PatchContext which can be customized by extending PatchContextFactory.

All patch actions will be executed only once for running patching process.

There are several pre-built patch actions to be used right away. These actions are grouped by execution phases: Before all patches and After all patches.

Action When Description
Validate Context Before all patches This action invokes validation for all patches included in the Release.
Remove Content Catalog After all patches This action will trigger removal of the Content Catalog set via ContentCatalogEnum.
Sync Content Catalog After all patches This action will trigger Content Catalog synchronization for each catalog set via ContentCatalogEnum.
Apply patches Between before and after actions The action which will invoke import of each patch included in the Release.

Patch Context

Patch actions implement ReleaseContextAction and using ReleaseContext which can be customized by extending ReleaseContextFactory.

All release actions will be executed only once per release for running patching process. Each patch will be processed ONLY if it is suitable for current environment by invoking patch.isApplicable().

There are several pre-built global actions to be used right away. These actions are grouped by execution phases: Before processing and After processing.

Action When Description
Validate Context Before processing This action will validate correctness of the patch data folder, ImpEx files existence.
Before Consumer Before processing This action will invoke custom groovy script registered for the Patch.
After Consumer After processing This action will invoke custom groovy script registered for the Patch.
Import ImpEx files After validation This action will import all ImpEx files, if they were requested.
Sync Content Catalog (now) After processing This action will trigger Content Catalog synchronization for each catalog set via ContentCatalogEnum.
Save System Setup Audit record After processing This action will create new SystemSetupAudit record in the DataBase after processing the Patch.
Apply patches Between before and after actions The action which will invoke import of each patch included in the Release.

Sample Groovy patch

//import com.custompatches.patches.context.patch.PatchContextDescriber
import com.github.mlytvyn.patches.groovy.ContentCatalogEnum
import com.github.mlytvyn.patches.groovy.EmailComponentTemplateEnum
import com.github.mlytvyn.patches.groovy.EmailTemplateEnum
import com.github.mlytvyn.patches.groovy.EnvironmentEnum
import com.github.mlytvyn.patches.groovy.SolrEnum
import com.github.mlytvyn.patches.groovy.SolrIndexedTypeEnum
import com.github.mlytvyn.patches.groovy.context.ChangeFieldTypeContext
import com.github.mlytvyn.patches.groovy.context.DropColumnContext
import com.github.mlytvyn.patches.groovy.context.impex.ImpexContext
import com.github.mlytvyn.patches.groovy.context.impex.ImpexImportConfig
import com.github.mlytvyn.patches.groovy.context.impex.ImpexTemplateContext
import com.github.mlytvyn.patches.groovy.context.patch.PatchContextDescriber
import com.github.mlytvyn.patches.groovy.SiteEnum
import com.github.mlytvyn.patches.groovy.context.patch.PatchDataFolderRelation
import de.hybris.platform.core.model.product.ProductModel
import de.hybris.platform.util.Config

import java.nio.file.Paths

def cp = (configurationProvider as ConfigurationProvider)
// if `patchContext` is not properly registered in the IDE, use the following cast
def patch = (patchContext as PatchContextDescriber)
// By extending PatchContextDescriptor and customizing Patch creation via PatchFactory it is possible to add own operations to default PatchContext, which will be executed according to defined order
// Or it is possible to define patch specific custom operations, which will be executed right away 
// Specify hash in case of long-live shared branches, with unknown release date, otherwise hash will be generated based on extensionName + releaseId + patchNumber + patchId  
        .hash("<your custom internal Identifier of the patch")
// It is possible to adjust patch data folder, it will be still in the same release, but if you'd like to place all impexes from different patches to the same folder it will be possible
        .customPatchDataFolder(Paths.get("<custom patch folder within the release folder>"))
// It is also possible to adjust patch data folder in a way it will be root patch folder related (`patchdata`)
        .customPatchDataFolder(Paths.get("<custom patch folder within the patchdata folder>"), PatchDataFolderRelation.ROOT)
// Limits patch to specific environments, by default - applicable to all 
// Allows creation of the environment specific patch, corresponding Related Patch have to be created in that case to create new context
// Supplied environment specific patch will be lazily evaluated only in the environment it was registered for
        .withEnvironmentPatch(EnumSet.allOf(EnvironmentEnum), { -> patch.createRelatedPatch() })
// Allows creation of the nested patches, which can be created via `patch.createRelatedPatch()`
// Allows simple modification of the field type in the DB, it will execute SQL query, customize `PatchChangeFieldTypeAction` to adjust SQL or introduce new DB
// see OOTB `core-advanced-deployment.xml` for allowed DB specific column types, use DB value, not Hybris one
                ChangeFieldTypeContext.of(ProductModel.class, ProductModel.NAME)
                        .dbFieldType(Config.DatabaseName.HANA, "TEXT")
                        .dbFieldType(Config.DatabaseName.MYSQL, "TEXT")
                        .dbFieldType(Config.DatabaseName.SQLSERVER, "NCLOB")
// Allows simple removal of the DB column for existing Type by execution of the SQL query, customize `PatchDropColumnAction` in case of a need
// Important: various edge cases may cause this operation to fail, for example, if column is being used in the DB Index. 
                DropColumnContext.of(ProductModel.class, "p_legacy_column")
// Specify optional description, which will be
        .description("<Optional description of the patch>")
// Specify principal UIDs for which User Rights should be removed from the aclentries table
        .resetUserRightsForPrincipals("", "employeegrouo", "backofficerole")
// If specified will override default Impex Import Configuration set via properties for current Patch only, can be overridden for individual Impex via ImpexContext
// If specified without any parameters, all impexes will be imported in natural order, otherwise only specified impexes will be imported according to defined order  
// It is also possible to adjust individual impex import via ImpexContext
// It is possible to specify custom Impex Template Contexts, it will lead to import of all impexes specified via `.withImpexes` with each defined ImpexTemplateContext
// enables possibility to create "template" based impexes and pass different params as a Map
// similar approach is used for Impexes imported via Addon, see AddOnConfigDataImportService
// in the Impex file each parameter will be injected as `$parameterName`
                ImpexTemplateContext.of("Site Dummy")
                        .macroParameter("siteUid", cp.getSiteCode(SiteEnum.DUMMY)),
                ImpexTemplateContext.of("Site Not Dummy")
                        .macroParameter("siteUid", cp.getSiteCode(SiteEnum.NOT_DUMMY))
// Executes custom groovy logic before anything else, `setup` argument points to `SystemSetupContext`
        .before({ setup -> })
// Executes custom groovy logic after everything else, `setup` argument points to `SystemSetupContext`
        .after({ setup -> })
// Registers Content Catalog synchronization with `force=true` attribute, will be executed after the release
// Registers Content Catalog synchronization with `force=true` attribute, will be executed after current patch
// Registers Content Catalog synchronization with `force=false` attribute, will be executed after current release
// Registers Content Catalog synchronization with `force=false` attribute, will be executed after current patch
// Registering this operation will remove all orphaned types
// Specify email templates which should be re-imported
// Specify email component templates which should be re-imported for all Sites
// Specify email component templates which should be re-imported for defined sites
// Remove indexed SOLR core
// Schedule delayed full reindex of the SOLR core, executed after the patching process, on next server start up 
// Schedule delayed partial reindex of the SOLR core, executed after the patching process, on next server start up
        .partialReIndex(SolrIndexedTypeEnum.DUMMY, "name", "id", "etc")


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