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James Dinan edited this page Oct 27, 2021 · 1 revision

HACC WG 10-27-2021

Logically concurrent:

  • Dan working on runnable litmus tests
  • AI: Track down OMP version of my magic thread barrier example

Continuations proposal:

  • Issue and PR posted
  • Joseph is working on Open MPI implementation of proposed API
  • Open question: Is session a good point of attachment?
    • Cannot share MPI objects across sessions

Digression into sessions progress semantics:

Two libraries (Sessions A and B):

Process 0:

MPI_Isend(to Process 1, Session A Comm)
MPI_Recv(from Process 1, Session B Comm) (If no progress on MPI_Isend, can deadlock)

Process 1:

MPI_Recv(from Process 0, Session A Comm)
MPI_Isend(to Process 0, Session B Comm)
  • Conclusion that sessions should not cause this example to deadlock

Continuations proposal:

  • MPI_Continue could allow requests from different sessions to be attached to the same continuation request
  • The text would need to call this out as not allowed
  • Otherwise, waiting on the continuation request is like waiting on an array of requests from different sessions (which MPI 4.0 forbids)
  • Discussed binding of callbacks to MPI objects
  • Which objects does it make sense to tie to?
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