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Hyperledger Iroha 2 Tutorial

This repository contains the source files for Hyperledger Iroha 2 Tutorial.

The tutorial is suitable for both experienced and novice users. It explains Iroha 2 concepts and features, and also offers language-specific step-by-step guides for these programming languages:

If you are already familiar with Hyperledger Iroha, we invite you to read about how Iroha 2 is different from its previous version.

Check the Hyperledger Iroha 2 repository for more detailed information about API and available features.


If you want to contribute to Iroha 2 tutorial, please clone the repository and follow the steps below.

Prepare the environment

  1. Install Node.js v16. To install it without a headache, use NVM (Node Version Manager). You can run something like this:

    # Install NVM itself
    curl -o- | bash
    # Run it to use NVM in the current shell session or restart your shell
    export NVM_DIR="$([ -z "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-}" ] && printf %s "${HOME}/.nvm" || printf %s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/nvm")"
    [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm

    Then you can install Node 16:

    nvm install 16
  2. Install PNPM, a package manager used by this project. If you've installed Node.js, you can install PNPM with this command:

    npm i -g pnpm
  3. Install the packages for this project. From the root of the cloned repository, run:

    pnpm i

Run dev mode

pnpm dev

It will start a local dev-server. You will be able to open a browser, observe rendered documentation, edit source files and see your edits on-demand.

Format documentation

We use Prettier to format Markdown files. Its configuration is located at ./.prettierrc.js. Check options reference for all available options.

  • Format doc files: apply Prettier formatting to all Markdown files

    pnpm format:docs:fix
  • Check the formatting in doc files: ensure that all documentation files match Prettier code style

    pnpm format:docs:check


Iroha documentation files are made available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY-4.0), available at


No releases published


No packages published


  • TypeScript 64.9%
  • Vue 19.0%
  • JavaScript 8.8%
  • SCSS 7.3%