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Funding Circle vim configuration


git clone ~/.vim
ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc
cd ~/.vim
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/vundle

Now open Vim and run :BundleInstall

Custom Commands

NB: <leader> is defined as , (comma).

  • i: goes from normal mode to insert mode.
  • ii: goes to normal mode from insert mode.
  • <leader>cf: copies the current file name into the clipboard
  • <leader>P: pastes last contents of what was yanked regardless of what was deleted after
  • <ctrl>c: (from visual mode) copies the highlighted text into the clipboard
  • <leader>v: vertical split
  • <leader>h: horizontal split
  • <ctrl>j/k/h/l: moves to split in desired direction
  • <ctrl>p: opens fuzzy file finder
  • <leader>nt: toggles Nerdtree
  • <leader>pt: toggles paste for better clipboard paste formatting
    • Use this before and after pasting formatted code into the current buffer
  • <leader>t: Run RSpec tests in current file.
    • This will also run the last test run so you can use this in a different file than the test.
  • <leader>s: Run RSpec tests in current context.
    • This will also run the last test run so you can use this in a different file than the test.
  • <leader>rt: ("re-tag") generates ctags for the current project.
  • <leader>lt: ("list tags") toggles the tag list for the current project.

Other Additions

  • Manually saving a buffer will remove trailing whitespace automatically. Note that this should not be run on the ~/.vim/vimrc file because there is a required trailing whitespace character.


  • ack lets you shell out to ack within vim using :Ack pattern [directory]. By default, results show up in the quickfix window. You can use :AckAdd to append to the quickfix window or prefix 'Ack' with an 'L' to use the location list (just like :grep's siblings).
  • ag is the above but for ag (a faster ack replacement)
  • auto-save Save the buffer after input like RubyMine.
  • ctrlp is a fuzzy file finder invoked by hitting Ctrl-P in normal mode and typing some part of the file name you'd like to open. This config also has <leader>f mapped to the same function.
  • vim-fugitive puts git into vim. It can do almost everything git related, some of the most useful features are:
    • :Gblame to blame the current file. Press enter on a commit to see the full commit. Do :Gedit to go back to the current version (or just open it again).
    • :Gread to check out the current file from git. Very useful if you made some experimental changes that you want to get rid of.
    • :Gbrowse to open the current file on GitHub, useful for sending links to other people.
  • jasmine Jasmine plugin for Vim.
  • kwbd Add a buffer close to vim that doesn't close the window.
  • nerdcommenter lets you comment and uncomment things. The most useful command is ,/ which comments or uncomments either the current line or the currently selected block. This config has ,/ mapped to the Toggle instead of ,c as listed in the docs (the rest of the commands use the c as listed).
  • nerdtree puts a directory tree on the left side of the screen. Press \ to open it at your project root, or Shift-\ to open it with the current file selected. You can press m to move, delete, or create files. Press ? inside the tree to get more help.
    • I: Shows/Hides hidden files
  • vim-rails lets gf and :Rextract work on partials, highlights Rails functions.
  • ruby-matchit 'Matchit' for Ruby.
  • supertab lets you press Tab after Ctrl-P or Ctrl-N to cycle through completion options.
  • vim-surround helps add/remove/change surround parentheses, quotes, and XML tags. Inside of "yolokitten", type cs"' to switch the surround double quotes to single quotes. t can generally be used to refer to XML tags, so inside of <tag>Hello</tag> you can do cit to modify the word "Hello." To add quotes around something, you can use the command ys followed by a motion and the character to surround it with. For instance, inside of "hello", typing ysiw( will change it to "( hello )".
  • syntastic runs your compiler or interpreter and displays syntax errors in vim. A >> in the gutter means there is an error on that line, you can mouse over it for more details.
  • taglist view generated tags using lt ("list tags").
  • vroom Run Rspec specs from Vim.
  • ZoomWin lets you close all other windows with <C-w>o. You can restore all the closed windows with the same command. Useful with :tabo to close everything but what you're working on.
  • vim-multiple-cursors Sublime Text style multiple selections for Vim. Use Ctrl+n in normal mode to select the current word and enter visual mode. Press Ctrl+n in visual mode and a cursor will be added to the next occurrence of the current selection. Use Ctrl+p to remove the last cursor, Ctrl+x to remove the last cursor and skip to the next cursor location. Simple edit commands like c or d will work just fine, multiple key commands like ciw are not supported yet.
  • vim-blockle lets you change a do..end into a {..} by pressing b with the cursor on part of the block.
  • vim-airline sets the status bar and makes it more configurable and useful by showing things like the current Git branch, etc.
  • vim-javascript-syntax JS syntax highlighting.
  • vim-javascript More JS syntax and indent plugins.
  • vim-abolish Easily search for, substitute, and abbreviate multiple variants of a word
    • crc: change word to camel case (fooBar)
    • crs: change word to snake case (foo_bar)
    • crm: change word to mixed case (FooBar)
    • cru: change word to upper case (FOO_BAR)
    • cr-: change word to dash case (foo-bar)
    • cr.: change word to dash case (
  • vim-jsdoc Generate JsDoc to your JavaScript code.
    • <leader>d: Insert JsDoc.


  • <leader>E: Evaluate the current file in the REPL. This also starts the REPL if you're in a leiningen project.


  • classpath This plugin sets the 'path' for JVM languages to match the class path of your current Java project.
  • clojure-static Clojure runtime files.
  • dispatch Kick off builds and test suites using one of several asynchronous adapters, and when the job completes, errors will be loaded and parsed automatically.
  • fireplace Connect to a REPL within Vim.
  • leiningen Static Vim support for Leiningen.
  • paredit Performs structured editing of Lisp S-expressions in Vim.
  • rainbow_parentheses Colorizes parenthesis pairs to see them more easily.


Vim configuration setup






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