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plasma-disassembler edited this page Dec 22, 2016 · 54 revisions

Welcome to the PLASMA disassembler wiki!




  • make plasma pip-installable issue #60
  • mips: unsigned int immediate bug
  • mips: delay slot with pc, the pc is the address of the current instruction, not of the delay slot instruction


Stack :

  • stack variables for MIPS64
  • canary detection
  • set type on variables

Analyzer :

  • unicode strings
  • function detection : actually it checks first if the prolog is known, otherwise nothing is done. But if the function is in a code section we should force to analyze the function.
  • improve analyzer performances : memoryview or c_types : a disassembling is done on a block which is every time copied. It requires to modify the capstone api
  • mips: auto detect the value of gp
  • detect syscalls during the analysis, not at the decompilation
  • jump-tables for MIPS/ARM
  • detect exceptions (try/catch)

Visual :

  • unsensitive case search
  • better printing of PE imports
  • reload automatically if the analyzer has modified the content in visual
  • binary search history
  • console in the visual ?

Elf :

  • import symbols from so : CLE does, but I've not copied this part

Memory map :

  • cleanup
  • communicate with analyzer/visual -> cursors on the map
  • zoom

Features :

  • visual popup to modify : flags (noreturn #47)
  • multi-lines comments
  • vtables
  • structure, enum
  • Mach-o
  • text search ? will be unfortunately inefficient, it requires to disassemble all the binary
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