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Akshay edited this page Mar 6, 2021 · 1 revision

As of v0.2.7, dijo supports 3 kinds of habits:

  • Count: for habits you can count with your fingers (ex.: drinking water)
  • Bit: for true/false type habits (ex.: gymming)
  • Float: for fractional, floating point habits (ex.: running distance)

dijo selects the type of habit based on the goal string entered at the commandline with the add command. The syntax is as follows:

  • Count habits:
    • Syntax: add <habit-name> <integer>
    • Example: add water 8
  • Bit habits:
    • Syntax: add <habit-name> 1
    • Example: add gymming 1
  • Float habits:
    • Syntax: add <habit-name> <floating-point>
    • Example: add running 1.0