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Demo Node App to experiment with selenium & javascript


This project consists of a simple node application that presents a login page with the ability to enter login credentials. If correct credentials are entered then the welcome page is presented otherwise an error page is displayed.

The tests in the project are BDD style tests that are driven by cucumber features and drive the tests using selenium webdriver. The README tries to detail the various parts of the test suite and how they fit together. The pattern used in the tests could be used for any web application testing with appropriate modifications.


1 Quick Start

2 Tests

3 Web interface

Quick Start (TL;DR)

  1. Clone the project using git clone
  2. Install node modules - npm install.
  3. Start demo app using npm run start.
  4. This should have started the server at port 9294. Visit http://localhost:9294/login to confirm.
  5. Correct credentials to login are / password
  6. To run tests - npm run test.
  7. To generate html report - npm run testReport
npm run test
> webloginauto@1.0.0 test user1$/jsAutomationDemo
> cucumber-js tests/features --require tests/features/support --require tests/step_definitions --world-parameters {\"browserName\":\"chrome\"} --format json:tests/results/chrome.json


4 scenarios (4 passed)
15 steps (15 passed)



The tests are BDD (Behaviour driven development) style. The feature describe the behaviour of the system under test & are written in gerkhin. This can be found in the login.feature file. The feature files are also commonly referred to as so called living or executable documentation. The features are backed by executable code called the step definitions (for example loginSteps.js). The step definitions are the actual javascript code that gets executed to run the tests.


The so called devDependencies section of the package.json file includes the below node modules to help us test the app

"devDependencies": {
  "chai": "4.1.2",
  "cucumber": "4.2.1",
  "selenium-webdriver": "3.6.0"

The first of this is chai which provides support for writing easily readable assertions in our tests. Second is cucumber which provides us the ability of writing feature files and mapping them to step definition. Finally we have selenium-webdriver which actually acts a glue between the browser and the browser driver. In our case we are using "Chrome" and "Chromium".

Test code architecture

Page Object classes

The so called page object design pattern for testing encapsulates the properties and actions on a page (screen) into its own class so that the test code (step definitions) can interact with the pages without having to include any screen specific logic into the tests itself. The main advantage of this model is that the tests become isolated from the screen design, they become simple to write and understand & are easier to maintain.

In the code that we have, the loginPage.js file contains the LoginPage class that abstracts away the interactions with the login page.

All of the page object classes inherit (extend) from the BasePage class that is defined in the basePage.js file. This file essentially abstracts away the selenium-webdriver method findElements... into various utility methods that help to locate web elements using css. Other utility/ helper methods can be abstracted into this class.

Async & Await

The newer version of the java script standards have introduced the async and await keywords that have greatly simplified the writing of asynchronous code. An function marked as async always returns a Promise. Async functions are started synchronously but then are executed asynchronously removing the need to write the flaky waiting code which is not reliable.

The await keyword before an promise expression waits until the expression is resolved (the result is returned).


The cucumber discussion can be split into 3 parts. First how its being invoked, secondly the cucumber hooks and last but not the least the step definitions.

Invoking cucumber-js

The cucumber test run is invoked using the command npm run test which maps to the package script

"test": "./node_modules/.bin/cucumber-js tests/features --require tests/features/support --require tests/step_definitions --world-parameters {\\\"browserName\\\":\\\"chrome\\\"} --format json:tests/results/chrome.json"

if we split this, ./node_modules/.bin/cucumber-js invokes the right version of cucumber-js, --require tells it the location of the code files, --world-parameters injects dependencies into cucumber and finally --format sets the format of the output test report.


Cucumber hooks are functions that are invoked during the lifecycle of a test run. They can be Before or After. These are opportunities for us to implement any setup or teardown code that is relevant at these points. For example we might want to load the login page before each test, set up the right web-driver instance, set global parameters etc.

Hooks are included in the code using

const { Before, After } = require('cucumber');

Hook functions could have the below signature.

Before({ options }, async function(scenario) { code });
After({ options }, async function(scenario) { code });

The scenario object passed to the function above will have the format {sourceLocation: {line, uri}, result: {duration, status}, pickle} for After hooks. For Before hook it does NOT have the result property.

Some of the options include tags & timeout. There can be more than one Before or After hook function declared. Before hooks are executed in the order they are declared. After hooks run in the opposite order of there declaration.


Before({ timeout: CONSTANTS.HOOK_TIMEOUTS.BEFORE }, async function(scenario) {
    setDefaultTimeout(CONSTANTS.STEP_TIMEOUTS.TIMEOUT); // 1

    const browserName = this.parameters.browserName; // 2
    const scenarioName =; // 3
    const builder = new webdriver.Builder(); // 4

    this.appUrl = APP_URL;

    driver = await builder
        .build(); // 5

    this.driver = driver; // 6
    await this.driver.get(this.appUrl); // 7

The Before hook in our code above does the below

  1. uses the cucumber supplied setDefaultTimeout method to set the default step timeout.
  2. set the browserName property from the injected cucumber world property of the same name.
  3. Extracts the scenario name.
  4. Instantiates a webdriver Builder instance.
  5. Creates the driver for the browser.
  6. Sets the driver variable.
  7. Loads the application starting url.


After({ timeout: CONSTANTS.HOOK_TIMEOUTS.AFTER }, async function(scenario) {
    if (!this.driver) {
    } // 1

    if (scenario.result.status === Status.FAILED) {
        await tryAttachScreenshot(this);
        console.log(`Scenario - ${} - FAILED`)
    } // 2

    await deinitWebdriver(); // 3
    delete this.driver; // 4

The After hook does the below

  1. Checks if the driver instance exists else returns.
  2. If scenario failed tries to take a screen shot and prints the failed scenario name on console.
  3. Invokes the function deinitWebdriver.
  4. Delete's the driver property from cucumber world.

Its worth noting that this refers to the cucumber world object inside the Before & After functions.

Cucumber steps

Its the step definition code where the test execution finally happens. In our case loginSteps.js, loginErrorSteps.js & welcomeSteps.js are where the step code resides.

const assert = require('chai').assert; // 1
const { Given, When, Then} = require('cucumber'); // 2
const And = Then; // 3
  1. Requires the chai assertion code.
  2. Requires cucumber Given, When & Then functions to add syntactic sugar to the code.
  3. Some more syntactic sugar.

The step function take the format Given|And|Then|When('...step text...', async function () {}, timeout. The function need not be an async function. However since we are using await inside the code we need to make the function async.


Test report

Once the tests have been run using npm run test. The test report can be generated using npm run testReport. The cucumber-html-reporter node module has been used to generate test reports.

Cucumber HTML Reporter

Web interface of the demo node app


