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A Simple WebGPU Pathtracer

projektbild dragon1 sphereflake2 manyobjects caustic1

Welcome to the repository of my WebGPU Pathtracer project! This project is a straightforward implementation of a pathtracer using WebGPU and TypeScript. It's designed to be a starting point for those interested in exploring the capabilities of WebGPU in rendering and graphics programming.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Before you begin, ensure you have the latest version of Node.js installed, as this project uses npm (Node Package Manager) for managing dependencies.


To get started with this project, follow these simple steps:

  1. Fork the Repository

    Begin by forking this repository to your GitHub account. This creates a copy of the project in your account, allowing you to make changes without affecting the original.

  2. Clone the Repository

    Next, clone the forked repository to your local machine using the following command:

    [git clone](

Here's the adjusted section with the additional information about ngrok.exe:

3. **Install Dependencies**

   Navigate to the project directory and run the following command to install the necessary dependencies:

   npm install
  1. Start the Project

    Once the dependencies are installed, you can start the project by running:

    npm start

    This will launch the pathtracer in your default web browser.

  2. Share Your Local Project

    If you want to share your local project with others, you can use ngrok.exe to create a secure tunnel to your local server. Run ngrok.exe and use the following command:

    ngrok http 3000

    Replace 3000 with the port number your project is running on. This will provide a public URL that you can share with others.


Feel free to explore and modify the code to learn more about WebGPU and path tracing. This project is a great starting point for anyone looking to delve into advanced graphics programming with modern web technologies.


This project is open-source and available to anyone. You are free to use, modify, and distribute the code in your own projects, whether personal, educational, or commercial. No attribution is required, but always appreciated!

Framework Overview

core_diagram2 img2