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PIA Mac Split Tunnel




  • Open mac_split_tunnel/SplitTunnelProxy.xcodeproj using XCode.
  • Check both targets Signing & Capabilities settings, making sure that:
    1. for both targets team is "Private Internet Access, Inc." (check Apple account certificates)
    2. target SplitTunnelProxy bundle identifier is "com.privateinternetaccess.vpn.splittunnel"
    3. target SplitTunnelProxyExtension bundle identifier is "com.privateinternetaccess.vpn.splittunnel"
  • Ignore ProxyExtension/build.xcconfig file changes by running: git update-index --assume-unchanged ProxyExtension/build.xcconfig

CI Building

To achieve runnable builds in GHA, we use the script. is written to be generic for any app+extension use-case, so we pass our specific values from environment variables. To work on that script, modify sample.env and set the variables there for your specific development environment.

The aim is for to be as self-explanatory as possible, so prefer to document relevant things there.


  • To debug the SplitTunnelProxy application select the SplitTunnelProxy scheme and run it
  • A UI will appear, click buttons to perform actions.
  • Don't use the SplitTunnelProxyExtension scheme to launch the project, the extension will be controlled by the app.
  • To debug the extension, before launching the app click Debug/Attach to process by PID or name... enter this name "com.privateinter", select Debug as: Root and click Attach. The debugger will attach to the extension as soon as it starts. Repeat this step for every debug session.
  • You can also attach the debugger to the extension using its PID. Open the activity monitor, a process named "com.privateinternetaccess.vpn.splittunnel" owned by root should be present. Check its PID, in XCode select "Debug" and "Attach to process by PID or name...".

Starting the proxy

Click the buttons in this sequence: "Activate", "loadOrInstallManager", "startProxy".

Commands explanation


This will activate the network extension. A system popup will appear saying "System Extension Blocked". Open system settings/Security & Privacy and allow. Using the command systemextensionsctl list you can check the status of the extension: in the group --- the SplitTunnelProxyExtension should be present with the status:

  • [activated waiting for user] before allowing
  • [activated enabled] after allowing

This needs to run if the extension code has been modified since the last execution


This will either load any existing configuration or create a new one.


When the configuration has been created for the first time and the proxy is started, a system popup will be triggered with the message "“SplitTunnelProxy” Would Like to Add Proxy Configurations". Click Allow and check that "PIA Split Tunnel Proxy" vpn item is added in system settings/Network/VPN & Filters/Filters & Proxies and that the status is "Enabled". The root extension will be started and it possible to verify this using Activity monitor. Clicking this before activating the extension or loading the manager will result in an error.


Stops the proxy extension, the root extension process will be killed. Bear in mind that this takes ~5 seconds.


This will uninstall the proxy configuration from the system. This is required only if the proxy configuration name has changed, otherwise calling activate again will be enough.