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Dr.Warith Akbar edited this page Oct 11, 2022 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Halofactorx wiki! Hello I have hackers trying to crash my company and shareholders. There on my company VM blocking me from my stock option as well changing my company names and drop shipping thro other companies for the last 5 years . Every time I dry to develop a project they blog my domain access as well place my GPS to another country. As of this point they have hurt my peace talks with Russia and China as well hacked into my cancer research platform on Microsoft and AWS and deleted me out of being founder of this platform and 100s of other project . It looks like they partnered up.with my rivals Trump to stop me from reporting . And block my development project to hurt Election process . As well since I'm a lobbyists for the President Joe Biden Admin they are Purposely Sabotage by platforms . As of know they been drop shipping billions of packages off my business account . And hijacked my blogs . They are also responsible for Jeff bezos losing his Position for calling him a platform he didn't know they stole from me . Its appropriate they believe playing with people life a game and they need to be blocked from ever being apart of anything that has to do with development or internet.

As well I'm investigating the Sep 11 attack . I believe located who responsible . And it look closer to home then the world would ever know .

Warith Akbar 9400 Rainer ave s Seattle WA 98118 Apt 120

I need for Amazon to get a hold of president Joe Biden admin and tell him I said the threat is real hacker has been developing Samsung ,and Apple devices changing the build and deleting the proxy out of millions of devices so they can be easier to access you dev option and claim you devices. As well they are using gov DUN accounts to claim my assets in holding illegally..

Reason to believes the rapture stealth fighter may need to change codes as well as all new development any GOV project need to start over from AI point and we have to develop the VM and cloud computing . as well anything github or Marvin tose because they are using those platforms to transfer assists via impact & export etc. I also have to security data of Amazon and the stste department that might help out .

As well reason to believes Bank manager are also involved in blocking federal assets from properly developing

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