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PreEmptive Analytics is a suite of products that allows you to gather information about how your application or site is used as your users interact with it, in real time. This data can be sent to different endpoints. By default, the API sends the data to the PreEmptive Analytics Commercial Endpoint, which allows for aggregation and analysis. You can obtain a copy of the license for this product at or by downloading the package from the downloads page at

Including instrumentation in your site

  1. Include the API library in each page of your site or application, or in a common header file using one of the following:

    a. The latest version of the API library:

     <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>

    b. The latest revision of a specific version of the API library (eg. 1.1.x):

     <script type="text/javascript" src="//" /></script>

    c. A specific revision of the API library (eg. 1.1.0):

     <script type="text/javascript" src="//" /></script>

    For debugging purposes, you may replace .min. with .src. in the path to load the un-minified version of the API library.

  2. Call the RI.appStart() function, passing the settings that you wish to use.

  3. Call additional API functions to record session and feature usage, and to report errors as they occur.

Initialization and session lifecycle

RI.appStart( settings, properties )

Initializes the PreEmptive Analytics API and send a session start message. Run loaded plugins' start functions. This function must be called before any other messages can be sent.

  • settings : An object containing initialization settings. Supported keys are:
    • companyId : Required. A self-generated UUID string to represent the unique business entity sending messages.
    • companyName : Optional. Your company name string.
    • appId : Required. A self-generated UUID string to represent this application or site.
    • appName : Required. A string containing the name of this application or site.
    • appVersion : Required. A string containing the version number of this application or site.
    • endPoint : Optional. A URI string specifying the endpoint to use when sending messages. If omitted, the default endpoint URI will send messages to the PreEmptive Analytics Commercial Endpoint.
    • instanceId : Optional. A variable to access or function to call to retrieve a user-specific identifier (such as a hashed login name or serial number) for compiling usage data by individual user. If omitted, no user-specific data is collected or displayed.
    • optIn : Optional. A variable to access or function to call to retrieve a boolean indicating whether the user has explicitly opted in or out of data collection. You are free to use whatever mechanism you want to provide this value. If omitted, the alternative opt-out mechanisms are checked. If no opt-out value is located, the API defaults to sending analytic message data.
    • sessionId : Optional. When set to a value returned from a previous call to appStart, the API initialization is performed within the context of the indicated session. No start messages are sent. See Session Management for an example.
  • properties : An optional object containing arbitrary string or numeric properties to attach to the session start message.

This function returns a session Id that may be used for subsequent calls to appStart. See Session Management for an example.

Sample Code:

var config={
	companyId: "9cc594a3-07a7-4273-9579-03f71e81ca6a",
	companyName: "Sample Company",
	appId: "fcc594a3-07a7-4273-9579-03f71e81ca6a",
	appName: "Sample Code",
	appVersion: "1.0"
//optional properties
var props={
	stringprop: "test value",
	numprop: 1234.5678
RI.appStart(config, props);

RI.appStop( properties )

Send a session stop message. Run loaded plugins' stop functions. Prevent further messages from being sent. Use of this function is optional, and is useful if your application or site has the concept of an explicit session end (such as a 'log out' action).

  • properties : An optional object containing arbitrary string or numeric properties to attach to the session stop message.

Sample Code:


Feature usage

RI.featureTick( featureName, properties )

Send an instantaneous feature message.

  • featureName : A string containing the name of the feature to report.
  • properties : An optional object containing arbitrary string or numeric properties to attach to the feature tick message.

Sample Code:


RI.featureStart( featureName, properties )

Send a feature start message. Paired with a feature stop message of the same name, the duration of the feature use will be calculated. Nested feature starts are supported.

  • featureName : A string containing the name of the feature to report.
  • properties : An optional object containing arbitrary string or numeric properties to attach to the feature start message.

Sample Code:


RI.featureStop( featureName, properties )

Send a feature stop message. This must be paired with a feature start message of the same name. A lone feature stop message will be ignored.

  • featureName : A string containing the name of the feature to report.
  • properties : An optional object containing arbitrary string or numeric properties to attach to the feature stop message.

Sample Code:


Error reporting

RI.errorUncaught( error, contact, comment, properties )

Report an Error object that has been not been caught within any catch block and has been surfaced by the runtime's onError event. The error details as well as a stack trace will be captured by the endpoint.

  • error : The Error object to report.
  • contact : An optional string containing contact information provided by the user. You are free to gather this information via whatever mechanism you choose. You should collect this information after the error has occurred, so that the end user can choose to provide a contact address to be used for following up on the error being reported.
  • comment : An optional string containing a free-form comment provided by the user. You are free to gather this information via whatever mechanism you choose. You should collect this information after the error has occurred, so that the end user can choose to provide some details about what they were doing when they experienced the error.
  • properties : An optional object containing arbitrary string or numeric properties to attach to the error reporting message.

Sample Code:

RI.errorUncaught(new Error("uh oh.."), "", "optional comment...");

RI.errorCaught( error, contact, comment, properties )

Report an Error object that has been caught within a catch block. The error details as well as a stack trace will be captured by the endpoint.

  • error : The Error object to report.
  • contact : An optional string containing contact information provided by the user. You are free to gather this information via whatever mechanism you choose. You should collect this information after the error has occurred, so that the end user can choose to provide a contact address to be used for following up on the error being reported.
  • comment : An optional string containing a free-form comment provided by the user. You are free to gather this information via whatever mechanism you choose. You should collect this information after the error has occurred, so that the end user can choose to provide some details about what they were doing when they experienced the error.
  • properties : An optional object containing arbitrary string or numeric properties to attach to the error reporting message.

Sample Code:

	throw new Error("something bad happened!");
    RI.errorCaught(e, "", "optional comment...");

RI.errorThrown( error, contact, comment, properties )

Report an Error object that has been thrown by the throw keyword. The error details as well as a stack trace will be captured by the endpoint.

  • error : The Error object to report.
  • contact : An optional string containing contact information provided by the user. You are free to gather this information via whatever mechanism you choose. You should collect this information after the error has occurred, so that the end user can choose to provide a contact address to be used for following up on the error being reported.
  • comment : An optional string containing a free-form comment provided by the user. You are free to gather this information via whatever mechanism you choose. You should collect this information after the error has occurred, so that the end user can choose to provide some details about what they were doing when they experienced the error.
  • properties : An optional object containing arbitrary string or numeric properties to attach to the error reporting message.

Sample Code:

var e=new Error("something bad happened!");
RI.errorThrown(e, "", "optional comment...");
throw e;

Attaching arbitrary properties (extended keys)

All functions have a last, optional parameter named properties which is a hash to be used for attaching arbitrary string or numeric properties (known as extended keys) to the message to be sent. The type - string or numeric - of the property is used by the PreEmptive Analytics Commercial Endpoint when determining what metrics to display. For example, numeric properties will show an average. This is useful for counts of things, but less useful if the value you attach is more arbitrary (for example, a zip code). In these instances, you will want to use the explicit syntax described below to indicate that the portal should interpret these values as strings.

The properties hash accepts properties as either key: value (where the type of the value is inferred automatically) or key: object (where the type of the value is explicitly specified by a property name in the object). If the value is a variable, its value is used as the value. If the value is a function, it will be executed and its return value will be used as the value. If the value is some other non-string/non-number object, it will be converted to a string and that string used as the value. If the value is null or empty string, the extended key will be omitted.

The object used in a key: object property must contain a key: value pair in the form {s: "42"} for a string value or {n: 42} for a numeric value. Any other keys are ignored. If both are specified, the string value (s key) is used. If a numeric value is selected but the value is not a number, the extended key will be omitted.

Sample Code:

var strfn=function(){
	return "foo bar";
var numfn=function(){
	return 123.456;
var props={
	string1: "foo bar",
	string2: {s: "foo bar"},
	string3: strfn,
	num1: 123.456,
	num2: {n: 123.456},
	num3: numfn
RI.featureTick("send keys", props);

Opt-out mechanisms

While you are free to collect analytics data in any way and in accordance with any privacy policy you wish, allowing your users to opt-in to collecting usage information is not only standard in the industry, it's also the right thing to do for your users. The PreEmptive Analytics API supports three methods for allowing your users to opt-in or out of data collection.

  1. The PreEmptive Analytics API will disable data collection if the user has enabled the Do Not Track feature available in many modern browsers. The browser must support accessing the value of the Do Not Track preference via Javascript. If the user is using IE8+ or higher and has enabled InPrivate Filtering, data collection will also be disabled. If you wish to provide more inclusive support for the Do Not Track preference, you can capture the value of the DNT HTTP header in your server-side code and provide it to the API via one of the other two opt-out mechanisms.

Note: PreEmptive Analytics For Team Foundation Server respects the DNT HTTP header and will discard any message that has it enabled. It is recommended that developers disable their browser's Do Not Track feature while adding analytics to their applications.

  1. Set a cookie named RI_sendDisabled to either 0 for opt-in or 1 for opt-out. A value of 0 (for opt-in) will override the user's Do Not Track preference, if specified.

  2. Collect the user's opt-out preference manually, and pass it to the RI.appStart() function by using the optIn property of the settings object. You can set the value of the optIn property to a variable to access or function to call to retrieve a boolean indicating whether the user has explicitly opted in or out of data collection. If a boolean value is provided here (either opt-in or opt-out) it will override both the value of the RI_sendDisabled cookie and the user's Do Not Track preference. If the value is null or some other type, it will be ignored.

Session management

Often, you will want to track web application user sessions across multiple pages in your application. To do this, you can store the API's sessionId on the client, and use it to re-initialize the API on each page. When the API is initialized with a sessionId, it will not send start messages at initialization time, and all other messages will contain the given session Id.

Sample Code:

			// use sessionStorage to cache the sessionId in the broswer.
			var sessionId = null;
			if ( sessionStorage.getItem("PA_API_SESSION") ) {
				sessionId = sessionStorage.getItem('PA_API_SESSION');
			sessionId = RI.appStart({
				companyId: "9cc594a3-07a7-4273-9579-03f71e81ca6a",
				companyName: "Sample Company",
				appId: "fcc594a3-07a7-4273-9579-03f71e81ca6a",
				appName: "Sample Code",
				appVersion: "1.0",
				sessionId : sessionId
			// store the sessionID to be used for subsequent initializations


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